Wednesday, August 7, 2024

HOW CLOSE ARE WE? To the second coming of CHRIST?

 Greetings to all who are curious,

About what? About the end times!

God bless you today.

I have been gone for awhile. I'm not going to belabor this because many of you know already.  2 years have come and gone since I was last with you--My life's partner and wife, Brandy Cook went home to be with the Lord: She was my number 1 concern during that time but now its time for me to re-engage! SO--here goes--!

There is so much to write about so lets take it from the top;  FIRST, The Biblical book of ISAIAH is incredibly important to anyone who studies prophecy; It proclaims things about the future and about the very end of the END TIMES and is incredibly important to everyone who sincerely desires to know what is ahead for mankind. For example--Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 prophecies about JESUS the Christ of God and this prophecy was written in about the eighth century B.C. HUNDREDS of years before HE was born! 

It says "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Child is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."---

ALL names in reference to the Holy One of Israel, JESUS the Christ of God!

And, in chapter 11 verses 1 and 2, He is described as follows; "There shall come forth a ROD OF IRON,    from the stem of Joseph (Jesus fathers name), and a BRANCH (followers of Christ) shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord"!

I quote these things to give you some background. Later in chapter 17, we see prophesied the destruction of the City of Damascus--a yet future event!  So? How does this all fit in with the end tines???

We do not know perfectly what God has in mind for the future but we can see our Bibles and what is happening in our world today.  Right now for example, we see the separation of ISRAEL from the nations of the world. Right now we see an alliance between IRAN, CHINA and RUSSIA, which has NEVER-EVER happened before! In fact BEFORE--these nations have been bitter enemies! And what is bringing them together? A shared hatred of all things JEWISH!!! ISRAEL!!!

Look at a map of the Middle East; You will find a very tiny strip of land--ISRAEL surrounded on three sides by Muslim nations and on one side, the Mediterranean Sea. I have been to Israel 9 times. You can drive the entire country North to South in one day. Surrounding Israel are Muslim countries with huge reserves of undeveloped land and yet NONE of these countries will accept any of the MUSLIM inhabitants of the GAZA strip--previously part of Israel.  No, no, they insist that tiny ISRAEL give these people--PALESTINIANS, a homeland of ISRAEL's land! AND YET--they already have GAZA!

Many folks don't like it BUT the Biblical book of ZECHARIAH  2:8 declares very loudly---"FOR THUS SAYS THE LORD of hosts, He sent me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; For he who touches you, TOUCHES THE APPLE OF HIS EYE!!!--Emphasis mine.

Scripture is speaking about ISRAEL here--described by GOD as the very center of His eye!!

It is a very dangerous thing to come against Israel for ANY reason! BY ANYONE!!!

No one on this earth knows the exact timing of end times events. But there is little doubt that we are getting extremely close. My lifetime or yours? Maybe! No one but God Himself knows for certain.

Regarding the Palestinian people? I pray for them--and I urge you to as well.  FOR THEIR SALVATION!

But ALWAYS be in prayer for the APPLE OF GODS EYE!  

ISRAEL!  God bless you all in JESUS name!

P.S. Many articles to follow!                


Pastor Rance             

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