Dear friends and readers
I promised to write an article outlining a very possible scenario for future worldwide events that will effect all of mankind. THIS IS IT! Part 1. Part 2 coming in about two weeks.
But first, a disclaimer; I am NOT a prophet of God. Nor do I make even the slightest claim, that God has spoken to me about the contents of this article. I draw my conclusions from many years of Biblical study, majoring on the prophetic writings of the Lords prophets. There will be those who have read and studied just as long as I have who will reject my conclusions. I accept that and expect it.
This article will be frightening to some of you. If however you believe as I do that the Lord will come for His people (Rapture) before the events of the great tribulation years, then you will recognize that you have nothing to fear.
I do base my conclusions on my understanding of scripture. You are free to agree or disagree and I respect your own conclusions whether they agree with mine or not! I will begin with a overview of the order of events that seem likely to me and then explain more fully including scripture in part 2.
Also of note is my rejection for many years that the United States could in fact be MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Revelation chapter 17). My rejection was based on the fact that I could find no substantiating evidence to support that conclusion.
I was wrong! And now that is exactly what I believe---explained later in part 2.
NO ONE KNOWS THE TIMING OF THE RAPTURE as outlined in both first and second Thessalonians. My advice is to stay away from anyone trying to set dates for that event. But I will begin my scenario with that event;
RAPTURE. (Occurs in Revelation chapter 4).
World in complete and thorough chaos. Hundreds of millions have disappeared and the United States has been left decimated.
Massive nuclear attack on what is left of the United States, post rapture. By either Russia or China---most probably Russia. This is the destruction of Babylon the Great! The USA has huge military installations near both the Northern and Southern boarders. An attack of this magnitude would do incalculable harm to both Canada and Mexico.
Signing of peace pact by the anti-christ between Israel and her neighbors--to include agreements allowing Israel to build the third Temple.
Attack on Israel by Gog from the land of Magog and his hordes. Gog being Russia.
Complete annihilation of Gog's armies---down to 1/6th of it's strength. NOTE: GOGS ARMY COMPRISED MOSTLY OF MUSLIM NATIONS! The destruction will be wrought SUPERNATURALLY by God Himself. Israel will not have to fight this battle.
Concurrent destruction by God of the coastland areas of the nations who have assisted in this massive attempted attack. Basically rendering current Muslim nations incapable of being a major power player in the future war of Armageddon.
Israel begins to destroy the weapons of Gog's massive army---which will take Israel 7 years to accomplish.
Israel will take 7 full months to bury the dead of Gog's army.
During the first 3 1/2 years of the great tribulation period, Israel will build the third Temple and the anti-christ becomes very powerful but appears to be a man of peace.
At the 3 1/2 year mark of the tribulation years, satan will enter the anti-christ who will have been killed by a head wound and raised from the dead. The false prophet will emerge.
The anti-christ desecrates the third Temple and declares himself to be God.
During the seven years, millions who missed the rapture will come to Christ through the 144,000 of Revelation chapter 7 and the two witnesses of chapter 11.
After the 3 1/2 year mark the anti-christ and false prophet will persecute and kill both Jews and gentiles who have become followers of Christ. Many by be-heading. It is during this time that the mark if the beast becomes a requirement for all of mankind.
The anti-christ's goal will be worldwide subjugation. The nations of the East---Asia, Perhaps Japan, the Koreas, China for sure, will increasingly reject the anti-christs leadership and desire for world domination.
The anti-christs power base and weaponry will be whatever may be remaining of the United States stockpiles plus the European and Hispanic cultures and misc people groups, perhaps Southern Africa and so forth.
Near the end of the 7 years of tribulation, a massive 200 million man army will march out of the East to confront the forces of anti-christ in the valley of Megiddo in Israel.
Return of true Christ from heaven, leading His army riding white horses. His army in reality is the BRIDE OF CHRIST (the Raptured church made up of both Jew and gentile followers of Christ), of Revelation chapter 19 who are returning to the earth after the WEDDING SUPER OF THE LAMB--which was completed in heaven--Revelation chapter 19:7-9.
Christ stops Armageddon and destroys His enemies. The BRIDE is only a witness and does not participate in this final destruction,
Then comes the Lord, taking captive satan and locking him in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. And throwing both the anti-christ and the false prophet into the everlasting lake of fire burning with brimstone.
The beginning of the thousand year reign of Christ on earth.
NOTE: Obviously there are very many other things interspersed with these main events.
In Part two--published in about two weeks, I will explain my rational for the timing I have ascribed to these events--accompanied by scripture.
Chew on this and we will get to the meat of things in the next article.
God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. Do you doubt the destruction of the mighty United States? Every single world power in history has been destroyed or fallen into a second nation status if it survived at all. And we know that GOG from the land of Magog WILL happen. Israel could never be invaded like that as long as its foremost ally--the United States is still a capable world power.