Tuesday, December 11, 2018

BIBLICAL PLAGUES--are they returning?

Dear friends and readers,

NO ONE likes to think about disaster. But as believers, we must not also be the ostrich with his head in the sand. Really strange---should I even whisper it? REALLY WEIRD things are beginning to happen worldwide!

What we think of as natural disasters are increasing at an alarming rate. I seriously doubt that ANYONE could deny that today---not even those who deny the Bibles veracity. Of course many, particularly in the scientific and political communities will loudly proclaim that it is all mankinds fault and that Global Warming is destroying the planet.

Oh, Oh how silly of me, I completely forgot that it is all Donald Trumps fault and before him George Bush. Of course if you happen to dwell on the other side of the political isle, then your obvious choices for ultimate boogey man are either Barack Obama or the infamous Bill Clinton.

All of whom have and are major players on the world stage in our generations but when you look back at recorded history, these men and nearly all of the great political players over the centuries are merely bit players, acting out their tiny portions of history and then a few short years later, few even remember!

But the ONE who does remember, the ONE who is really orchestrating it all sits in the heavenlies on an everlasting throne from which He Created the world and everything else in the Universe in 6 days!

Of course those who really do not understand the Bible, will claim (as did the comic Flip Wilson) that "the devil made me do it". And yes there really is a devil, lucifer, satan, the ultimate deceiver and angel of death. BUT he is not in charge!!!

God is in charge and it is He who inspired all His Holy Men and Women to play out prominent parts in the ultimate romance novel (novel as in ORIGINAL: having never been seen before).  It is the story of a Holy and Righteous God CONTINUALLY reaching out to mankind, His created beings for the purpose of wooing them into His eternal presence so He can bestow upon them unlimited grace love and mercy! This romance novel is the real deal. It is true and correct in every single detail and should be read literally because every single thing that it says really happened and will continue to happen, according to Biblical prophecy, in the future.

And that's the point isn't it? The ultimate romance novel is none other than the Holy Bible.

I know a few folks, really really nice people who say they sincerely love Jesus Christ---and yet they believe most strongly that the Bible is not a literal document but rather allegorical across the board. Difficult for me to understand that kind of thinking because, if the Bible is allegorical, the ONLY place that Jesus is identified as the Son of God and also AS GOD is within the very pages of an allegorical document which means maybe He does not exist at all?

Help me out here. Does that make even the slightest sense to you? Well, no matter because Jesus is Lord and the Bible is true and correct. What it says happened, really did happen and will happen again in the future in varying forms. I known that because King Solomon said so (Ecclesiastes 1:9) "WHAT HAS BEEN, WILL BE AGAIN"!

So lets have a little review? Mankind sinned in the Garden of Eden, which affects all of us to this very day. Murder happened and God heard the victims blood crying out to Him from the earth. Sin and homosexuality infected an entire city that was utterly destroyed by a Holy and righteous God. A woman who was in the sin of doubting God was instantly turned to a pillar of salt. An entire nation---the greatest of it's time--EGYPT-- was decimated because of rebellion against God. Later thousands of people we're swallowed up by the earth---utterly destroyed because they were in rebellion against God's appointed leader and prophet, MOSES! A God appointed king--Saul--was dethroned because he rebelled against God and dabbled in witch craft. Then there are situations like in the book of Acts when a married couple by the name of Ananias and Sapphira lied to a man of God (and by doing so lied to the Holy Spirit) and both liars dropped over dead!

Anyone considering lying to your pastor these days?? Might want to rethink that.

Israel was taken hostage by foreign kingdoms, not once but twice because they refused to follow Godly directives and because they wondered into worship of false gods. Now Israel is restored and once again a majority of the kingdoms of the world refuse to accept what God is doing.

Then we have little Biblical missives like Mathew 24 in which the King of Kings is clearly predicting kingdom rising against kingdom, famines, pestilence (disease) and earthquakes ???

But no matter, mankind is in denial; By jove, Iv'e got it! We'll simply deny that God exists, after all everyone knows that WE are really god anyway and so is "mother earth". The Bible is just a collection of dusty old stories meant to scare us! But we're not afraid, who does God think He is anyway?

It reminds me of my many years in Law Enforcement. A criminal is hooked upped in handcuffs and on the way to spend a very long time in the "cross bar hotel". And what does he say? "Who do you think you are? You can't do this to me, I'll have your badge"!

Visiting hours between 1 and 5, Saturdays only --and oh golly I know it's unfair but no conjugal visits allowed! If you can't do the time, don't do the crime! Also good advice for all those who reject what God says in His Bible and choose to live outside the limits of Godly restraint.

Few people deny that we really are living in the end days. A secular writer just last week asked, "when do you think that Jesus really will return"? Journalists, many of whom reject the very existence of God are writing FREQUENTLY about the coming of Armageddon.

And what do we see EVERY SINGLE WEEK in the news and frequently daily? Increased earthquake activity, immense fires, unimaginable floods, famine in many areas of the world and the reemergence of long dead and eradicated diseases. More and more violent terrorism, bombings, decapitations, increased martyrdom among Christians.

And just this month alone, the Saudi Desert turned white with hailstones. Lightening mixed with hail (fire and ice) in the back country if Australia. Cattle killed by huge hail stones in Swaziland. All happening at about the same time. More hail and flooding in the Saudi city of Sakakah. Fire and ice raining down upon both man and beast reminiscent of one of the plagues in ancient Egypt.

Riots in both France and Sweden. More outright hatred in the United States than I have ever come close to witnessing in my 73 years on this planet. Sin in every form not only tolerated but glorified and celebrated!

If God utterly destroyed Sodom and so closely held the line with His own Chosen People, how long do you expect Him to stay His hand from ever increasing judgement on an ever increasingly wicked world? How long before we begin seeing similar events like Ananias and Sapphira?

No, the problem is not Global Warming and Yes, mankind IS very definitely responsible.  But I personally do not believe that God somehow failed to project a huge 70 Billion worldwide population. Nor do I suspect that God somehow missed the issues of climate change.

Mankind is responsible because of everlasting and worsening levels of sin. But there is a way out---it's called salvation through Jesus Christ.

But, when do you think that the people of God will begin taking scripture like the Great Commission seriously?---Although certainly some do. It's time for the church to get busy! It's time for each and everyone of us to tell someone about Jesus---daily if possible.

It is time for each of us as believers to examine our hearts and what we really believe.

Are we really in the very end times? If so are we really living in full expectation of the coming of Jesus for His bride?


God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Dear friends and readers,

The midterm elections are now history---well almost! Several seats are yet to be determined with final vote tallies and of course there will be calls in some districts/states for recounts. So, for some observations; First I was somewhat humored to witness several politicians including the President loudly proclaim victory where in fact all that was achieved will be 2 more years of political gridlock. While I really did not like Obama's Presidency, at least he was up front when his own midterms rolled around and he admitted defeat for his party. Apparently now however the "spin machine" is well oiled and out for a spin! The President and party leaders from both sides of the isle are going to be on every national news network touting their political success.

Well I for one will not spin anything and readily admit that I was wrong in predicting that the GOP would retain the House. Not so on the Senate side and I am eternally grateful for that because it means that Trump will be able to continue appointing (and getting confirmed) lifetime Federal judges including on the Supreme Court. A fact that could well change the political---and moral landscape of the United States for up to the next 30 years. Not to mention confirmation of new trade deals with many countries who do business with the United States. AND---maybe all important, the Senate is the body that must confirm new treaties with other countries which would include nuclear and other issues of immense importance to the entire world.

On the positive side where the House of Representatives is concerned, the people have spoken and the system of checks and balances has prevailed. But for every action there is a reaction and that will play itself out BIG TIME for the next two years as Democrats take over several key House committee chairs. What I am concerned about in this season of hateful rhetoric and "get even" mentality is that the House will now become nearly 100% obstructionist in their thinking and when that happens logjam is the natural expected outcome. Trump can probably expect even more attempts at investigations of various kinds across the board not to mention constant threats of impeachment, and also since the House controls the nations purse strings, his "build the wall" agenda may be severely hampered. Not to mention a possible attempt to restart Obama care for health related issues.

Looks like a new and extended season of nasty civil war between political parties has just begun.

And speaking of obstructionist, we all need to remember that no bill EVER passes without the Presidents signature. Unless of course there is a Congressional override and with the Senate solidly in the hands of the GOP that simply will never happen. So the Democrats know going in that no matter what they want to do they have to have two things for it to work; 1). Senate ratification 2). The Presidents signature.

Then again maybe both parties will settle down and actually try working together.

If you believe that please contact me right away because I have a bridge for sale across the Everglades at bargain basement prices!

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

ELECTION UPDATE! Midterms go to the GOP.

Morning everyone,

I wrote an article on October 14 entitled "MIDTERMS, THE GOP TAKES IT IN A LANDSLIDE! That article, as is the case with all my articles was non partisan. As I have stated publicly for a very long time, I personally am a "right wing conservative" but that does not translate to REPUBLICAN! What it does translate to, is simply a man who believes in the Bible and teaches it accordingly and the Bible by any other name is decidedly CONSERVATIVE in any generation. And by todays standards is also very right wing if that means that God does not like sin and does like people who are responsible, trustworthy, good for their word and faithful to God, family and friends! Wow that was a mouthful (-:

So as I took a look at the political landscape of both major parties, and what was currently happening,  it became obvious to me that the Democratic party had no real platform and was in fact alienating increasing numbers of everyday Americans. By the way, for the record I am not a Democrat basher! Nor do I always vote along ANY political party lines but rather for whatever man or woman I see is the best for the position and acts in the most Godly, Biblical ways!

My prediction that the GOP will sweep the midterms was based upon facts on the ground as I saw them and I am posting this update today (just 5 days out from the election) to tell you that I have seen nothing that would change my mind.  So here is the deal amigo's----!

5 short days from now you will see the GOP pick up seats in both the House and the Senate!

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

MID TERMS---the GOP takes it in a landslide!

Dear friends and readers,

Earlier today I wrote an article on my Facebook feed that poked a bit of fun at myself entitled "Pastor BooBoo sticks his neck out---humbled by the hand of God and wife". Yes, unfortunately Pastor BooBoo is a name that I acquired many years ago. A story for another time.

Today I am going to stick my neck out again only this time POLITICALLY!

First some background. I dislike very much "no it alls" and particularly folks who say "I told you so". So, I cannot believe that I am actually about to do that very thing. Back before the last Presidential election, I told some friends and relatives that Donald Trump would win the election. That was not based upon any sort of political savvy on my part, it simply made sense. It made sense to me for two very important reasons; First I believed that out there in the heart of America there was a ground swell of everyday "Joe's and Josephine's" who are sick and tired of being lied to by politicians and really, really do want to see the swamp drained in Washington. Further that they were willing to take a chance on an outsider who had the "chupzpah" to say bodacious things publicly that everyday folks really do say in the privacy of their own living rooms.

Secondly, that many of these folks were not speaking up about their feelings because of the pressure exerted upon then by the false "POLITICALLY CORRECT" narative/garbage peddled by the last occupant of the White House. That on election day, these folks were going to turn out in droves to elect someone who admittedly was more than a bit braggadocios but at the core of things was also believable. And that was exactly what happened.

I still believe it today and predict right here and now that the GOP will not only carry both the House and the Senate but will do so with overwhelming results. I believe the day after the election we will see head lines that say "The GOP takes it in a landslide"!

This is not just a guess on my part. There are reasons. First, like him or love him or hate him, the Presidents numbers are going up and right now (as of yesterday) Rasmussen has him at 50% approval rating and it should be noted that this does not as yet reflect Judge Kavanaughs elevation to the Supreme Court. Nor does if reflect Trumps victory with pastor Andrew Brunsons release by the Turkish Government.  Admittedly polls like CNN and other left wing organizations have Trumps numbers in the toilet but they also did hours before he won the Presidency and the fact is that Rasmussen was the ONLY one who had it right.

The situation with Judge Kavanaugh galvanized the right wing Conservative base like absolutely nothing else could have. People were hot and they are going to show up on election day and get even. Many of these same folks are tired of seeing their tax money used for the furtherance of what many people now agree really is a witch hunt by Robert Mueller and crew. AMERICA'S right wing wants to get on with getting on. It is as simple as that! And they are going to show it with votes!

Also the Kavanaugh issue galvanized many of the previous "NEVER TRUMPERS" and the Presidents coat tails are becoming broad enough that people running on the GOP ticket are actively seeking to identify with the President, who by the way will be stumping on an extremely high level until election day. A man who has proven that he can turn out mega crowds. Like him or hate him he is Mr. Charisma to his supporters who are growing in numbers and pouring millions into Republican Senate and House candidates coffers. Also of significant note is that the Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnell seems to finally have a firm grasp on the Senate and is pushing through dozens of Federal Judges for confirmation. Another of Trumps campaign promises.

The mid term elections are on November 6th, Just 23 days from now. Unless something really horrible happens in the next 23 days, Trump who is now the undisputed master of the GOP will lead his party to over whelming victory. But then as before there are many who will sell the man short and under estimate his political savvy. That will prove once again to be a mistake.

Or not? But I personally think so! The writing is on the wall.

Have a great day in Jesus
Pastor Rance
Independent Conservative.


Saturday, September 15, 2018

Russian Bear and Chinese Dragon now in bed together!

Dear friends and readers,

Somethings are happening right now that may be indicators of much larger things to come.  Mainstream news agencies are far more interested in bashing presidents and glorifying the Hollywood elite so many people worldwide simply do not get to see interesting articles that involve vastly important, extremely powerful enemies of our vast world. People and nations with evil intent. And I might add, enemies of Christianity.

I talk a lot about Biblical prophecy, much of which has already been realized and even more that will be in the future. But, I do not believe in trying to fit prophecy into particular news events although we also cannot discount current trends that could conceivably end up becoming parts of fulfilled prophecy at some future date. It is a balancing act! The other thing I do not do is try to "sensationalize" individual events to attract readers. I just report what is happening and you decide. I don't know about you but it upsets me no end when I see articles with titles that looks like the "sky is falling" but after reading I realize it is just so much sensationalism intended to push ratings to the tops of the charts. However some headlines do need to grab attention because the results of both political and military actions by some nations are potentially bad news stuff!

Along those lines some increasingly provocative actions are currently being undertaken by both the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon. Two countries who reside next to one another and both have slightly different forms of communism in their long histories. And both of whom are practicing forms of socialism (although Russia claims to be a democracy---don't you believe it for a second). Historically these two nations have NOT been kissing cousins. Far from it because they both posses large standing armies and nuclear weapons. Even more so, vastly different types of cultures which have always led them to distrust one other. So why should we care? After all we are here and they are---WAY over there!

First both Russia and China are thought to be among the next generation of FINANCIAL super powers but the fact is that both countries spend far more on weaponry than on helping their own citizens survive and prosper. As of 2017 Russia boasts about 6,800 nuclear weapons opposed to second place United States with a mere 6,600. Not much of a difference I grant you. China on the other hand has only about 270 but then it would take a mere fractions of that number to destroy the world. Also many nuclear devices are equipped with multiple warheads so who really knows who has what and who has an advantage should a nuclear war break out. Of one thing I am certain, the various governments will never tell "John Q public" the truth!

Simply as a comparison tiny Israel is estimated to have about 80 nukes. Several other nations also have nuclear weapons but frankly of them all my bet is that it would be Israel that would pull the nuclear trigger first if overwhelmed by surrounding neighbors and facing imminent destruction. Why would I say that? Because Israel faces threats of total and complete destruction every single day while there are zero other countries facing that challenge. I do not believe that Israel would EVER allow another Holocaust, nor should they, nuclear weapons not withstanding.

As of this writing Russia and China (as stated above---centuries old enemies) are launching the largest combined war games of this century. It began last Tuesday and involves thousands of Russian troops and an estimated 3,500 or more Chines soldiers. But those are only "smoke and mirror" figures for public consumption. More realistic figures are estimated at upwards of 300,000 total soldiers, 36,000 military vehicles, 80 ships, 1,000 military aircraft  plus an untold number of helicopters and drones.

This is leading speculation among NATO partners that the real goal of these massive war games might be a possible rehearsal for a large scale conflict. As in REAL near future war. Obviously not between Russian China so that leaves the possibility of a large scale dispute between those two countries and NATO which includes the United States, France, Germany, Italy, Canada,
United Kingdom and several other countries both large and small for a total of 28. On the surface it seems silly for just two countries, Russia and China to pit themselves against 28 nations. But perhaps not when you consider China's expansion into the South China Sea and Russian saber rattling where the nation of Ukraine is concerned. Remember that Russia itself represents 11% of the worlds total landmass with China not far behind and the United States in third place. Population wise China is by and far the largest with 1 1/2 billion people, opposed to Russia with a piddling 145 million. In comparison the United States has a population of 325 million but then the U.S. also has the greatest amount of defense spending worldwide. It dwarfs both Russia and China, but far less so if you put them together as military partners.  A very complex mix.

But here is the "kicker" and why China and Russia may be trying to flex their combined muscles. In 2017 China spent a total of 220 Billion on defense, Russia 66 1/2 billion. Lots of money but compare that to the United States at 610 BILLION and of the other 27 Nato countries, France, Germany, the U.K, and Canada, alone spent a combined 191 Billion. NATO IS ONE HUGE THREAT TO RUSSIA AND CHINA, both of whom are displaying aspirations for both regional and worldwide domination.

So the real question being asked is why now? What is this huge military exercise all about between otherwise long time enemies? Plus there are other disturbing things happening that should raise the awareness of Christians worldwide.

TO SWEETEN A VERY UNSAVORY POT! China has recently launched a new program called a "SINICIZATION CAMPAIGN". What that means is fancy speak for a purge of Christians, crosses and churches. This is confiscation and burning of Bibles, destroying crosses, forcing Christians to sign documents renouncing their faith, preventing internet Bible downloads, and both closing and in some cases burning churches. A recent FOX NEWS report indicated that China is in full scale suppression of religious freedoms---not new for them but certainly increasing. And what replaces religious freedom? Forced loyalty to the atheist Chinese Communist Party. However to maintain appearances, China's government approved state authorized bibles that of course water down the Word of God immensely. And pictures of Jesus are being destroyed and replaced with pictures of China's President Xi Jinping. A government atheistic version of the true church is making it's way across China.

All of this is reminiscent of the beginnings of Soviet pogroms and Spanish inquisitions. The world is changing before our very eyes and many who watch the evening news in the United States and other western nations are not in the least bit aware of these issues. Mathew 24:9 states "Then they shall deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name sake" (JESUS SPEAKING).

We have a tendency in western countries to look upon scriptures like that as something that will happen during the future tribulation years of the book of Revelation. BUT, we should all remember that persecution of believers is something that is happing in several countries of the world at this very moment. And although it is not reported widely by news agencies, Christians being martyred for their faith is increasingly drastically in several countries of the world.

However history tells us a bit of good news in the face of terrible adversity. Fact: "THE CHURCH" always grows faster during times of persecution than during times of peace, tranquility and bounty. It is also reported that no matter what the Chinese government is doing to kill off true Christianity, the underground church is not only surviving but thriving.

The question as we see these things happening is simple. Do any of these things portent future fulfillment of Biblical prophecy? Is any of this connected in any way to the fulfillment of future Biblical prophecy?  Is the stage being set for the next act? I sincerely wish I knew for certain but of one thing I do know. The world is becoming a very dangerous neighborhood. Only time will tell what may be on the horizon. But it is time to pay attention to the signs of the times.

Please join me in praying for the Chinese Christians and their churches and may God bless them and all of us as we head into a very uncertain worldwide future! Also for the heads of western democratic free nations to see clearly what if any threats to worldwide peace may be afoot.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Waiting upon the Lord? What does that mean?

Dear friends and readers,

Today I want to expound a bit on something we frequently hear in church or during discussions between believers; "WAIT ON THE LORD"! Ok, lets do that but first it is important to understand the concept.

The command to wait upon the Lord is found in several places in both New and Old Testaments. Many of the New Testament references have to do with waiting for Christ' second coming. Old Testament style the term may well mean waiting for God's personal and providential care for individuals, families and even the nation. But in both cases there is a whole lot more inferred in the concept to "wait on the Lord" than folks may realize.

First as a general concept waiting for the Lord to speak, do, provide, answer prayer or increase knowledge is just simply what followers of the God of Creation should be doing---coupled with both faith and prayer. The questions many learn to deal with as they mature as believers are simply these; What does faith really mean? Can I trust the Lord to actually answer prayer? Does He really heal the sick? can He really be depended upon to provide my need? Oh ok, no problem trusting him for my needs but for my children? Well, that's a whole lot higher level of faith. In a nutshell all faith is can be defined in one simple word. TRUST! Do I trust God? And if the answer to that is REALLY REALLY yes, well for those kinds of folks, they do seem to experience the Lord working in their lives.

Is that scriptural? Yes it is absolutely. James 1:6-9 speaks of a testing for faith. Specifically this scripture is speaking about seeking Godly wisdom but this Biblical principle stretches across a very wide path of our lives no matter the sincere need. "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. BUT let him ask in faith (believing---trust---my emphasis added) WITH NO DOUBTING, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord"! OOH, tough words. NO doubting? How do we get there?

The simple answer is by PRESSING INTO the Lord. Not really a Biblical term but it demonstrates a point. Once again James demonstrates this concept (4:8) by telling us "DRAW NEAR TO THE LORD AND HE WILL DRAW NEAR TO YOU"! In this case the first responsibility is ours. It is God who responds. Elsewhere the New Testament refers to a sweet smelling aroma. 2 Corinthians 2:15 tells us that "WE"---believers, are the fragrance (sweet smelling aroma) of Christ, among those who are saved and among those who are perishing". I have thought about that scripture a great deal over the years and here is my take on what God is saying; I picture God the Father sitting upon His heavenly throne and breathing deeply in while saying "My son Fred, James, Joe, or my daughter Jane, Anita or Jazmine TRUSTS ME---AAAAAH! Can you picture that in your minds eye? But what would He be doing while breathing in mistrust or prayer full of doubts?

So, how does "waiting in the Lord" impact our walks and what does it specifically mean? First every single thing we do as believers should be based upon scriptural truth. God said what He meant in the Bible and meant exactly what He said. EXAMPLE; Oh how many times over the years have I had someone say to me, Pastor, have you heard about "so and so's church"? Wow all kinds of "EXTRA BIBLICAL" new gifts of the Holy Spirit are breaking out? Really? No hold on right there, if a "gift of the Holy Spirit" cannot be verified in scripture it is nothing more than a contrived super spiritualized false "whatever" that ends up leading people astray. Mankind was created in the image of a Holy and Righteous God, and jumping pews, screaming, multiple people yelling in tongues at the same time, clucking like chickens or barking like dogs is OUT OF ORDER. 1 Corinthians chapter 14 verse 40 nails it down where the gifts of the Holy Spirit are concerned (all of which I believe in by the way) "Let all things be done decently and in order"!

Next There is no EXTRA BIBLICAL anything. Period. God may not have told us everything there is to know about Heaven or our Universe but what He has told us is exactly what He wants us to know until we get there. Where prayer is concerned, there is no magic bullet or set prescriptive. Talk to God with respect as though He were your father, which by the way He is. Ask Him for what you NEED not what you want. Don't treat Him like a sugar daddy. Be patient and wait for Him to answer. On that note I have learned that sometimes God gives us (in answer to prayer) what HE KNOWS we really need rather than what we thought we needed. Example; On one occasion I remember someone prayed for money to settle debts but God instead brought physical healing which enabled that person to go back to work so debts could be paid.

Listen for God to speak to you. Some will say God only speaks through written scripture (and in fact He frequently does) but He also speaks through events, other people, nature, circumstances and sometimes through that "STILL SMALL VOICE" that was experienced by the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13. Ah you say but that was Old Testament. Right you are, it was. And it was also in the Old Testament that God said in Malachi 3:6 "I Am the Lord, I do not change"! And in the New Testament Jesus Himself said (John 10:27-28) "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow Me".

Did you notice that Jesus DID NOT say, they "WILL" as in someday, hear my voice? No, so you say why have I not heard the voice of the Lord speaking to me?  First have there been times for you that you absolutely did not know something and then suddenly you did? Or perhaps you experienced what seemed like a "knowledge or wisdom dump" into your very core? That was most likely the Holy Spirit speaking to you folks but always remember that whatever you think you are hearing or have heard from others needs to be verified with scripture. On another note, Elijah the prophet was alone in the desert, it was probably very quiet. In our world there is nearly always noise and distraction. Horns blowing, children yelling, schedules to arrange, church services on the next horizon, little league or "soccer mom" stuff competing for our time and energy.

Frequently when people pray they are the  only ones doing the speaking but do not taken the time to just sit quietly and listen, "waiting on the Lord"! Take some time and get alone in a quiet place and just speak to your Father and then sit back and listen.  When we are hurting, don't know what to do, crying out desperately to the Lord, literally sucking all the oxygen out of the room--- we probably could not hear the Lord speak to us if He were beating a brass drum! While I certainly cannot guarantee you will hear some kind of voice from without,  remember that the Holy Spirit is the one who is feeding your spirit.

Waiting on the Lord really depends upon your own attitude towards Him. 1). Are you at a place in your life in which you are ready to be completely and totally dependent upon Him? That does not mean quitting your job and waiting for buckets of money to fall from the sky. But it does mean deciding that you will 100% accept GOD deciding the terms and the timing of His plan for your life or even immediate future. 2). Trusting God with the timing of future things is a difficult thing to do for all of us. But here is something that might help you; God looks at your life differently than you do. You do not know tomorrow nor can you but God sees your birth and your passing from this earth at exactly the same time. He is Omnipresent and Omniscient. Here is an example; Picture in your mind a standard everyday yard stick. 3 feet long, one yard.  Hold that yard stick in both hands so you can see the number beginning with #1 in your left hand. Imagine that  number 1 was your birth. Number 6 was when you graduated from high school. Number 12 represents when you married and number 15 when you began having children. Today you are 40 years old and looking at number 25 on that yard stick. But number 26 is tomorrow and so you do not see what that number will represent.

God looks at the yard stick of your life from end to end, not sideways as you do. He fully knows what number 26 represents. He already knows how it will play out and He uses your prayers in your best interest but you must trust Him to do so.

Romans 5:5 "hope does not disappoint". Romans 8:19 "The creation waits in eager anticipation for the children of God to be revealed". Psalm 62:1 "For God alone my soul waits IN SILENCE (my emphasis added)---my hope is from HIM"!

Waiting for the Lord is trusting in Him to decide your fate, your future, your next move. It does not mean stopping, it means moving according to His plan for your life. Going all the way back to Exodus chapter 14:14 "THE LORD WILL FIGHT FOR YOU---YOU NEED ONLY TO BE STILL"!

Today we are blessed with credit cards, bank accounts, retirements, social security, stocks and bonds. insurance, doctors, lawyers and accountants.  All good stuff, none of it bad in itself. BUT, is it a possibility that we have become so dependent upon all those security blankets that we do not really turn to God until those things begin to fail us? Has God become the last resort?

I wonder what would happen in all of our lives if we turned to God first? I am not suggesting getting rid of the security blankets but rather depending upon the Lord to decide how that all plays out in our day to day lives.

The Biblical issue of "waiting on the Lord" actually means doing all we can DAILY and changing our perspective from stuff and things and the provisions of this world to absolute trust that our Heavenly Father will use our stuff and our circumstances to help us navigate through a hectic world. It is listening to that wee small voice just like Elijah FINALLY DID when he was running away and was deathly afraid of his own death at the hands of King Ahab and his Queen Jezabel.

When Elijah was alone and petrified and he was crying out to the Lord, God met him. God provided for Elijah the peace that passes all understanding.

Mankind has changed and so have our busy lives but God has not changed one whit!

God bless you all today,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. Sometimes I have to read my own writings so I remember as well (-:

Friday, August 24, 2018

DOSE OF REALITY, Are the Jewish people really "CHOSEN"?

Dear friends and readers,


If you follow my writings and blogs you will know that I am both a devoted Christian pastor and a devoted Zionist. By that, I mean that I fully support the current nation if Israel and the Jewish people. The "church" of Jesus Christ is made up of both Jewish and gentile peoples who have placed their faith in the Lord as their Savior. As such they should recognize that Jesus was, is and always will be a Jewish man, the Messiah of Israel and the Son of God who the Biblical book of JOHN tells us is also fully GOD who walked among us.

Unfortunately over the centuries an extremely evil, false doctrine has grown and infected many within several large denominations within the "organized" church. That false doctrine is called by various names, the most prominent among them being 1). REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY (RT) 2).  SUPERSESSIONISM. Plus a few other related names but it all boils down to innocent people having been erroneously taught that God is through with Israel and the Jewish people and that "the church" is God's current replacement. Please do not misunderstand that statement because the TRUE church of Jesus The Christ is fully anointed by God to bring salvation to all peoples of the world but that has not changed the covenant promises of God who said two very important things; 1). Jerusalem is the Apple Of God's Eye (Zechariah 2:8). 2). The Jewish people are His chosen people (Deuteronomy 7:6 plus 21 other Biblical references).

As a pastor of 34 years, I have discovered that there are two (types of) churches on this earth; 1). The true church of Jesus Christ. That church embraces the Bible and all of it's teachings as God's final authority to mankind. 2). The church of man who has embraced the Bible as a "sort of guideline" but has also developed extra Biblical documents, writings and manifestos with which they expect their people to live their lives irrespective of what the Bible actually says!

This article is not specifically about that but I am going to list below the main adherent organizations who have bought into that terrible lie of replacement theology so my readers may be fully informed. Bearing in mind that all individual members of these  organizations may not have been fooled by this false assertion and the people themselves have been "hoodwinked" into believing false doctrine about the Jewish people and Israel as a nation. But (RT) is the predominant thinking from within.

Roman Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, United Methodist, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS or MORMONS). Evangelical Lutherans of America, Presbyterian, Lutheran-Missouri Synod, African Methodist Episcopal Church, Episcopal Church, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Of America, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, United Church of Christ, Jehovahs Witness, some Church of Christ and several independent congregations.

As I type this there are several "so called Christian" organizations doing their level best to harm Israel and there are also many Middle East proponents of Israel's total destruction. For those who have actually taken the time to read the Bible, they know that Israel will never be destroyed but unfortunately as we come into the "last days, some difficult times are ahead for that tiny nation and her people. We nearly always hear from voices worldwide about how "evil" is Israel and the Jewish people. But, many folks do not realize the fantastic blessings that have come forth from those very people and the science that has been discovered through many Jews that has enabled mankind to thrive.

That is really what this article is about and you may well be surprised! First please remember that the Jewish people represent far less than 2% of the worldwide population

First and foremost think of the people throughout the centuries who have made the largest footprints on this world. Many of the most famous were JEWS; Jesus of Nazareth and His 12 disciples among whom are both the Apostles Paul and Peter plus every single writer of the New Testament. Abraham, Moses, Maimonides, Baruch Espinoza, Gustav Mahler, Neils Bohr, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and David Ben Gurion.  Other famous modern day Jews; Anne Frank, Ivanka Trump, Scarlett Johansson, Woody Allen, Daniel Radcliff, Robert Downey Jr and Harrison Ford.

39% of the most prominent 100 Psychologists during the 20th century were Jewish. 48% of the Academy Awards for best original songs were penned by Jews.  44% of all world class chess champions have been Jewish. 90 of the worlds most famous Anthropologists have been Jews. They have won Nobel prizes in Chemistry, Economics, literature, medicine, physics and PEACE! Yes, that's right in PEACE--- as the world attacks them!

All of the following were invented by Jewish scientists and physicians; Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, Hepatitis B vaccine, Lasik eye surgery and chlorination of drinking water (co-invented) with other scientists. The invention of oral contraceptives, Warfarin anti coaguant therapy, discovery of endorphins, neurotransmitters, Cortizone, Aspirin, cancer therapies, development of Streptomycin, Penicillin, the Heimlich Maneuver, revolutionizing radiation oncology, side chain theory of antibody formations, development of sodium citrate blood storage techniques plus many more.

Other Jews have invented Novocaine, helped develop techniques for local anesthesia, invented techniques for blood transfusions (back in the 1930's). The linking of pancreatic dysfunction to diabetes, discovery of ABO and other human blood groups plus RH factors. And many more within the science of Biomedical Science.

MAJOR contributions have been made by Jewish scientists and academics in the subjects of Chemistry, Computer and information science, Economics, Linguistics, Literature, Philosophy, sociology and Mathematics. They are our literary critics, and some of our best know chefs. They have been and still are many of the best known musicians, writers, authors, playwrights, poets and lyricists. They are screen writers and Pullitzer prize winners.

While I realize that for many Christians both sports and entertainment are not considered to be earth shattering achievements, still think of who it is that we go to the movies, sports arenas and sit in front of the Tele and allow ourselves to be  entertained by? And who it is that influences our next generations? Many of our best know "STARS" are Jews.

This is only a partial list by the way; Steven Segal, Natalie Portman, Carrie Fisher, Michael Douglas, Mila Kunis, Sarah Jessica Parker, Barbara Streisand, Billy Crystal, Gwyneth Poltrow, Shelly Winters, Dustin Hoffman, Mel Blanc, Melissa Gilbert, Adam Sandler, Jennifer Connelly, Bett Midler, Ed Asner, Jeff Goldblum, Liev Schreiber, Richard Dryfuss, Michael Landon, Kevin Kline, Danny Kaye, Leanard Nemoy, Gene Wilder, Heddy Lamar, Marilyn Monroe, THE FONDZ Henry Winkler, Tony Curtis, River Phoenix, Kate Hudson, Sean pen, Winona Ryder, Steve Guttenberg, Bob Dylan, James Franco, Adam Levine, Tina Louise, Lisa Kudrow, Paul Newman, Kirk Douglas, Keenan Wynn, Rod Serling, Lauren Bacall, Jack Warden, Suzanne Pleshette, Jane Seymour, Peter Lore, Jerry Seinfeld, Paula Abdoul, Jon Stewart, Walter Mathau, David Schwimmer, Alan Arkin, Edward G. Robinson, Carl Reiner, Martin Landau, Elizabeth Taylor, Rob Reiner, Sammy Davis Jr., Jamie Lee Curtis, James Caan, Jerry Lewis, Peter Falk, Goldie Hawn, Mel Brooks, Eli Wallach, Jack Benny, Dinah Shore, Melvyn Douglas, George Burns, George Segal, Adam Arkin, Elliot Gould, Dyan Cannon, Joan Rivers, Piper Laurie, Katie Couric, Tony Randall, Art Garfunkel, Lesley Ann Warren and as mentioned earlier, what would the world be without "Hans Solo and Indians Jones"---Harrison Ford?

I could go on and on here and this PARTIAL LIST has not even touched upon famous Jewish sports figures, politicians or news personalities and military heroes.

Maybe the replacement theology crowd throughout Christendom, should be asking themselves if the Bible is really the word of God? If so, did God really mean what He said about the Jewish people being His chosen ones? Jerusalem being the "Apple of His Eye"? Was He serious when He gave Abraham, Isaac and Jacob a HUGE SWATH OF THE MIDDLE EAST as an eternal inheritance?

Did He REALLY REALLY mean it when He said through the prophet Malachi "FOR I AM THE LORD, I DO NOT CHANGE"! (Malachi 3:6).

Is it really a good idea to do all you can to destroy Israel and push the Jewish people into the Mediterranean Sea? Is it a wise thing for mankind to do, to wipe out the very people that God has used in great part to find cures for illness, enrich our lives with art and literature, fight our battles for us, be some of our best known and respected role models and entertain us?

A tiny bit short sighted wouldn't you agree?

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

WHERE are the voices of outrage?

Dear friends and readers,

Every day that goes buy I feel a sense of increasing outrage. Why? Because my Bible is under attack, my free speech is under attack, my ability to speak my mind about Biblical taboos is under attack, My beautiful UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is under attack. OLD GLORY is under attack and so is both the pledge of allegiance and the National Anthem. Not to mention the 10 Commandments!

I am not a political writer but enough is enough.  Where are the voices of outrage that our great nation is being torn down brick by brick by many who have never served in uniform and somehow think that a Democracy has become something bad. That free speech (by conservative voices) should be silenced. That Christian business people must violate their Biblical beliefs by catering to people who are living well outside Biblical tenets.

America was founded by very gutsy people seeking religious freedom and the country representing "Uncle Sam" has always been a JUDEO CHRISTIAN nation. Having said that America is a place that not only allows but encourages people from all over the world to worship as they choose and whomever they choose. UNLESS of course you happen to be either a follower of Christ or a person of Jewish ancestry. Boy those two classes of people are now considered really bad, dangerous haters and have simply got to go. I DON'T THINK SO but if we allow that kind of garbage to continue without raising our collective voices, it will happen.

On another level, I do realize that with human beings involved, there will always be those who are prejudiced. Would that it were not the case. But I am also extremely tired of hearing how insensitive male white men are; Somehow we are being portrayed as anti women? Anti black or any other  among many other colors of peoples? Somehow we should be "ashamed" of the fact that we we're born white?  And lets not forget "anti child" because people are running the boarders "willy nilly" and to say that it should not happen is somehow a white supremacist dialog? NO!

I spent much of my ministry life building thousands of free houses for poor brown people. Way way back in my lineage there were some red people in my own ancestry, some of my best friends are considered to be yellow people and black people and guess what? I have never owned a slave in my life and as far as I know neither did any of my ancestors.

Yet for some reason "white folks" are labeled ever increasingly these days to be considered sexist, radical Klux Klux claners in disguise who want to mistreat kids, keep black Americans "down on the farm" and deny women equal rights. BALONEY! And I for one don't mind saying so. Much of this is nothing more than whipped up (to a large degree) prejudicial pandering in the name of political correctness, which by the way is nothing more than a very thin veneer covering an extremely left wing liberal political agenda.

Well I for one am tired of that kind of ridiculous abusive rhetoric. Oh and here is a news flash for you, during my earlier law enforcement career, I never personally one time ran into another cop who hated peoples of other colors and some of the best police officers I ever knew were black, brown, yellow or red, white and oh my goodness, by the way---WOMEN!

NOT EVERYONE sees color! Personally I don't give "a fig" about my neighbors color, origin or ethnicity is as long as that person shakes my hand and keeps their word! As a white man and an American I have always treated everyone with respect as have millions and millions of others. And we "non prejudiced" folks, regardless of our own color, do not owe an apology to anyone!

And while we are on the subject I am sick and tired of hearing the Civil War refought ad infinitum! While I understand that most people believe the Civil War was all about slavery (an extremely important part---slavery in any form is horrible), still in my opinion the over arching issue during that war was states rights. Furthermore that tragic war ended 153 years ago and it's high time we put it to bed. Most Union and Confederate army ordinary soldiers had zero idea what the war was actually about.  Most Confederate soldiers were extremely poor and never owned a slave in their lives. The rich plantation owners did but here is another fact not remembered today. They were almost ALL DEMOCRATS politically and yet today somehow Republicans are viewed as the ancient enemy of black Americans. The question is, who is trying to change the history books? And why?

And as far as black Americans of yesteryear are concerned? When is the last time you saw a Civil War movie with black soldiers in uniform? Well, the facts are that roughly 10% of the entire Union Army were made up of 179,000 black men not to mention another 19,000 naval personnel, the total of whom 40,000 died to preserve our nation. Both white and black Americans died to keep this nation from being divided and it's high time some voices are raised against those who are trying to keep us divided.

Finally on the issue off race relations; There are some very well qualified and decent people working on both sides of the political isle to level the playing field of race relations and discrimination. Kudos to them. BUT there are also several well known civil rights leaders/advocates who are sowing the seeds and the flames of hatred for the sole purpose of personal enrichment and garnering the black vote. Shame on them!

As far as our religious freedoms are concerned AND our right to speak our minds, they will remain in tack ONLY as long as we tell the world, loudly and clearly, DON'T TOUCH MY BIBLE and take your hands off the 10 Commandments.

America today is not the America I grew up in. And I am sickened by it. It may not be perfect but having traveled fairly extensively, it is still far far better than whatever is in second place. As Christians today we claim to be 180 million strong in America. Our votes count BIG TIME and our voices would drown out all hatred, self serving political agendas and animus towards ANYONE, if the world saw and heard OUR COMBINED VOICES of outrage!

But where and when will that begin?

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Friday, July 27, 2018

ISRAEL---another giant step forward !!!

Drear friends and readers,

122 years ago a Jewish scholar by the name of Theodor Herzl published his vision of a new homeland for the Jewish people. Since that time, both WWI and WWII have come and gone, the Holocaust was discovered to be the ghastly nightmare of the centuries, Israel was once again proclaimed to be a nation of May 14, 1948 and Jews have been flooding back to Israel from many nations of the world ever since.

Many things have taken place during the intervening years; Israel has fought 16 wars for survival both large and small, Gave up the Gaza strip to the Palestinian people only to be viciously and continually attacked by the recipients of this magnanimous gift. Many people today do not remember or never knew that it was elements of this very same Palestinian people---a terror organization called "Black September" who in 1972, during the summer Olympic games in  Munich Germany, took 11 Israeli athletes hostage and butchered them all plus one Germany Police Officer. Otherwise know as the Munich Massacre!

Surrounded by enemies, attacked time after time by proxy terrorist armies sponsored by Iran (ancient Persia), both Hezbollah on the north based in Lebanon and Hamas on the west based in Gaza, have been consistently building arms and armies to eventually push all Jews into the Mediterranean Sea and conquer tiny Israel. In the mean while, Israel is doing its very best to maintain the ONLY Democratic form of Government in the entire Middle East. Did you know that when members of Jew hating terrorist families become ill, Israeli hospitals treat them right alongside their own citizens? These things are not reported on the nightly news and in fact most large Christians denominations do not know it either. Sad but true.

Described in the Bible as "the apple of God's eye", Israel will survive and things are moving along rapidly. With the Trump Administration in the Washington seat of power, Israel once again has a strong, committed ally. Now that the U.S. Embassy has officially moved from Tel Aviv to  Jerusalem, other nations are slowly beginning to rethink their embassies as well. And the Jewish nation is loudly and firmly proclaiming Jerusalem as their ancient and current capital city.

On a religious note, a new SANHEDRIN (ruling class of religious Jews headed up by a High Priest during Jesus time on earth ) has been reconstituted and they have even determined the (once lost) ancient cycle for Jubilee years. Also the Temple Mount institute and other similar organizations are preparing a new generation of Aaronic priesthood to oversee services at the planned and certainly eventual new Temple on the ancient Temple Mount.

Politically another water shed moment just occurred that most people in the West are not aware of.
The Israeli Kinneset (body of lawmakers) just passed landmark legislation called the "NATION STATE BILL" which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu describes as "a defining moment in the annals of Zionism and the history of the State of Israel". While somewhat symbolic in nature, this bill stipulates that "Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and they have an exclusive right to national self determination".

It also casts in concrete, state symbols such as it's national flag and anthem and Jerusalem as the ETERNAL CAPITAL of Israel. Also, although the language of Arabic is awarded "special status" to be used in Israel, Hebrew is the language of the land now legally. Of great importance is something that has slipped through the net of worldwide press reporting;  This new legislation sets as a priority, "the development of Jewish settlements nationwide". That means that the continual harping by the Palestinian and United Nations dogs of anti semitism are rapidly being defanged. I seriously doubt now that Israel will ever listen again to the demand that they dismantle Jewish communities in supposedly "OCCUPIED TERRITORY".

Of course there are many dissenting voices not the least of which are the Arab MK's (lawmakers) who represent about 20% of Israel's population. Claiming the death of Democracy because now Arab citizens are discriminated against. However in fairness (having been there myself and witnessing the truth) many Arab citizens love living under Israeli rule because they are respected and honored as citizens.

Israel as a nation is circling it's wagons. Thumbing it's collective nose at the United Nations program of pro Palestinian, anti Israeli propaganda.


Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Psalm 122:6-9

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Dear friends and readers,

Today is the Ninth of Av on the historical Jewish Calendar. This is the day in history that both Temples were destroyed, the first by the Babylonians and the second by Rome. While this article is not specifically about this infamous day, it is fascinating that big time changes have been happening surrounding the ancient Temple Mount, upon which both Jewish Temples sat.

First, much advance planning has been happening by groups in and around Jerusalem for many years to begin building a third Temple. The corner stone was even cut several years ago and right now awaits the day that construction begins. Also, the Temple institute has recreated many of the costumes (exactly according to Biblical command) for the next High Priest and a large group of Jews  from the line of Aaron (Moses brother) are being trained, who will one day oversee future Temple worship and sacrifice.

At the same time the ancient SANHEDRIN has been reestablished. That was the ruling body of ranking religious Jews headed up by the High Priest during the time of Jesus walk upon this earth. It was primarily made up of Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes. Much more could be added here but the bottom line is;

THE JEWISH PEOPLE WANT THEIR TEMPLE REBUILT! And we know that will happen someday because according to the Prophet Daniel, the eventual antichrist will defile the third Temple.

Many people believe that in order to build a third Temple, the Muslim Shrine (Dome) of the Rock must first be torn down because for many, common belief is that the original Holy of Holies was located exactly over the very same rock upon which the Muslim Shrine currently exists. NOTE: I do not believe that and do believe that both the third Temple and the Muslim Dome of the Rock can and probably will coexist someday because it is very possible that the original Temple was located further north on the Temple Mount and the Dome may well be located within the original "COURT OF THE GENTILES". I cannot be dogmatic about that because I cannot prove it but I continue to search for the evidence.

While according to Daniel a form of peace treaty will someday be arranged by the antichrist and agreed to by Israel and her neighbors (for a period of seven years), I cannot see even a remote possibility that the Muslim world would agree to tear down the Dome of the Rock. But I can see a peace treaty that allows worship by both Jews and Muslims in separate Temple/Shrine facilities.

But for today, recent news articles are intriguing and should tell us that whatever timing God has decreed for the fulfillment of these prophecies, may be drawing near. An article by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz printed in an recent edition of "Breaking Israel News", states that last year was a record breaker for the number of Jews who visited the Temple Mount. Further that this week (the week of the Ninth Of Av) broke even that record of last year. Many think that the uptick in Jewish interest and awareness for the Temple Mount may be an indicator which paves the way for the Third Temple. The article further notes a quote from Elisha Sanderman, spokesman for the Temple Mount activist organization "Yera'eh" that so far this year 22,566 Jews has ascended the Temple Mount. Then goes on to speculate that today, the Ninth of Av, may well be yet another record breaker. Last year on this date only 2,264 visited the Temple Mount so tomorrows news is eagerly awaited.

We are coming into the annual time of both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur which will come in the Fall of the year. These coupled with Sukkoth are considered to be the HIGH HOLY DAYS! Therefore it is believed the reason that many Jews visit the Temple Mount on the Ninth of Av is for the purpose of repentance since their ancient forefathers had rebelled against God and that was what brought on both Temple destructions.

For Christians it is "SPECULATED ON" that Rosh Hashanah could well equate to the Rapture of the church in some future year (note: the Rapture is an IMMINENT event and therefore could happen in the next 5 minutes---nothing prophetical has to happen before that Trumpet blows). My advice is, do not get caught up by false prophets who try and predict the date if the Rapture because scripture clearly tells us that no one knows.

Then some "SPECULATE" that YOM KIPPUR (Day of Atonement) could relate to the second coming to earth of the Messiah, Jesus the Christ. Then comes SUKKOTH which "SPECULATION" believes might signal Tabernacles or the establishment by Messiah of His 1000 year Reign upon this earth. To me this scenario make sense but then I am not God. While this speculation is most certainly tantalizing to think about, it is after all merely speculation.

Why is the "SPECULATION" even thought of or made? After all we really cannot hang our theological hats on any Biblical prophecy until it is an established fact. In the Old Testament book of Leviticus, God decreed that there should be 7 Biblical feast days (or days of repentance). The three we have already discussed are among those but significantly four more are decreed for the Spring of the year. They are 1). "PASSOVER"---Jesus chose to die as the Lamb of God EXACTLY on Passover. 2). Jesus chose to be buried EXACTLY on "UNLEAVENED BREAD" 3). He was risen from the grave EXACTLY on "FIRST FRUITS" and 4). 50 days later on EXACTLY the day of  "PENTECOST" the Holy Spirit fell upon the church (Acts chapter 2).

How is that significant? According to established tradition the day Moses received the LAW from God on Mount Sinai, was also the day of Pentecost. So, thousands of years later again on PENTECOST, at the advent of the NEW COVENANT, the LAW was replaced by "Salvation by the Grace of God".

So the thinking is (again only speculatory until it actually happens) that if Christ perfectly fulfilled the first four feast days in the Spring of the year, perhaps He will choose to fulfill the events of His second coming exactly on the event of the Fall High Holy Days in some future year.

But back to the Temple Mount. I have been to Jerusalem on several occasions and only twice were myself and my tour group allowed to go up to the Temple Mount and normally groups of Jews are not allowed there at all at least in previous years. That seems to be changing and many are once again speculating that these kinds of events could signal the soon coming of Messiah.

That would be nice wouldn't it? In fact many rabbis and some pastors are announcing signs such as blood moons and Jubilee years as sure signs of the coming of the end. The problem with that is simple. I cannot find those specific events in the Bible. Oh yes the scriptures do certainly speak loosely about signs in the heavens. But we must be very careful that we base our beliefs upon scripture itself rather speculation, as fun as that might be.

Lastly today I would like to ask everyone to REALLY keep an eye open for what is happening In Israel and particularly between Israel and both terror organizations of HAMAS and HIZBOLLAH.

Hizbollah has untold thousands of rockets and missiles pointed at Israeli cities. They are located on Israel's northern border within Lebanon and are a puppet, proxy army funded by Iran (ancient Persia). Israel is currently preparing for a war footing against Hizbollah forces. Within GAZA to Israel's west are located the forces of another puppet proxy army of Iran's, HAMAS. At this moment it is believed that yet another war might break out between Hamas and the IDF of Israel, who's Defense Minister has declared publicly that Israel's "gloves are coming off"! This could get very nasty in days to come.

The travesty of it all? You will find very little coverage of these events on any of the nightly news channels within the United States. Apparently it's more fun to report the constant infighting between our own political parties. How sad!

Stay tuned folks, The Lord is on the move.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Friday, July 13, 2018

FREQUENT QUESTION-- Why are the Jews so stubborn and will not accept Jesus?

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to y'all  in Jesus Name!

As I was pondering this article, I began to contemplate a question asked me just last week---by a long time student of the Bible and a solid Christian believer. A question by the way that is frequently asked by followers of Christ. A fair question to be sure but invalid in view of established Biblical scripture

The question is reflected in the title of this article. "WHY ARE JEWS SO STUBBORN AND WILL NOT ACCEPT JESUS"? As it happens the answer to that question is stated clearly in scripture but before we tackle that I want to dispel some  popular thinking; I will do so in bullet point presentation.

1). First, very many Jewish people over the centuries have accepted Jesus Christ as their long awaited Messiah. Admittedly not the majority but there has never been one single day in the past two thousand years that many Jews were not followers of Christ. In fact during the Lords physical walk on this earth some of His greatest enemies were of the sect of the Pharisees. But the Pharisees, unlike the Scribes or the Sadducees believed in a life after death and embraced a belief in the Resurrection from the dead. After Jesus was resurrected, Some of the Pharisees acceptance of Jesus as Messiah is referenced in Acts 15:5 plus the Apostle Paul (earlier Saul of Tarsus) was a highly trained Pharisee.

2). In Acts chapter 2 the Apostle Peter was speaking to devout Jewish men, living in Jerusalem from several nations. 3 thousand people were baptized in that single day and continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine which of course included Jesus as Messiah and Him risen from the grave. FACT, most of the very first---first century church were Jews!

4). Today in  Israel there are several robust fellowships of Jewish born believers in Christ. And those number are increasing steadily.

5). Now as to the Jewish people being stubborn---well that part is true! We see references to the Jewish people being a stubborn and stiff necked lot beginning in Exodus 32:9, Deuteronomy 31:27, Isaiah 48:4 all the way to Acts 7:51-53. It's in their DNA. I know because I live with one, MY WIFE sweet as she is--both Jew and follower of Christ, can be very stubborn (unlike myself of course (-:). In fact the Jewish people are almost as stubborn as many of the missionaries who have worked for me over the years. It is my experience that very many extremely gifted missions people can only make it through the "tough times" because they are stubborn to a fault. But that very stubbornness equates to unfettered resolve and a "never quit" attitude that permeates their entire service to the Lord.

6). Having said that, those very same qualities---on steroids are often evidenced by God's chosen people , the Jews. The Jewish people being a stubborn and stiff necked cultural group may seem to be a deficiency at first blush but I am not so certain of that. Had they not been so for generation after generation I doubt seriously if we would have our Bibles today because the Jews were custodians of the word of God since they received it from Moses on Mount Sinai in Exodus chapter 20. And they did the job flawlessly. So for that reason alone, we as followers of Christ owe our Jewish Brethren a tremendous debt of gratitude.

7). Somehow lost in the shuffle of time for some Christians is that fact that Jesus Himself is, was and always will be a Jewish man and the Jewish Messiah. Every single one of the original Apostles to Christ were Jewish and most of the New Testament is a very Jewish book written by Jewish authors.

8). In my opinion, many of the Jews of the first century including most of the ruling religious class, the Sanhedrin, rejected Jesus as Messiah for two definite reasons. 1). If they did accept Jesus as Messiah and then by necessity as High Priest and King, well they would have been out of jobs! 2). The Jewish people of the first century were under the thumb of an extremely powerful and controlling Roman Empire. An empire who's legions literally had the power to put to death anyone (except a Roman citizen) who they even remotely thought might be seditious against the power of Rome in  the slightest way. As a result the concept of "A MESSIAH" figure was one who would destroy Roman rule over Israel and immediately sit on the ancient throne of King David. As we know that will happen one day but ancient Israel wanted it RIGHT NOW and was not inclined to accept a king who preached brother love and turning the other cheek. They wanted a strong military leader who would place a sword at the throat of Caesar. Therefore rejection!

9). So much for history; Today however it is difficult to understand why so many ask the question about why Jesus is not accepted by the Jews as their Messiah? Difficult because it is clearly explained in scripture. I must ask myself, is the book of Romans no longer taught by or read by so many believers? For example, how is it that so many Christians denominations are embroiled in the absolutely false doctrine of replacement theology? Also called "SUPERSESSIONISM". The root word of which is "SUPERCEDE" which basically means that something is being replaced or superceded by something else. In this case the belief by many Christians that God is through with Israel and the church has replaced everything ISRAEL in the mind and heart of God.

Do I even need to explain that such nonsense is no where EVER mentioned in either the Old or New Testaments? Are we to totally reject the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 11 verse 1 when he declares "I say then, has God cast away His people (the Jews---my emphasis added)? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not cast away His people whom He forenew".

So some say, why should we believe Paul about this?  My answer? Paul wrote Romans, first and second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, first and second Thessalonians, first and second Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and maybe Hebrews---not certain. If you don't want to believe Paul in Romans chapter 11, you may as well "chuck" the entire New Testament because Paul authored a king sized portion of that entire book.

Now to clarify this issue of EARLY supersessionism, I can give a lot of grace to the  pastors and church fathers in the early centuries. After 70 A.D. and again in 135 A.D. Rome had destroyed Jerusalem, the Temple, butchered millions of Jews and deported most of the remainder into slavery throughout the empire. Israel in those days was a malaria infested swamp land. Looking back it was natural for the church fathers to think, well ISRAEL is mentioned in the Bible 2400 times (depending upon which translation is used) therefore since "ISRAEL" no longer exists, God must now consider "the church" to be Israel. OK, no fault, no foul. HOWEVER when Israel once again became a nation on May 14, 1948 AND fulfilled perfectly several ancient key Biblical prophecies, one would think that the current church fathers would have said WOOPS!!! But no, oh no, They committed the very same mistake as the ancient members of the Sanhedrin. If they embraced prophecy and admitted that Israel was back---to stay---they would be relinquishing their claim to be the current Israel and therefore the current chosen of God! NOTE: "THE CHURCH" is made up of both Jew and gentile believers.

10). Here is the biggie, the final nail in the coffin of false doctrine where the Jews (lack of ) belief in Jesus as Messiah is concerned; Once again Paul tells us clearly in Romans chapter 11 verse 25. ( by the way, if you really want to see this picture clearly, that is the Godly relationship between believers in the church---to ISRAEL read through chapter 11). Verse 25 explains " For I (Paul) do not want that you should be ignorant of this mystery, lest you should be wise in your own opinion, THAT BLINDNESS IN PART HAS HAPPENED TO ISRAEL UNTIL THE FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES HAS COME IN"! Blindness to what? That Jesus is the Messiah of Israel. Gentiles come into what? Complete and total fellowship with God.

Have you ever said or heard someone else say, "when I finally get there I have so many questions to ask the Lord"? Well me to, and one of those questions I will ask is, Lord why was it not possible for you to run salvation for both Jew and gentile simultaneously? Why blind one (in part) for the sake if the other? I think this is where the scripture falls perfectly in place that says (God speaking through His prophet Isaiah--55:8-9) "My thought are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts".

TRANSLATION: God is smarter than we are! While I might not understand why God does the things He does in the way He chooses to do them, I do not question His decisions nor do I ever try and second guess His motives!

To put a fine point on this issue of why many Jews cannot recognize that Jesus is their true Messiah. They simply cannot because God in His infinite wisdom has placed blinders over their eyes for purposes of His own. The time will come when those blinders will be removed and all Jews alive in those future days will recognize and accept---embrace if you will, their Messiah.

Do not make the mistake as some have to assume that because many Jews today cannot recognize their Messiah is somehow connected with lack of brain power. The intelligence of the Jewish people have produced more advanced intellectual advancement in engineering, science, medical, technology and the arts than any other culture who has ever lived.

SPECULATION ON MY PART??? While we certainly know that God the Father made the ultimate sacrifice of His Son on the cross of Calvary---for the sake of all who would repent and accept the free gift of salvation---is there a possibility that God also made another sacrifice, one not normally considered? Is it even remotely possible that God loves His created beings so much that He also chose to allow so many generations of His chosen people to pass by without having a relationship with Jesus, for the sake of salvation for gentiles worldwide?

Well, since I don't know the answer to that, you decide!

But do not think that the Jewish people have rejected Christ as their Messiah because they are stubborn. No, No, rather it is part of the grand scheme that only the Father understands!

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Friday, July 6, 2018

Are we a church of "IMMEDIACY" or lackadaisical whimsy?

Dear friends and readers,

Do you remember the last time you were in a Christian book store?  I do although at least in Southern California my favorite Christian book stores have now gone out of business. I wonder about that don't you? Did they finally fail for lack of interest? Or maybe poor management? Or perhaps a slide into oblivion caused by placing more importance on t-shirts, coffee cups and wall hangings opposed to Bibles, tracks and bumper stickers that advertise JESUS to the multitudes?

Well at this point we may never know for certain. What I do know however is that in recent years most Christian book stores had a relatively small area dedicated to Bibles and massive shelves dedicated to authors trying explain what the Bible says. Nearly all of these authors claim Devine inspiration so I have to ask myself why they so seldom agree? I suppose a lot of that has to do with denominational teaching---you know the stuff produced by MANS church, as opposed to what the Bible actually says which was written as a guide to CHRIST'S church.

Don't understand the difference? After all there is only one universal church worldwide right? Well actually no! An internet search will show you that it is estimated there are 37 million local churches worldwide. That's good right? But how about the other statistic---34,000 denominations? Wow and we wonder why Christians have such an problem speaking with one voice.

You know the other thing missing in many Christian book stores (not all, we don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water do we?)-----TRACTS. Hard to get and when ordering on line you will find that any tracts worth their salt are extremely expensive. Even the tools of evangelism are difficult to find these days.

Oh yes, there are very definitely two churches on this earth. Mans church and Gods church. Separate and distinct in may ways. Mans church is generally characterized by program based services, entertainment, coffee shops, gift stores, a general wondering through the Bible when it is mentioned at all and above all, stress on money, prosperity and feeling good about self. Of course I don't want to over generalize because I myself have Christians t-shirts and love a good cup of coffee---and an apple fritter when available (-:

God's church, you know the one that features Jesus Christ as the true super star, certainly may have some of the trappings listed above but and here is the big BUT!!! It concentrates on Christ not self. On teaching the word of God whether it is politically correct or not. It features a diet of holiness and straight forward solid Biblical doctrine---and oh by the way also has children's church who's teachers are more interested in teaching the kiddies Gods word than they are in volleyball. This church most frequently also has evangelistic outreach teams and if possible missions teams going out into the world and whenever possible to other countries. Most importantly this church  teaches all of the Bible and does it in context---to itself!

Mans church I would call a church of lackadaisical whimsey. God's true church is one of IMMEDIACY. Get the word out to the people and the world right now---no fooling around. Tell them about the risen Christ.

We can see an example of immediacy through a simple examination of the book of Mark. You know it really is amazing the way God constructed His holy word. The first book of the New Testament is of course Matthew and the very last directions Jesus gave to His church are listed in chapter 28 verses 18 through 20, commonly known as the Great Commission.

Oops, there I go again, golly, I know I know all I talk about is getting out there and getting someone saved. But you know the reason I do that is because the Great Commission for a lot of churches has become just another set of scriptures given honorable mention. So I always want to add my voice to the few who are beating the drum.

Now before anyone gets mad and sends me a nasty gram, yes I do know that many pastors and congregations are "out there" doing what Jesus commanded. But the facts are that if all 2.5 BILLION Professing Christians attending all 37 million local churches within 34,000 denominations were working hard on the Great Commission, well you tell me? Would there still be another 5.5 BILLION unsaved folks on this earth? DON'T THINK SO AMIGO'S!

So it always amazed me that just one page over from the Great Commission, begins the book of Mark in which Jesus very first comment (Mark 1:15) is "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the gospel". His second comment (verse 17) "Follow Me and I will make you become fishers of men". And then the frosting on the cake (verse 38) "Let us go into the next towns, the I may preach there also, FOR THIS IS THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH I HAVE COME FORTH"---(my emphasis added).

Beginning in Mark chapter 1 verse 10 and extending  throughout the first 6 chapters we see the words "IMMEDIATE" or "as soon as" used at least 22 times. Is this merely favorite vocabulary used by Mark or a message from ON HIGH? The overall theme of Mark in speaking about the Lord is "JESUS AS SERVANT".  Why is that important? Because each of the four gospels presents Jesus in a vastly different heavenly theme. Matthew--"CHRIST THE KING". Mark as stated--- "JESUS THE SERVANT". Luke---"CHRIST THE MAN". John--- "CHRIST AS DEITY". Jesus Himself describes Himself in Revelation 1:8 as GOD."I AM THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END, WHO IS AND WHO WAS AND WHO IS TO COME, THE ALMIGHTY"!

Now I don't know about you but if the ALMIGHTY said to me "Follow Me, I will make you fishers of men and we must go into the next towns to preach because it is for this reason that I have come forth", well I think He means it. The only question is---is He speaking to you as well? And to every single member of the church worldwide?

One cannot  read through Mark or any of the gospels for that matter without  coming away with a sense that the lord really wants His church up and going. On the move, pushing out against the powers of darkness. That cannot be accomplished if the concept of fulfilling the Great Commission extends out only as far as the paint on the inside of the church house walls.

Much of what happens in large portions of the "church" today is inwardly directed. Think of the scripture in 2 Timothy 3:7 in speaking about the last days. People becoming lovers of self. "and always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth". The surrounding  scriptures are generally considered by most teachers as referring to bad people in the end times but I don't think so. Also listed in verse 5 is a scary thing "HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS BUT DENYING ITS POWER".  The power of the gospel was designed by God to change lives, to find salvation as a free gift of God paid for by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. 2 Timothy 4:3 tells us that "For the time will come when they (believers) will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers"! "And they will turn away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables".

I am going to make a comment here and I don't want anyone to misinterpret what I am saying. Bible studies are good. No question about it. But I have a question for anyone who wants to think long and hard about 2 Timothy that I quoted above; How many Bible studies have you taken in the last 5 years? Is it fair to say that nearly all of them were designed to make you personally a better Christian? Nothing wrong with that right? But how many taught you how to evangelize and get past the fear of doing so? How many taught you how to get out of the church house and you yourself teach those very same principles to unbelievers? My guess is with very few exceptions---ZILCH!

Always learning but never able to come to the knowledge of truth! Hard words for sure.  How many new people coming to your church in the past 5 years fell into two very distinct categories? 1). Absolutely new believers who have been recently evangelized? 2). Existing believers migrating from another fellowship? Forgive me but my guess is overwhelmingly, curtain number 2.

Oh yes, Bible studies are good and a foundation for personal growth. But should they also not inspire taking the gospel to an unsaved world? Teachings others the lessons of those very same Bible studies? You say but I am not a pastor or teacher and evangelism scares me. I might be rejected! FACT---it would not be you who is rejected it would be the Lord and He can take care of Himself.
It takes no bravery to tell another person that Jesus loves them.

Jesus gave us an example and he also gave us a command to accomplish the Great Commission; Luke 6:46 THE KING SPEAKING " But why do you call Me Lord, Lord and not do the things that I say? whoever comes to Me and hears my sayings and DOES THEM------Is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on rock". "But he who heard and did nothing is like a man who built on earth without a foundation".

What kind of foundation are you building on?

If you are feeling and hearing frequently that we are really in the end times, is it not our duty to do as the Lord Commanded? Not just because we may be in the end times but simply because He purchased us with a very heavy price and He said so.

Food for thought from the squeaky wheel.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Heavy burdens these days? Dr. Jesus to the rescue!

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to all of you in Jesus name.

Are you a follower of Christ who somehow doubts that He loves you or that you're life is important to the kingdom of God?

Many within the church do have those feelings but the question is, does God see you in the same way you see yourself?  Are you feeling worthless and irrelevant? And are those feelings valid?

As a pastor, I run into this problem frequently. In these troubled times, the problem of doubt seems to be growing within segments  of the church so I want to address this issue  from my heart to yours.

All of us have gone through things in our lives that can and often do bring us to areas of self doubt.  I fully understand---been there and done that.  As I was growing up I was told several times by my parents that "you were just an accident".  I was dropped at an orphanage at the age of 5  (although through family pressure was redeemed somewhat later).

My parents were both severe alcoholics with terrible bouts of  violence in their relationship.  Each of them seemingly took turns running off---disappearing from my life  for weeks on end.   I can remember only one time that my father told me he loved me and on that evening he was drunk on a bar stool.  In short I had a painful youth and very much regret that I have little good to say about my parents, both of whom died very early from substance abuse.

In my own case, I made up my mind early in life that I would not be defined by the opinions of others including my own family.  I determined that I would not use the failures of my parents as an excuse for my own failure. I was 7 years old when I made that pledge to myself.

I had my own job at 14 while attending school. And have basically been on my own ever since. Putting myself through the last year of high school while working full time till midnight 5 days each week. I joined the Marine Corps Reserve at 17 while still in school.  After boot camp the only job I could find was breaking rock 1600 feet under the ground in a limestone mine. Taking classes in the evening to get through Jr. college and was sworn in as a Policer Officer at the age of  21. I understand the challenges that life can throw at you. In those days I thought I was a pretty good over comer. Little did I realize that the Lord had His hand on me even during the years I was not walking with Him. I have been asked if I still have pain from my early experiences? The answer to that is no because I used those things to help me help others along the way.

It was not that I did not love my parents but I refused to go down the road that most people would think was preordained for them.  At some point during those years my Grandmother told me about Jesus and after all, who does not believe Grandma?  I did not know much and really nothing about the Bible, nor did I  walk with the Lord until much later in life, but I did always know He was there. Who would think that one day the Lord would call me into His service? Certainly not I.

Over the years as a pastor, I cannot tell you how many times I have heard variations of that story but in far too many cases people DID become defined by the actions of others and this tragedy has followed them through their entire lives, lurking in the background as an anchor of self defeat.  Frankly why I was spared from all that I may never know but what I do know is that each and everyone of us really were created in the image of God and He has a far better opinion of us than most people have of themselves.

Before I served the Lord, I served in a career of law enforcement so between the two I have seen just about every example of marriage and divorce, tragically broken abused women, sexually abused children, drug or alcoholic destruction and many other miserable things that have happened to people in all walks of life.   Some people, but very few escape the carnage that these horrible circumstances bestow upon their lives.  Most, unfortunately carry unspeakable emotional, social and spiritual baggage with them throughout their entire lives.

Many unfortunately are Christians who are somehow unable to accept the redemption that was guaranteed by a merciful God who paid the price for all of that with His own life on the cross of Calvary.

Oh, how I have counseled people going through those terrible times, as have many of my pastoral colleagues.  We have taught and explained relevant scripture.  Encouraged and provided opportunities for healing, or rehabilitation.  But sadly in very many cases children of God cannot bring themselves to believe that God really does love them.  I fully realize that you cannot simply throw scripture at very real human problems and expect them to disappear over night.

It is so simple from a scriptural point of view.  James 4:8 tells us "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you".  Ah, but there is a catch;  How exactly do we accomplish that?  The problem is that healing of emotional problems plays out very differently for each and every person.  Scripture also tells us to simply give our problems to the Lord.  Great advice but unfortunately easier said than done.

The Hebrew word "RAPHA" in the Old Testament means heal and when coupled with a Hebrew name of God is JEHOVAH RAPHA, or the God who heals.  This word Rapha is used in various Biblical scriptures as PHYSICAL HEALING, EMOTIONAL HEALING and SPIRITUAL HEALING.  When we look at a New Testament scripture in Luke chapter 9 verse 11 we see a picture of Jesus Christ healing the multitudes.

Obviously there is healing available at all levels when we draw close to God.  SPECIAL NOTE: Some folks become discouraged when loved ones are not healed.  All too often they end up blaming God. I cannot explain why every single person is not healed other than to say that "SOMEDAY" we all come to the end of our lives but none of us know when that time will arrive.  I personally have learned not to second guess God.  I may not care for the outcome of a particular problem but second guess God, I do not. We all must find our own solutions in drawing near to God and that plays out differently for all of us.  I will share with you some things I do and hope they will help someone reading this article.

1).  I have chosen a life of service.  Not everyone can do that full time but we can always help those around us.  Speaking only as one man, I have discovered that when I am concentrating my efforts on helping someone in need, even though my own problems do not disappear, they do fade into the background and are no longer the central focus of my life.  If nothing more than a  commitment to pray for someone, it concentrates my own efforts on that person or problem and not upon myself.

2). I enjoy pondering just how grand, how big, how magnificent and powerful is a Creator who gave me life and is able to keep a huge universe running smoothly.  When my wife and I sit quietly on our patio in the evening and have tea, we have absolutely zero sense of movement.  And yet scientifically that is far from the truth.

I can look up into the night sky and  clearly see the "MILKY WAY" which is a Galactic plane encompassing an area so immense that it occupies an area including 30 constellations.  The constellation Sagittarius is roughly at the center and we here on  Earth can see it all. Except we can't see it all because the planet Earth upon which we sit is also included as part of the Milky Way which is hurtling through the universe at 190 miles per second while it also rotates at 140 miles per second.

At exactly the same time, the Earth we are sitting upon is rotating on its axis at 1000 miles per hour and orbiting around the sun at 66,000 miles per hour.  But the liquid in our tea cups does not slosh around because we feel zero movement.  God has created an order within the Universe that has enabled it to function perfectly and has for untold gazillions of years.  Planet Earth is a huge ball suspended by absolutely nothing, except the will of God. That knowledge helps me keep things in perspective.

3). It is that very same God who gave life to each and everyone of us.  At the moment of conception he gave us a human soul and a body that is exactly imprinted with the same DNA as our relatives who may have lived thousands and thousands of years ago.  Our human families cannot be confused because DNA cannot be confused.

It is important for us to try and view ourselves from the same perspective that our Creator sees both in us and about us because then and only then do we realize that we are not an accident.  We are not worthless.  We were created for a very special purposes that sadly very many people during their lives never realize.

I learned a few things during my Law Enforcement career that left an incredible impression on my soul.  And helped me see myself as yes, a flawed human being but one in whom our great God has hope and a plan for my life.  AND YOURS.

Perhaps you have heard the statement than in all the world no two snowflakes are alike?  That is not an accident because God is capable of creating an infinite number of anything.  Including human beings, and each and everyone is special and distinct from all other humans who have ever been created. NOTE: Want to blow your mind? Take a close look at these snowflakes. Each and everyone is in the exact shape of a Star of David. And yet distinctly different from all others.

Many people when born have their foot prints placed upon their birth certificate.  The reason for that is Gods desire that no two human footprints are alike and have not been since Adam and Eve.  But that's not all;  Did you know that your individual finger prints, exact shape of your ear and  imprinted coding within the corneas of your eyes are all specific to you and only you?

You are a one of a kind and there has never ever been another exact replica of you that has been made nor will there ever be.  You and I and all of mankind were created in the image of a Holy and Righteous God who has a plan for our lives even though we are drastically flawed.  And as far as the flaws of mankind are concerned, God even provided a way for us to escape righteous judgement through a simple, heart felt prayer of repentance of our sins and acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives.

That tells me that God also has something specific for me---and you to do in our lives that will glorify Him.  Something absolutely no one else that has ever been created is capable of doing.  At least not in the same magnificent way that you can because you are the only one He created with the abilities to do it.  Oh, others might do the job, but not the way you can because you were created to do so.

Sad that so many folks have never discovered what it is that the Lord created them to do.  By the way, that special job might be finding the cure for cancer, bringing peace instead of war, creating a painted master piece, writing an inspired book, Being a good father or raising your children as a Godly mother who's legacy might be told through the lives of a Godly great grandson or daughter.

Of one thing I am certain;  God really does not make any accidents and you are special.  There is a supernatural plan for your life.  God does not want you bound in yesterdays pain, agony and carrying emotional baggage thrust upon you by either accident or design through the thoughtless acts of others.

How do you discover your calling regardless of age and history?  Well, how is this for a starter?  Ask the Lord and keep on asking until He tells you.  John 10:27 (Jesus speaking)  "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me". NOTE: Prayer is a wonderful thing and is required of us. But some people spend so much time talking that they could not hear God's voice if He beat a brass drum. Say your prayers and then be quiet. Spend some time and Listen for the still small voice of God just like the Prophet Elijah.

Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you.  Have hope, you are special.

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.

P.S. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.