Wednesday, January 9, 2019

VINDICATED! Ancient Temple NOT in same location of Dome of the Rock!

Dear friends and readers,


To say that I am excited is a gross understatement. For many years I have been claiming and teaching that the two ancient Jewish Temples were NOT located directly under the current Muslim Dome of the Rock on Israel's Temple Mount.

VINDICATION is a very sweet thing! But we will get to that a bit later.

Everyone I have told about my theory including good friends who are Israeli tour guides have---how shall I say this? Smiled, and respectfully treated me with a sort of childish imbecilic grudging respect for someone slightly mentally infirm. As in "OK Rance, lets be realistic here shall we"?

But this was not just some farfetched dream I had---no it was based upon lots of research. The reason for that is because I have believed for a very long time that part of the eventual 7 years peace pact of Daniel chapter 9 (instigated by the eventual antichrist between Israel and her neighbors) would include the ability for Israel to once again build her Third Temple.

Under ALL current thinking by ALL of the supposed authorities, the Jewish Holy of Holies was situated directly under what is now the Dome or Shrine of the Rock which is now located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  And even I would agree that the Islamic scholars and not one single Muslim worldwide would EVER agree to tearing down that Shrine to make way for another Jewish Temple. In fact trying to do so would no doubt trigger a world war.

So, I theorized that the current Dome of the Rock is really located in what may well have been the area of the COURT OF THE GENTILES located in a portion of the original Jewish Temple grounds but not in the exact place of the Temple itself and certainly not the Holy of Holies!

In other words, during the future 7 years peace pact, both the Islamic Dome of the Rock and the new (Third) Jewish Temple could co-exist on the same Temple Mount platform.

Only one man that I know of, a well know journalist and author by the name of David Dolan had similar beliefs. Perhaps others but I have never run into them.

While I cannot speak to Mr. Dolan's rationale, I can speak to mine which was and is based upon established fact and ancient Jewish folklore.

First, it is known in the Mishnah (Jewish Oral Laws) that the first two Temples were not located in the exact center of the current Temple Mount. Second, the first Temple was tilted at an axis of 6.1975 degrees to the north of east so it would directly face the rising sun each day over Mount Moriah. The second Temple had a slightly different axis of 5.971 degrees which accounted for a slight change in solar alignment due to the passage of time (70 years between the destruction of the First Temple by the Babylonians and the beginning of construction of the Second Temple).

Interestingly several years ago I came across a tidbit of folklore (NOTE: I could never prove this point) that indicated that the High Priest could stand with His back to the Holy of Holies and look out through 7 gates to supervise (off in the distance) other priests who were located just outside the Eastern Temple Gate (Golden Gate) while the sins of Israel were transferred onto the head of a Scapegoat and then lead off into the wilderness.

NOTE:  The Eastern or Golden Gate is the one facing the Mount of Olives and the one through which Israel's Messiah will someday enter onto the Temple Mount. We followers of Christ realize that Israel's Messiah is Jesus, the Christ of God!

I have been on the Temple Mount personally and under no circumstances can anyone from the area of the Dome of the Rock look out through the Golden Gate. They are not even close. But there is a very small structure which is directly lined up with the Golden Gate and it is set well back from the Dome of the Rock. This small structure--more accurately a dome shaped tiny open sided kiosk is called the DOME OF THE SPIRITS (in Arabic=Bir al-Arwah). Below which is a partly natural and partly man created small cave which cannot be investigated due to the rules of the Muslim authorities currently in control of the Temple Mount.

This small structure has always been my candidate for the exact location of the ancient Holy of Holies. Would anyone listen? Oh no!

But as stated above---VINDICATION IS A SWEET THING! Just today I reviewed a recent article written by Rabbi Harry Moskoff, the author of the A.R.K. report. After 20 years of intensive research, Rabbi Moskoff has concluded that the ancient Jewish Temples were NOT located on the sight currently occupied by the Islamic Dome of the Rock. Further Rabbi Moskoff himself locates the Holy of Holies directly over that little DOME OF THE SPIRITS! His theory has also been reviewed by Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, one of the leading Haredi (Ultra Orthodox) rabbis and several other leading rabbis who have written decisions agreeing with Moskoff's theory.

To sweeten the pot just a bit; No Rabbi will ever have entered the Dome of the Rock to this point in history, believing it to be the actual spot of the Holy of Holies because only a High Priest would have the ability to do so. However interestingly Rabbi Moskoff points out that an extremely famous 12th century rabbi "Moses ben Maimon" known as MAIMONIDES or the acronym "RAMBAM" did visit Jerusalem during his days and reported that he did in fact enter the Dome of he Rock---a place he would never ever have gone had he believed for one second was the actual location of the Holy of Holies!

Currently there are plans to build the Third Temple. All of the High Priests clothing and Temple sacrificial implements are being recreated. The ancient religious ruling body, the SANHEDRIN has now been reconstituted. There is an outcry from Jews (and many Christians) worldwide to begin construction. What no one has been able to figure out is how to convince the Muslims worldwide to give up their Holy Dome of the Rock?

Now the jury may be in. If in fact Rabbi Moskoff is correct, there is no need to tear down the Dome of the Rock. It makes perfect sense for the future antichrist to find a way around this dilemma. If the DOME OF THE SPIRITS is the actual location of the Holy of Holies and the Dome of the Rock is located in the ancient COURT OF THE GENTILES???

Sounds like perfect Godly planning to me. And I for one am gratified that the Lord revealed this to me so many years ago.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.