Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Dear friends and readers,

If the famous Paul Revere were alive today, he would be riding a "chopper", wearing a MAGA cap and yelling "THE MARXIST SOCIALISTS ARE COMING, THE SOCIALISTS ARE COMING"! Paul's original warning "the British are coming" was intended to warn a fledgling American population that King George and His troops wanted to smash a rebellion from taking land and tax monies away from the King.

Todays warning would be very different. What became a massive bastion of the free world---the United States of America, is now besieged from within. No country on earth let alone a vastly diminished British Empire could even come close to defeating the United States military. No, today the country is ripping itself apart from within. Political parties have changed entirely, their basic platforms from a mere 50 years ago and both of the major parties (Democrat and Republican) are so fractured that they can barely function let alone agree on the slightest legislation. In the meanwhile a voter revolt of sorts is shaping up big time. And some might even argue, a second civil war.

I have served now as a pastor in a foreign country for most of my 34 years of ministry life. But, I love the Stars and Bars and my Constitution in the United States. I love the fact that when I am in the States I do not have to submit to military check points as I do frequently in the country I minister in. Americans have the greatest freedoms on planet earth. And they have the opportunity in a free enterprise system to become as wealthy as their own skills will allow. They can worship as they please (although that right is under increasing attack) and they can drive from coast to coast without ever one time producing a passport. The good ole US of A is still a great place in many ways but frankly in many others, it no longer resembles the country I grew up in.

Perhaps it is because I have been away for so long (with occasional visits back home) but the differences I now see and what I once saw are glaring. Not the landscape or freedoms for sure. But the lackadaisical attitudes on the part of so many people coupled with an obvious feelings of ENTITLEMENT! Having said that, there are millions of hard working Americans who delight in earning their own way. But somehow in quick order the nation has also developed millions who think they deserve a free ride. Welfare, food stamps, freebies galore all on the Government dole---paid for by other folks who work hard for their money. Somehow we as an American society have allowed a sort of "ROBIN HOOD" mentality to sneak up on us. Take from the rich and give to the poor.

In cases of very real hardship, health and so forth, I am not against helping people in need but many generations have now come and gone since "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" was promised as part of the American dream. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that phrase accredited to President Frankly D. Roosevelt---a Democrate. Not so, in fact it was actually a campaign slogan of a Republican contender for the presidency, Herbert Hoover in 1928 coming into the Great Depression. Hoover served one term and was defeated by Roosevelt in 1933 and it was he who had to deal with the aftermath of the Great Depression plus WWII.

My point is that welfare and its attendant production of people feeling entitled to government dole is not knew. But since the Great Depression, welfare in many forms has all but bankrupted the greatest nation on the face of the earth which is now saddled with a national debt well over 21 TRILLION dollars and growing by the minute.

America and the American dream has always been an experiment which has also been the envy of the entire world. With a free enterprise system also comes great thinkers and thinking.

And now with a very controversial President and Covid 19, our economy has taken a tremendous dive. Businesses are going under, many states are still in lock down and on top of all that, civil unrest and violent destruction are sweeping the nation. Fear is creeping in to every single aspect of our society and "political correctness" is the name of the game. Into the breach steps groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The latter now labeled by our President as a domestic terror organization which I fully agree with. Can anyone tell me why those criminal thugs are not in jail? And while your at it please tell me why so few of our elected officials are not screaming to make that happen?

Have you ever looked up the website of Black Lives Matter? You owe it to yourself to do so because they are openly a Marxist anti American organization with completely and totally antithetical Biblical agendas including the promotion of the LGBTQ lifestyles. Check for yourself at

These people have no purpose other than the destruction of the United States as we know it and could care less about the black community and in particular black members of the Christian faith. And in both cases of the 2 above stated, phony organizations, they are attempting to rewrite history by tearing down statues and ripping up books and old classic movies that in the slightest way "THEY SAY" is representative of white supremacy. The term used is "SYSTEMIC RACISM"! That term if true would mean that every single system, program or benefit, either government of private in the United Stated  is skewed toward racist views of depressing the black population or other minority groups.

HOGWASH! Pure and simple non sense. Now that does not mean that there are not still prejudiced people because there are. But that is the fault of a fallen world populated by fallen mankind and cannot be regulated or done away with by passing laws against it. And the ONLY sure cure for racism is a solid repentant relationship with Jesus Christ. But this article is not about the church.

So let me be clear on a number of key points---coming from the perspective of a man born in 1944 and having served in three careers: Law enforcement beginning way back in the 60's when riots were the name of the game coupled with extremely violent union strikes, the beginnings of a very real women's rights movement and the "free love" generation of Woodstock fame. Secondly, having served in the Marine Corps reserve for 24 years and now in my 34 th. year of full time Christian ministry. Strange that in none of the above did people of different colors have a hard time getting along. And in fact never once in my hearing was color mentioned or became an issue.

The fiction of SYSTEMIC racism is exactly that. FICTION! In all three of my careers I have noticed that blacks and whites and browns and all of the above get along in the most part just fine without government interference. Also without the unrelenting false pressure and agitations caused by some (certainly not all) civil rights leaders, many of whom have become filthy rich while the masses of the people they supposedly represent are living below the poverty level. And if they and organizations like Black Lives Matter are so sincerely concerned about young black folk then why are they not doing something to help fix it? Why are there not programs to help keep black fathers in the household? Why are they building abortion clinics in back neighborhoods? Why are they not  doing something to help in some of the major cities who's murder rate of young blacks is primarily at the hands of other young black men?

Why are the police to blame for all of Americas sins? When an actual very small percentage of death today is caused by police shootings? NOTE!!! If there is a dirty cop out there by all means prosecute but do not blame the men and women in uniform who honor the badge that they wear nation wide and risk their own lives daily to keep civilization up and running.

And leave off with the WHITE SUPREMACIST diatribe because you are not fooling anyone. Saying such things really is racist. Toward white folks most of who do not have a racist bone in their bodies.

And wake up folks!!! Mandatory closure if churches for ANY reason is a direct assault on the First Amendment. Not to mention that in the last year alone--not only the First but also the Fourth and Sixth Amendments have been trashed and so few people seem concerned about that. Really? If that trend continues, say good by to the Constitution and if that happens say good by to the Republic! And if that happens, say good by to a free America!

Do we still have a long way to go as a nation before there is racial and gender equality? Across the board? Yes, absolutely and I am so sad that slavery ever existed.  So sorry that all women are not earning the very same money as their male counterparts. So sorry that our schools in many parts of the USA are graduating students who cannot spell or add 3 plus 3. But you know what? I have never owned a slave and neither to my knowledge has any member of my family FOREVER! I have never treated women or minorities with anything less than total respect. I had to work my butt off to get passing grades in school and have never ever used excuses for my own failings!

While I will stand solidly and vocally against any kind of racism or lack of total equality,  I will not apologize to anyone simply because God chose to have me born to white parents.

If Paul Revere were riding today, he would be yelling at the top of his lungs, "THE MARXISTS ARE COMING AND SO IS ANOTHER CIVIL WAR"! If we are not VERY careful from this point onward!

May the Lord help us all if peace is not restored very soon to the United States of America!

Pastor Rance.