Monday, October 17, 2016

Gog, The King Of The North Is Rising.

Dearest friends and readers,

Peace and grace to each of you and your families.

WOW, can you believe the headlines recently? Just when many of us thought the world might fall apart, we begin to realize that it really is happening. Right now, before our very eyes.

You might guess from my article title that we are going to discuss the coming war of Gog of the land of Magog. Honestly when doing so, I must acknowledge that all Biblical scholars are not in agreement regarding the events spoken of by the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. These events are things that will someday affect Israel and all the surrounding countries not to mention everyone still alive on the planet as these events begin to occur.

Arguments have sprouted by every generation of Biblical students ever since the events of these chapters were penned by Ezekiel roughly estimated in the 6th century B.C. Arguments range from "this already happened centuries ago" to "Gog and Magog happen at the end of the thousand year reign of Christ on this earth"

In reality there are two events in the Bible identified as Gog and Magog. The first was written about by Ezekiel as a future event that I believe happens after the coming rapture of the church but before the battle of Armageddon.  the second one absolutely will happen at the end of the millennial reign of Christ.

So, how do we know they are two different occurrences? In Ezekiel, chapter 38 in verse 4 GOD is speaking and He says this; "I (God) will turn you (Gog) around, put a hook in your jaws, and lead you out----(to make war against Israel---my emphasis added but clearly stated in chapter 39 verse 2).

In chapter 20 of the book of Revelation (long after the battle of Armageddon---about 1000 years after), satan is released from his prison one last time. Verse 8 "and (he-satan) will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, GOG and MAGOG, to gather them together to battle, who's numbers is as the sand of the sea" Verses 9 and 10 go on to tell us that satan will take his army to fight against the saints of God and His beloved city (Jerusalem) and that God will devour this army with fire from above. satan is then once and for all cast into the lake of fire to be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Two events separated by 1000 years. The first instigated by God, the second by satan.

NOTE: You may notice that all references and names of God in the Bible are capitalized. In case you are wondering why I never capitalize the words "satan or lucifer" it is because  I will not give him that courtesy.

So, as we go on from here, a brief note about Biblical prophecy; The book of AMOS, chapter 3 verse 7 says "Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets". By this we know (and elsewhere in the Bible) that the Biblical prophets were writing under inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God.

Why would God want to tell the human race anything in advance that will happen in the future? Well for one thing, advance notification by God of some future event, proves His very existence and in the process He is glorified when that event actually happens. An example of this is something that happened on May14, 1948.

Mankind, including many pastors and scholars within the church looked back nearly 2000 years at the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and virtually most of ancient Israel. Their thoughts? Since Israel no longer physically exists, the church must now be a form of spiritual Israel. This false belief later became known as "replacement theology." Other names for this are "SUPERSESSIONISM" or "FULFILLMENT THEOLOGY". In other words the belief that the church now replaces Israel in the mind and heart of God.

A casual study of Romans chapter 11 will completely dispel this false narrative. However unfortunately large portions within the church today (mainly some denominations) still believe this folly even though anyone looking back at May 14, 1948, simply cannot deny that MANY prophecies were exactly fulfilled when after nearly 2000 years, the Nation of Israel once again breathed into physical existence IN ONE DAY!!! That is extremely important because that specific timing was exactly prophesied as were the Jewish people creating a large army, once again naming their cities as they were in ancient times and once again utilizing the Shekel as their monetary exchange. Not to mention several other prophecies being exactly fulfilled in this one single event.

Wouldn't you think that proponents of Supersessionism would have stopped dead in their theological tracks and said "whoops"! Maybe we should rethink this. But no, rather than accept what God is doing they would rather continue down the path of self deception and in the process label the modern day Nation of Israel illegitimate. Decrying the Biblical fact that ancient Israel and modern day Israel are in fact one and the same.

However, I digress.

Although the prophecies of Ezekiel are well established, I must make one final note regarding this particular prophets writings. Unlike some of the other Biblical prophets, Ezekiel wrote in chronological order. In other words, one prophesied event was a sort of foundation for the next in line of occurrence.

An example is chapter 36 which speaks of the restoration of Israel to the Holy Land (May 14, 1948).

 Then comes chapter 37 speaking of the DRY BONES prophecy which restores the people of Israel to their land (still being fulfilled to this very day). Note; Many prophecies overlap in terms of timing.

Next comes chapters 38 and 39 (future prophecies) regarding a humongous war against Israel long before the battle of Armageddon.

Next are the dimensions of the Millennial Temple in chapter 40 and on through chapter 47:12  which describes Millennial worship.

Then Ezekiel finishes up with chapters 47:12- 48:35 which tells us about the division of land during the  Millennium age as Christ physically rules the earth from His throne in Jerusalem.

If you want to know the order of things to come, start with Ezekiel.

It would take several writings to analyze chapters 38 and 39 but that is not my immediate purpose.

So, for some brief history. The Russians and the Persians (modern day Iran) have never been kissing cousins. In fact during most of recorded history these two people groups have been mortal enemies.

Ezekiel chapter 38 gives us a glimpse into who the players are in this massive war. Bearing in mind once again that if any two theologians are in a room together there will most likely be at least three opinions about who these people really are.

Now, for one man's opinion---mine.

Chapter 38 verse 15 says that (Gog) "will come from your place out of the far north". There are those today who claim that Magog is Turkey because of the vast numbers of Muslims in that area and because it is north of Israel. But Turkey is not the far north in terms of what? In terms of Israel (Chapter 39 verse 2) and specifically Jerusalem.   Any modern day globe of the earth will demonstrate that EXACTLY farthest north of Jerusalem is MOSCOW.

I believe along with many other scholars that Gog is the present day ruler of Magog which is modern day Russia. Verses 5 and 6 state that the leader of this army will bring it--his army which includes PERSIA (modern day Iran), Ethiopia (different than Ethiopia of old), Libia---exactly the same as ancient and modern day Libia.

Along with them are Gomer, the house of Togarmah (again from the far North). While once again theologians may disagree, it is generally thought that these other people represent groups currently living in and around modern day Turkey and immediately north. One thing that all these groups have in common including many current residents of Russia are that they are Muslims a great many of whom have threatened in recent years to wipe Israel off the face of the map.

And oh yes, I know full well that all Muslim people by virtue of their faith are not bad people but what many do have in common is an innate hate for all things Israel. Not all, I will grant you.

Now regardless of where these people of Gogs army may be from (really only God knows for certain), one thing is abundantly clear. While it is foolhardy for any humans to try and set dates for future prophecy to be fulfilled, Jesus Himself said in Chapter 16:3 of the book of Matthew that we should be able to discern  "the signs of the times". In other words we should be able to look around us at what is happening on a world wide scale and at least be able to connect the dots about things that may or may not be leading up to certain Biblical events. Not that we are always right but we can certainly begin getting glimpses through  the prism of open and understanding eyes.

Think of the current news from the Middle east. The old Soviet Union finally destroyed itself from within but now ancient Russia is once again on the march for world wide domination and is in very close league with Iran (ancient Persia) and are fighting a brutal civil war in Syria the capital of which (ancient Damascus) is only about 50 miles north east of the Golan Heights which is a buffer zone between Syria and Israel---specifically the Sea of Galilee area.

On the norther border of Syria is ancient and modern day Turkey possible encompassing old nations named in Ezekiel 38 and 39. All of these nations with the exception of Russia borders the Mediterranean sea as does Israel. Also Russia is now developing massive naval power on the Mediterranean sea head quartered in a Syrian naval port.

Literally every single nation led by Gog is now directly within striking distance of Israels northern boarder including Libia who is within a short sea cruise on the Med.

Could it be that God has already put hooks in the jaws of Gog from the land of Magog? Could it be possible that the exact peoples amassed as Gogs army including Persia are already on the march? Could it be that the prophetic stage is being set at this very moment in time?

Speculation to be sure. But pretty difficult not to see some Biblical correlations to coming future events.

Now to be clear, a careful read through Ezekiel 38-39 will tell you that this war against Israel will not take place tomorrow. But if I were a betting man (which I am not), I would put a cup of coffee on the line that says Russia, now entrenched in Syria, will never again leave nor will Persia. I believe they are there to stay. Currently there is no power on earth including a severally weakened United States that could dislodge those nations.

Also there is the prophecy to consider in Isaiah chapter 17 which states that the time is coming for the total and complete destruction of the city of Damascus. You may recall the name of this city from the book of Genesis chapter 15. The servant of Abraham named Eleizer came from Damascus which makes Damascus the oldest continually occupied city on earth. Right now as I type this, the Syrian civil war has been responsible for destruction of entire areas of this great city.

How will it be completely destroyed in the future? Well, I can think of several ways that could be accomplished but once again that would only be speculation.

So what is in the future for the Middle East? Well, that is the question is it not? While I do not profess to know the exact answers, future articles on this blog will delve into possible (probable?) scenarios and if nothing else what we see happening with the worldwide changes in balances of immense power today are fascinating to behold.

So, get out your Bibles folks, because it is the only document on earth that can and does accurately predict the future.

God bless you all in Jesus Name,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. the keys to understanding the book of Revelation are contained in the writings of the ancient Biblical prophets.