Saturday, April 11, 2020

RAPTURE--- Is this Covid 19 a precursor?

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to you all in Jesus name!

Todays subject will be the imminent Rapture of the church. But first, thank you one and all for reading my articles.

Now for todays subject, and I might add, one that is probably most asked about to virtually any writer of Biblically prophetic events.  THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH.

You may be interested in reviewing another article I posted on  October 29, 2016 entitled "CAN WE PREDICT THE DATE OF THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST?"  The answer is that the generation alive during the mid point of the 7 years of tribulation most definitely will be able to know the exact date of Christ's return to earth.  What we cannot know is the date of the Rapture of the church.  Obviously two very separate and distinct events.

The event known as the Rapture is mentioned a number of times in scripture.  Three times very succinctly but there are other veiled references.  However the actual word RAPTURE cannot be found in any modern translation of the Bible.  It is a Biblical word and comes from the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible commissioned by Pope Damasus 1 in the 4th century A.D. Specifically the year 382 when St. Jerome, a prolific writer in his day was asked to translate the Bible into Latin for the Catholic Church.  Jerome actually performed this monumental feat in several stages.  The Old Testament being taken from the original Hebrew texts and the New Testament taken from the Greek texts.

This translation was used during the Middle Ages and was officially recognized and affirmed by the Council of Trent (1545-63 A.D.)

The Latin Vulgate translation for 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (specifically the words CAUGHT UP) in Latin was the word "RAPIO".  From that word came the English translation "RAPTURE".

The 3 most commonly referred to sections of scripture identifying the RAPTURE are;  1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 51-53 (The Apostle Paul speaking), "Behold, I tell you a mystery:  We shall not all sleep (DIE---My emphasis added) but we shall all be changed-in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptiple and we shall be changed.  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality".

NOTE:  Do not be fooled by those who try and deny the timing of the pre tribulation Rapture based upon the words LAST TRUMPET.  That is another article for another time and I will explain it then.

The second most commonly used area of scripture comes from 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13-18.  These scriptures actually identify the Rapture as a Biblical event.  I will leave it to you to review these scriptures as they are lengthy.

ANOTHER SPECIAL NOTE:  There are those who will try and convince you that there is either  no such thing as a Rapture or that it occurs at the very end of the years of Tribulation.  In other words they try and scare people into thinking that all of the church must also go through the years of tribulation.  This is normally justified by these people because they believe the church must become "purified".  REALLY---Was it not Jesus who purified His church on the cross with His own blood? Or, they say so the church will be on hand to preach the gospel to sinners during the tribulation.  Neither could be further from the truth.

First, we in the church are saved by grace based upon the atoning death of Christ on the cross of Calvary.  That does not mean we are perfect in any way or that we actually deserve eternal salvation.  But is does mean that someone else paid the price for our salvation that we could never pay ourselves.  Think this through friends;  If we must do ANYTHING to become purified or Holy, to earn our places in eternity, then we have just traded our salvation by grace for salvation by works.

Secondly, after chapter 4 in the book of Revelation the church is never one time referred to in any form.  The reason?  The church is no longer on earth because the Rapture has already happened.  There most certainly will be people evangelizing during the 7 years of Revelation (Rev chapter 7:1-17).  They are the 144,000 of Revelation chapter  7 and the Two Witnesses of Rev. chapter 11 verses 1-14.

For those who decry believers in a pre tribulation Rapture, allow me to quote 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 "For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ".  WRATH consistently refers to events during the 7 years of Tribulation (book of  Revelation).

The third area discussing the Rapture is Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1-12.  Again I will leave that review to you.  But please note that the Apostle Paul clearly gives us a time line or perhaps better stated a schedule of events in these scriptures.  A careful read will tell you that the church along with the Holy Spirit is clearly "taken out of the way"---Raptured, before the anti christ is revealed.

Some folks also believe the Rapture is referred to in the following scriptures but I recommend after review that you decide those issues for yourselves;  Titus 2:13,  John 14:3,  Matthew 24:30-31( better rendered as a second coming scripture),  Philippians 3:20-21,  John 14:3,  Mark 13:32,  Romans 8:18-19,  Daniel 12:1-2 (second coming scripture), Revelation 3:10 (the best of the lot in my opinion---DEFINITELY A PRE-TRIB SCRIPTURE!) These are a few things for your own study and then you decide for yourself.

Some writers refer to things like Noah's story as a Biblical example of a family chosen by God who "ROSE ABOVE" a world wide cataclysmic event.  In other words, Biblical types of a Rapture like event.  Or even Moses and his nearly 2 million followers who escaped destruction by the sword of  Pharaoh's army by walking through the waters of the Red Sea on dry ground.  Those events could be argued either way. AND OFTEN ARE!!!

There is a very interesting scripture in Song Of Solomon chapter 2 verses 10-13.  This is a love story and many theologians believe it is an example of God speaking to his Bride and also a type of  the Rapture.  Again this is something for you to decide but this area of scripture is powerful and full of excitement and fervor.  As you read this know that many believe that the mention of the "fig tree putting forth her green figs" is reminiscent of Jesus prophecy (Parable of fig tree) in Matthew chapter 24 verse 32-35 with the express meaning of Israel once again becoming a nation of May 14, 1948.

It is interesting that Hosea chapter 9 verse 10 speaks of Israel and the Israelite "FATHERS" as the first fruits on the fig tree.  Other references to Israel possibly being the "fig tree" can be found in Joel chapter 1 verse 7 and Revelation chapter 6 verse 13.

Then the reference to "Rising up---and coming away" if nothing else, is fascinating for the Rapture ready folks to contemplate.

SONG OF SOLOMON Chapter 2 verses 10-13 "My beloved spoke, and said to me, rise up my love, my fair one, and come away.  For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;  The flowers appear on the earth;  The time of the singing of the birds is come, the voice of the turtledove is heard in the land;  The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell.  Arise my beloved, my fair one and come away."

Interesting that this takes place in the Spring of the year.  Also interesting that the Spring of 2017 heralded the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the Nation of Israel who's Messiah is Yshua Ha Mashiac, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world.  For those of you who enjoy the study of numerology, you will recognize 7 or any derivative of 7 as God's perfect number of completion. Does any of that signify we are close to the rapture? Only God knows for certain.

I said earlier that no mention is made of the church after chapter 4 in the book of Revelation.  However I believe that the church, made up of both Jew and Gentile believers is the Bride of Christ who clearly arrives back onto the scene (earth during the battle of Armageddon) in chapter 19 verses 7-9 in Revelation.  Then in chapter 21 verse 9 the reader is invited to see the Bride, the Lamb of God's Wife.

Are these events valid depictions of Biblical "types" of the Rapture and of the Bride of Christ?   What I know for certain is that the Rapture is very real.  It will happen in God's good and perfect timing.  It is an Imminent event, which means that nothing must take place prophetically before the Rapture comes upon believers and followers of the Son of God.

In closing I would like to introduce you to something that has been lost to much of the church.  Leviticus 23 lists several feasts and days of repentance that God instituted millennia ago.  I will do an in depth article about these most significant days at a later time but please know that both Old and New Testament scriptures refer to these particular days.

There are 4 in the Spring of the year and 3 in the fall.  None in the winter or summer although 2 were later  added by the Priesthood during the Winter months to commemorate  Hanukkah (Festival of Lights), and Purim (Miracles of Queen Esther's time).


It is fascinating that these all happened in the Spring of the year and that the final events of Jesus death and resurrection from the grave happened exactly on these days.

Jesus Died on PASSOVER

He was buried on UNLEAVENED BREAD

He was resurrected exactly on FIRST FRUITS

And 50 days later in Acts chapter 2, the Holy Spirit came to believers in the church exactly on the FEAST OF WEEKS (PENTECOST).  Incidentally there are serious indications that the Law of Moses  may have been  given by God (10 Commandments) on Mt Sinai also exactly on Pentecost.

That would mean that the LAW was changed to GRACE on exactly the same day well over two thousand years apart.

Coincidence?  I don't think so.

So what about the Fall feasts or perhaps we should call all of them God's Biblically appointed times?

Think of this;  If Jesus fulfilled all the Spring Feasts exactly at His first coming,  is it possible that sometime in the future He could also fulfill exactly the Fall feasts? Through the events of the rapture and His second coming? Two events separated by 7 years?

1). Could Rosh Hashanah (TRUMPETS) someday fulfill the Rapture of the church?  By the way TRUMPETS in Leviticus 23 signified the prophetic future regathering of Israel.  Could Trumpets be the  gathering (to Christ in the air) of the church?

2). Could YOM KIPPUR (THE DAY OF ATONEMENT) someday fulfill the Second Coming of Christ?

3). Could SUKKOT (TABERNACLES) someday fulfill the beginning of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ upon this earth? Remember that the angel told Joseph that Mary would bear a son and that HIS NAME would be IMMANUEL--translated "GOD WITH US"!

Interesting.  No predictions here but provocative to say the least.  Right now the entire world is embroiled in a catastrophic illness--a virus called Covid 19. No one so far really knows what it is or how to defeat it.

At the very same time, during this Passover season, ALL OF ISRAEL is locked up in their houses PRECISELY on Passover for the very first time in 3000 years since the original Passover of Moses time. God locked them away so HIS chosen people would be spared from the death angel which was about to take a terrible toll on the Israelites slave masters. Why is ISRAEL locked away in their houses again? To avoid and be protected from a death threat by an unseen virus killing hundreds and thousands throughout the earth.  Is this an indication that the rapture may soon be upon us? Once again, the answer is that ONLY GOD knows for certain.

Is Covid 19 sent by God as some kind of divine retribution on the nations of the earth because of??? Abortion? Crime? Drugs? Prostitution? Sexual deviancy? And the lost goes on and on.

That IS being speculated upon by many these days, but frankly I do not know. The bottom line is that NO ONE this side of heaven knows the date of the rapture. Since the rapture is an imminent event (likely to happen at anytime), I look for it every single day of my life and I am disappointed every single day that it is delayed. Doe's my antennae rise (quit a bit actually) every year coming into the High Holy days represented by 1). TRUMPETS 2). DAY OF ATONEMENT 3). TABERNACLES?

YUP it sure does but that is wishful thinking on my part. Does it make sense that Jesus would fulfill the fall feasts in exactly the same way that He did the Spring feasts? Sure. But then once again we cannot possibly think on the same level as GOD! And regardless of what makes sense to me, the Lord could come for His people before I print out the next letter of this article. Or He could tarry another hundred years. But I don't think so.

Folks, avoid date setters at all cost.  They have failed, one and all.  On the other hand look around you and tell me what you see happening throughout the world?  Is it good or bad?  Is is obviously getting worse across the board? Spanning increasing wars? Strange plagues? Changes in weather? Earth quakes? Terrorism and insane levels of violence and hatred? Droughts? Famines? Unexplained appearances of BILLIONS of locusts devouring vast swaths of the African and other continents? Vast increases in social (sin) issues that were not seen to this degree just 40 to 50 years ago?

Then remember Jesus words to Nicodemus and elsewhere in the book of Matthew.  Clearly we should be able to recognize the "signs of the times".  NO ONE can tell you when the Rapture will happen.  The question is;  Are we ready?

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

HELP TO AVOID COVID 19?? Maybe--maybe not--you decide!

Dear friends and readers,

Is there a possible way to help you avoid contracting covid 19? Maybe--maybe not but I want to share with you what I have discovered. I know before hand that some will say "that is simply false hope and not based upon any science"! Maybe so. But it is what my self and my family are doing.

I am NOT a doctor!
I am NOT a scientist!
I have absolutely zero right to give anyone medical advice!
I am NOT recommending that you do anything!

But as friends, I will tell you what I have discovered and then you do your own research, check with your own doctor and then you decide for yourself.

My study has revealed to me that Coronavirus (covid 19) has a PH factor ranging from 5.5 to around 8.5

So my question was? If I increase the alkalinity in my body to ABOVE those levels will it help me in any way to stave off the effects of covid 19? Or if contracted, at least lesson them? A brother sent me a chart that really got my attention and because I have about 40 years of experience with raising my alkaline levels, this made sense to me.

First, a short testimony; During all of my law enforcement years I had horrible and I do mean HORRIBLE acid reflux. I tried every single over the counter remedy known to man. NO WORKIE FOR ME!!! What did work was standard plain ole baking soda a couple of times per day. 1 Large teaspoon mixed in a full glass of water. DOWN THE HATCH! Baking soda has a roughly maximum alkaline PH factor of 9.0 And I used this for 40 years DAILY!

Doctors would tell me that using baking soda was not good for me. But when I asked them why---each and every time---the response was "well that's what they taught me in medical school". So I continued my twice daily and it worked.

After all those years, I somehow managed to develop a huge hernia in my diaphragm. During the surgery my doctor also repaired that little flapper which allowed stomach acid to work its way upward.  So after 40 long years, NO MORE ACID RELUX!!!

I am now 75 and next month 76 (that's a hint---cash birthday presents gladly received ---JUST KIDDING (-:). As is the case with most men my age, my prostate is enlarged but I do not have many of the same problems that other men do. I sleep through the night etc etc etc! Maybe that is just genetics at work.  But I believe it is because I was unknowingly creating a constant alkaline environment in my body for 40 years. Lower acid/higher alkaline. If you are about to write me and tell me I have no clue what I am talking about please don't. That's been tried. I SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT and also don't have some of the other little "nasties" that most men do in my age bracket. At least for now.

So I do believe in the benefits if drinking baking soda and after so many years, actually acquired a taste for it.

I did some homework and found that ALL of the following food products have a higher and in some cases MUCH higher PH factor than covid 19.

Lemon 9.9 PH
Lime 8.2
Avocado 15.6
Garlic 13.2
Mango 8.7
Tangerine 8.5
Pineapple 12.7
Dandelion 22.7
Orange 9.2

They say that some cancers do not thrive in a high alkaline environment. I have no idea about a virus but it does beg the question?  And it sure does not seem, at least so far that the authorities have a clue! Any guarantees in eating higher alkaline foods?  No, but it can't hurt and in my family we are stocking up. And what is the worst that can happen? We eat lots and lots of great fruit. I'm not too big on breakfast but I think I will start the day with a glass of great baking soda, a Mango fruit salad and a cup of dandelion tea!

I want to stress what I began with! I am not recommending any change of diet or medical advice to you. Nor promising you that if you up your alkaline intake, it will have any positive health effects. I am merely telling you what We are doing in our household---along with the hand washing, social distancing etc. GOOD CITIZENS AND GOOD NEIGHBORS!

Do your own homework and you decide for yourself.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.
Mango anyone?