Dear friends and readers
What can I say? The news is not good worldwide. On the one hand we are told that if we just continue social distancing this could all go away soon, On the other hand the U.S. CDC just published a report this morning that says we might expect a second round of Clovid 19 in the fall of 2020. And the FEMA folks are frantically looking around for a minimum of 100,000 "body bags". FOR USE IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS!
Well, that's encouraging!
I want to make a statement here so no one misunderstands my intent! Under no circumstances am I down playing this horrible plague---BUT, at the same time many other things are happening in the world that are seldom reported on. I was reading a report this morning by one of the premier radio hosts and it really got my attention. It has to do with how many people are killed each year from various problems and in this case between January 1 and March 25, 2020---THIS YEAR! These are by the way worldwide numbers!
When is the last time you read this? Or heard this? Or it was reported on the news?
It is TERRIBLE that during that time the world has lost a minimum of 21,000 souls through death to Covid 19.
BUT during that same time---death to Many more than that due to the following causes worldwide;
Seasonal flu-113,000
Traffic fatalities--314,000
Alcohol related--581,000
We don't hear all that much about those things do we? Let alone deaths from human trafficking, diabetes, heart disease, gang activity, drug abuse, and the list goes on and on and on---ad infinitum!
Dare I even mention abortion in which in the U.S. alone as many as over 63,000 dead babies per day?
THE WORLD IS ON THE BRINK! And not from Clovid 19. Not even from staggering national debt. While terrible in the extreme, this plague will pass---only to give way to another plague and we know that because it has been a continual cycle throughout the history of the world. REALITY STRIKING is that mankind in general is finding new and innovative ways to kill itself off---at an alarming rate.
And I would also mention that roughly 4 1/2 BILLION people are perishing---or on the way to that end because they do not have a relationship with the one and only true GOD! Elohim, Lord, Jesus Christ and a dozen or more other names that He can be identified by, but still the one and ONLY GOD!
4 1/2 BILLION will perish to an unthinkable end. At the same time, it is reported that 2 1/2 BILLION people on the planet DO HAVE a relationship with the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings!
Many within the church do take the Great Commission of Matthew chapter 28:18-20 seriously and labor long and hard to accomplish the Lord's commands. BUT SADLY, the percentage of that 2 1/2 BILLION who really do take the Lords command seriously is extremely small.
So lets just pretend for a moment that ALL 2 1/2 BILLION followers of Christ were fully engaged in the Great Commission "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you"! If that was the case---AS COMMANDED BY THE LORD! What do you suppose would happen?
Well to begin with if everyone of those 2 1/2 Billion brought only ONE single person into the Kingdom of God during their entire lifetime, it would cut the unsaved by well over one half. And I suspect more than that.
Witnessing to another human being and being able to pray with them for salvation is an extremely addictive drug. The more you do that the more you want to do that. And soon it becomes a motivating factor in your life. Like breathing air!
Would all that evangelism stop things like Covid 19 from happening? NO! Stuff happens and unpleasant stuff often happens in heaping quantities. But one of the great side effects of a walk with Jesus---I SHOULD SAY, A SERIOUS WALK WITH JESUS is receiving the greatest gift of all.
No, plagues do happen, car accidents kill people, some will get the flu and perish. And some will always tragically disappear or stave to death.
The question for all Christians to think about is simple; HOW MANY LOST (for all of eternity) SOULS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO ME?
Pastor Rance.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Sunday, March 29, 2020
CORONA VIRIS (Covid 19). Are the end times upon us?
Dear friends and readers,
Would you agree that there is some very serious stuff happening in the world today? In fact I have been awed in recent weeks with things happening that could be right out of the book of Exodus and Pharaoh's rejection of God's authority.
But first, I want to make something abundantly clear. There are entire communities of conspiracy theorists including within both Judaism and Christianity. I am NOT one of those. I need to see some Biblical proof before I make exaggerated statements. For that reason, I do not believe that this virus is some kind of proclamation from on high.
Could God do something like this? Yes, after all He is God and He is all powerful. But I believe that this is really a repeat of many another plagues that have happened over millennia past. I do however suspect that China is complicit and that this thing would not have grown to the proportions we are seeing if the Government of China had acted responsibly. One man's opinion.
But as a writer of Biblical prophecy, I also cannot help but make connections with Matthew chapter 24. In this area of scripture Jesus is speaking to His disciples and telling them what to expect in the end times. I am sure you know the drill--false christs manifesting, wars and rumors of wears, but then He says "See that you are not troubled; For ALL these things must come too pass, but the end is not yet".
"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilence, and earthquakes in various places".
I see chapter 24 in two very different sections. As is the case with some other scriptures, Matthew 24 speaks of today and also tomorrow. 1). Verse 1 through 8 are clearly happening now. But at sometime in the possible foreseeable future, Christ will take His church out of this world (1 and 2 Thessalonians), and then AFTER WE ARE GONE---from this earth, Matthew chapter 24 verses 9-14 will begin. That is a time in which the anti-christ will be manifested and those left on earth (many of whom will see the gospel light and turn to the Lord) WILL be delivered up to tribulation and killed and all the remainder who are not killed, will be hated (by the nations) for the sake of the Name of Christ. Many (people of the world) will be offended, will betray one another and hate, on a scale never seen before---. In fact verse 12 puts earth in perspective during that time; "AND BECAUSE LAWLESSNESS WILL ABOUND, THE LOVE OF MANY WILL GROW COLD".
Right now, because of this virus, some people are hoarding, some fighting over food and toilet paper. Back in the 60's and early 70's while I was in law enforcement, I often saw mankind at it's worst. Rioting, looting, extreme violence, union strikes with unimaginable violence. Can you imagine what will begin to happen after the rapture when billions of people suddenly disappear including partial governments, military and police personnel. Ambulance and fire? Doctors and nurses. And because the Holy Spirit will longer be "restraining" all pretense of a civilized society will come crashing down. It will be wholesale rape, robbery, pillaging and violence and murder, never before seen or even imagined.
NOTE: Taking precautions and stocking up reasonable is not the same as hoarding.
But continuing in chapter 24, it gives a promise (13) "BUT HE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED". The Lord gives some hope to those who worship Him who are still on earth and who have not been killed by the anti-christ and his minions. While we could argue the point, I do not believe that in this context, the Lord is speaking about eternal salvation. No, at this juncture in time, He will be preparing to lead His army (previously raptured saints), back to earth and put a stop to the battle of Armageddon. So when He says SHALL BE SAVED, He is referring to being saved alive so they can enter into the thousand year millennial reign of Christ upon this earth. These people will continue to marry, procreate the human species and live normal lives only with a physical King on the throne in Jerusalem. The raptured church will be there as well but other than worshipping our Lord, scripture gives little information about what else we may be doing during that thousand years.
But that is a story for another time.
Right now the entire world (in my opinion) is smack dab in the middle of verse 8 "ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS"! This Covid 19 plague is one of those sorrows. Not to mention, many other things that I know you have heard of on the news; SWARMS of millions upon billions of locusts in several countries wiping entire agricultural areas off the map in a matter of hours. Earthquakes in places that have not previously seen them---I am going to write a very eye opening article about earthquakes in various places in a few days!
Weird weather patterns--cyclones, floods, massive forest fires, terrible hurricanes, twisters, rapidly developing huge sink holes that swallow entire houses.
And yes, the earth has seen these things before, in fact King Solomon states so specifically in Ecclesiastes chapter 1 "That which has been is what will be that which is done is what will be done, THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"!
But there are other things that point to rapidly approaching worldwide devastation. During WWII we discovered the horror of Nazi hate when the extermination camps were liberated and it was discovered that over 6 million Jews were gassed to death including 1 million children. Nothing had EVER compared to that. But since that time an even greater Holocaust is being perpetrated as we speak. ABORTION! And a huge number of people in nearly every single country are hardened to this terrible evil and simply do not care.
Since Roe versus Wade in 1973, worldwide over 1 1/2 BILLION helpless human babies have been butchered in the womb. 63,000 babies have been killed worldwide just today as of 2 p.m. Since 1973 in the United States, 61,839,812 as of today. And the numbers are growing at an exponential rate. If that is not a Holocaust, I don't know what is.
Homosexuality and people claiming to alter their natural state of male/female to something else??? Is now being not only accepted but celebrated. Anyone remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Which is one of the reasons that I reject the notion that God has sent this plague of Covid 19 on the earth. Abraham was interceding for Sodom because his nephew LOT was living there. God would not destroy Sodom for the sake of 1 single righteous man living there. Lot was a bit slow on the uptake so the angels of God actually picked him up to get him out before utter and complete destruction hit.
Much of the reason for this complete destruction was the open practice of homosexuality among the populace. But it still remains true that for the sake of ONE RIGHTEOUS MAN, God stayed His hand. There are now a reported 2 1/2 BILLION Followers of Christ on earth. We could argue, I suppose about whether they are all serious believers but then again "JUDGE NOT LEST YOU BE JUDGED"? One way or another---even though none of us deserve the title, 2 Corinthians 5:21 labels followers of Christ as being "RIGHTEOUS"! "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (JESUS).
No, God is not going to destroy mankind through this plague because there are most certainly a lot more than one righteous person on this planet today.
But the fact remains that mankind today is seeing and feeling the effects of some very serious things happening on planet earth including every single one of the items and predictions that Christ made to His disciples in Matthew 24.
WE ARE IN MY OPINION SQUARELY IN VERSE 8---"ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE BEGINNINGS OF SORROW"! But lest we forget, we are told to NOT BE TROUBLED because the end is not yet! However we can expect that if this is the BEGINNING of sorrows, more are surely to follow.
And speaking of "the end is not yet"; Scripturally speaking, "THE END" will not happen until the end of the thousand years that Christ rules the earth. So much for climate change, global warming and the end of planet earth during our life times. Just not going to happen!
So how do we as believers make it through this terrible time of uncertainty? 1). The scriptures are clear---we are to honor our governments. We may not think they are GOOD governments but that is not the point. If the government tells us to avoid other human contact and stay home we should do so to the best of our ability. 2). Remember always who is really in charge---JESUS, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! Nothing that is happening is a surprise to HIM! 3). Live our lives the best we can and be submissive and obedient to the Word of God---our Bibles. 4). Use this time to glorify the Lord by finding ways to accomplish the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20. Use your computer or cell phone to do so. Tell people about the Lord. NO FEAR OF REJECTION!!! Just do it.
YES, we are in the end times although we have no idea how long that will last or when our Lord is coming for us. In the meanwhile as far as this worldwide threat to life is concerned, as a follower of Christ---although we all get sick from time to time, Neither you nor I are leaving this planet until our time is up and the Lord rings our bell.
Have hope, be safe, love your family and friends and use common sense.
God bless,
Pastor Rance.
Would you agree that there is some very serious stuff happening in the world today? In fact I have been awed in recent weeks with things happening that could be right out of the book of Exodus and Pharaoh's rejection of God's authority.
But first, I want to make something abundantly clear. There are entire communities of conspiracy theorists including within both Judaism and Christianity. I am NOT one of those. I need to see some Biblical proof before I make exaggerated statements. For that reason, I do not believe that this virus is some kind of proclamation from on high.
Could God do something like this? Yes, after all He is God and He is all powerful. But I believe that this is really a repeat of many another plagues that have happened over millennia past. I do however suspect that China is complicit and that this thing would not have grown to the proportions we are seeing if the Government of China had acted responsibly. One man's opinion.
But as a writer of Biblical prophecy, I also cannot help but make connections with Matthew chapter 24. In this area of scripture Jesus is speaking to His disciples and telling them what to expect in the end times. I am sure you know the drill--false christs manifesting, wars and rumors of wears, but then He says "See that you are not troubled; For ALL these things must come too pass, but the end is not yet".
"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilence, and earthquakes in various places".
I see chapter 24 in two very different sections. As is the case with some other scriptures, Matthew 24 speaks of today and also tomorrow. 1). Verse 1 through 8 are clearly happening now. But at sometime in the possible foreseeable future, Christ will take His church out of this world (1 and 2 Thessalonians), and then AFTER WE ARE GONE---from this earth, Matthew chapter 24 verses 9-14 will begin. That is a time in which the anti-christ will be manifested and those left on earth (many of whom will see the gospel light and turn to the Lord) WILL be delivered up to tribulation and killed and all the remainder who are not killed, will be hated (by the nations) for the sake of the Name of Christ. Many (people of the world) will be offended, will betray one another and hate, on a scale never seen before---. In fact verse 12 puts earth in perspective during that time; "AND BECAUSE LAWLESSNESS WILL ABOUND, THE LOVE OF MANY WILL GROW COLD".
Right now, because of this virus, some people are hoarding, some fighting over food and toilet paper. Back in the 60's and early 70's while I was in law enforcement, I often saw mankind at it's worst. Rioting, looting, extreme violence, union strikes with unimaginable violence. Can you imagine what will begin to happen after the rapture when billions of people suddenly disappear including partial governments, military and police personnel. Ambulance and fire? Doctors and nurses. And because the Holy Spirit will longer be "restraining" all pretense of a civilized society will come crashing down. It will be wholesale rape, robbery, pillaging and violence and murder, never before seen or even imagined.
NOTE: Taking precautions and stocking up reasonable is not the same as hoarding.
But continuing in chapter 24, it gives a promise (13) "BUT HE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED". The Lord gives some hope to those who worship Him who are still on earth and who have not been killed by the anti-christ and his minions. While we could argue the point, I do not believe that in this context, the Lord is speaking about eternal salvation. No, at this juncture in time, He will be preparing to lead His army (previously raptured saints), back to earth and put a stop to the battle of Armageddon. So when He says SHALL BE SAVED, He is referring to being saved alive so they can enter into the thousand year millennial reign of Christ upon this earth. These people will continue to marry, procreate the human species and live normal lives only with a physical King on the throne in Jerusalem. The raptured church will be there as well but other than worshipping our Lord, scripture gives little information about what else we may be doing during that thousand years.
But that is a story for another time.
Right now the entire world (in my opinion) is smack dab in the middle of verse 8 "ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS"! This Covid 19 plague is one of those sorrows. Not to mention, many other things that I know you have heard of on the news; SWARMS of millions upon billions of locusts in several countries wiping entire agricultural areas off the map in a matter of hours. Earthquakes in places that have not previously seen them---I am going to write a very eye opening article about earthquakes in various places in a few days!
Weird weather patterns--cyclones, floods, massive forest fires, terrible hurricanes, twisters, rapidly developing huge sink holes that swallow entire houses.
And yes, the earth has seen these things before, in fact King Solomon states so specifically in Ecclesiastes chapter 1 "That which has been is what will be that which is done is what will be done, THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"!
But there are other things that point to rapidly approaching worldwide devastation. During WWII we discovered the horror of Nazi hate when the extermination camps were liberated and it was discovered that over 6 million Jews were gassed to death including 1 million children. Nothing had EVER compared to that. But since that time an even greater Holocaust is being perpetrated as we speak. ABORTION! And a huge number of people in nearly every single country are hardened to this terrible evil and simply do not care.
Since Roe versus Wade in 1973, worldwide over 1 1/2 BILLION helpless human babies have been butchered in the womb. 63,000 babies have been killed worldwide just today as of 2 p.m. Since 1973 in the United States, 61,839,812 as of today. And the numbers are growing at an exponential rate. If that is not a Holocaust, I don't know what is.
Homosexuality and people claiming to alter their natural state of male/female to something else??? Is now being not only accepted but celebrated. Anyone remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Which is one of the reasons that I reject the notion that God has sent this plague of Covid 19 on the earth. Abraham was interceding for Sodom because his nephew LOT was living there. God would not destroy Sodom for the sake of 1 single righteous man living there. Lot was a bit slow on the uptake so the angels of God actually picked him up to get him out before utter and complete destruction hit.
Much of the reason for this complete destruction was the open practice of homosexuality among the populace. But it still remains true that for the sake of ONE RIGHTEOUS MAN, God stayed His hand. There are now a reported 2 1/2 BILLION Followers of Christ on earth. We could argue, I suppose about whether they are all serious believers but then again "JUDGE NOT LEST YOU BE JUDGED"? One way or another---even though none of us deserve the title, 2 Corinthians 5:21 labels followers of Christ as being "RIGHTEOUS"! "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (JESUS).
No, God is not going to destroy mankind through this plague because there are most certainly a lot more than one righteous person on this planet today.
But the fact remains that mankind today is seeing and feeling the effects of some very serious things happening on planet earth including every single one of the items and predictions that Christ made to His disciples in Matthew 24.
WE ARE IN MY OPINION SQUARELY IN VERSE 8---"ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE BEGINNINGS OF SORROW"! But lest we forget, we are told to NOT BE TROUBLED because the end is not yet! However we can expect that if this is the BEGINNING of sorrows, more are surely to follow.
And speaking of "the end is not yet"; Scripturally speaking, "THE END" will not happen until the end of the thousand years that Christ rules the earth. So much for climate change, global warming and the end of planet earth during our life times. Just not going to happen!
So how do we as believers make it through this terrible time of uncertainty? 1). The scriptures are clear---we are to honor our governments. We may not think they are GOOD governments but that is not the point. If the government tells us to avoid other human contact and stay home we should do so to the best of our ability. 2). Remember always who is really in charge---JESUS, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! Nothing that is happening is a surprise to HIM! 3). Live our lives the best we can and be submissive and obedient to the Word of God---our Bibles. 4). Use this time to glorify the Lord by finding ways to accomplish the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20. Use your computer or cell phone to do so. Tell people about the Lord. NO FEAR OF REJECTION!!! Just do it.
YES, we are in the end times although we have no idea how long that will last or when our Lord is coming for us. In the meanwhile as far as this worldwide threat to life is concerned, as a follower of Christ---although we all get sick from time to time, Neither you nor I are leaving this planet until our time is up and the Lord rings our bell.
Have hope, be safe, love your family and friends and use common sense.
God bless,
Pastor Rance.
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