Sunday, May 28, 2017

Gog and Magog, Mortal Enemies Become Passionate Lovers

Dear friends and readers,

Today's article ranks right up there somewhere between "SAY WHAT?", and "you have got to be kidding"!

It was reported on May 5th of this year that the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, in a supposed good hearted attempt to bring a semblance of peace to the war in Syria, has suggested an alliance to patrol a "de-escalation" zone in Syria.   Guess who will be the partners of this peace keeping force?  Russia, Turkey and Iran (Persia).  Does that ring a bell with anyone? These particular nations have not been historic friends.  In fact they have generally been enemies since time immemorial.  How strange it is to see them becoming passionate political lovers in these last days.

It is very likely that these "peace keeping partners" are members of the future invasion army of Gog of the land of Magog.

Ezekiel chapter 38:2-3-4 " Now the word of the Lord came to me , saying, Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, thus says the Lord God:  Behold, I am against you, O  Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal.   I will turn you around , put hooks in your jaws and lead you out with all your armies-------".  (verse 5) Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya are with them (6) Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops---many people are with you."

Apparently a conversation was had between the Russian President and his American counterpart in which this idea was floated.  Not being there personally, I do not want to engage in  presumption but I do certainly hope that U.S. leaders understand the possible future implications for Israel if they approve of this folly.  Also I sincerely hope that the "Christian advisers" to the White House we have been hearing about have kept up with their Bible reading?  Who knows, maybe the Old Testament Prophets are no longer in vogue with the political elite.

I have already written extensively about who all these nations might be so this article is not intended to explore the exact nations involved in the prophecies of Ezekiel.

However I do want to mention that among the list who will be led by Russia, are several ancient populations that settled in and around what is now the nation of Turkey.  Also Persia is specifically mentioned, a nation frequently in today's news but under the much newer name of Iran.  Then you have Libya which is the very same as in ancient history.  What this means is that the three leading characters of this future invasion army are in fact in Syria at this very moment and may be getting the nod of approval to "police" a supposed non violent area which no doubt will include  the boarder between Syria and Israel along the Golan Heights.

The fox may have just been put in charge of guarding the chicken coup!

Before going further it will help to know a bit about the prophet Ezekiel;  Unlike some of the other ancient prophets such as Jeremiah, Ezekiel wrote in chronological order.  In other words major Biblical events prophesied for the future build upon one another as they were revealed to the Prophet by God.

Several of the prophets spoke specifically to the 10 tribes of Israel or to the large single tribe of Judah but Ezekiel was called to speak in behalf of God to "The whole house of Israel."  Like both Daniel in the Old Testament and the Apostle John in the New Testament, Ezekiel prophesied outside the Biblical heart land which was Israel at that time.  Ezekiel was a priest who's name meant "GOD WILL STRENGTHEN".  He was exiled from Israel and carried away to Babylon sometime between the first and final deportations of Judah listed in 2 Kings 24:11-16.

Ezekiel was known as a man of very strong purpose and stern integrity.  He was totally devoted to his calling as a priest within Judaism.  One thing that marked his ministry was his constant reminders to those who had been taken captive, of exactly why that had happened.  For example, the national sins of Israel listed in  Ezekiel chapter 14.  Also to preach to the generations which would be born while in captivity.

To give some examples of the prophets chronology;  Chapter 1 reflects Ezekiel's original calling and lists his first vision after which God commissions him as a prophet.  Chapter 4-6 sees Ezekiel warning Jerusalem of pending judgment and predictions of the departure of God's glory because of sin.  Jumping ahead to chapters 33-38  Ezekiel begins to prophecy of events to take place at "the end of the age" when Israel is once again in her own land.

Specifically in chapter 37 Ezekiel prophecy's a vision of the "DRY BONES" which relates to Israel's current restoration which was accomplished as a nation (according to several prophecies) in one day on May 14, 1948.  Although I must mention that this did not "just happen" as a surprise to the world with no warning.  In fact events had begun to bring this about all the way back to the birth of a famous man, an Austrian Jew on May 2, 1860.  Theodor Herzl is credited as the father of modern day Zionism.  He published a small pamphlet in 1896 entitled "THE JEWISH STATE".  This small publication drew much attention and a worldwide Zionist movement was slowly born.

Theodor died in 1904, roughly 40 years before the actual re-establishment of a Jewish State but his legacy led into the terrible events of WWII and Hitlers extermination of 6 million Jews including 2 million children.   After the war when these atrocities were discovered, The early Zionist movement became center stage.  The horrors of the Holocaust shocked the world and Zionism grew exponentially until the actual announcement of a Jewish State by the first Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion in 1948.

What has this got to do with the Prophet Ezekiel?  Many people including most Christians do not know that chapter 37 of Ezekiel's "Dry Bones" prophecy is currently being exactly fulfilled AT THIS VERY MOMENT (and has been ever increasingly for over 100 years) by 85 Biblical prophecies.  These prophecies all have to do with something called "ALIYA". That word literally means in Hebrew "an immigration of Jews from the diaspora (dispersion) back to the land of Israel".  Caution here lest there be confusion because the word ALIYA and variations there of also have roots in  other cultural meanings such as Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Islam, Malalam, Germanic and older languages and cultures such as Kazkh and Tatar.

Ezekiel begins to prophecy in chapters 38 and 39 about this  massive invasion on Israel led by Gog from the land of Magog.

NOTE:  For those who think this event has already happened  because modern armies no longer fight with swords, bucklers and horses?  What do you think would have happened if God had said to Ezekiel "Son of Man, don't sweat the language just write, automatic weapons, flak jackets and tanks.  By the way, can you spell helicopter?" It's always amazing to me how much effort and time are expended by some folks to explain away the Bible!

The rhetoric of Chapter 38 progresses rapidly and God tells Ezekiel that this great army gathered from many people will be on "the mountains of Israel".  Then in verse 11 God further explains that at this time in future history, Israel will be a land of unwalled villages;  A peaceful people who dwell safely, ALL OF THEM dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates---!  Does that sound to you like Israel today?

Forgive me but I need to take a "bunny trail" here because some writers are confused in thinking that the war of Gog from Magog happens AFTER the thousand year reign of Christ upon this earth.  In fact there are two wars of Gog from Magog.  One, the first one may be coming soon and the references to safety and unwalled villages gives us a clue regarding when this might occur.  In order for Israel to be living safely in unwalled villages the events of Daniel chapter 9 must first take place.  In other words the anti-christ who Daniel describes as "the prince who is yet to come" shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (next Jewish Temple yet to be built).  But before that happens he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.   This is the 7 year peace pact with Israel and her neighbors which allows Israel to live safely in unwalled villages.  This was written in the context of Daniels 70 week prophecy so we know that the "ONE WEEK" is actually a period of 7 years.

Also it should be noted that in this first war it is GOD who is bringing Gog against Israel.  Compare that to the second war of Gog which does happen after the thousand years have expired (Revelation chapter 20 verses 7-10).  In this instance scripture tells us that it is SATAN who is released from his prison and deceives GOG AND MAGOG and gathers them to battle against the SAINTS OF GOD  and the BELOVED CITY (Jerusalem).  You can read the rest for yourself but this battle does not turn out well for either Gog or satan.

2 battles, same basic evil doers.  Separated by 1000 years.  One instigated by GOD, the second by SATAN.

The entire point of this article is that the prophetic stage is being set before our very eyes.  At this exact moment in time. Which will eventually allow this great army of Gog from the land of Magog to march into Israel where it will be supernaturally destroyed by GOD on the mountains of Israel.

Ezekiel chapter 39 (verse 12) goes on to say that there will be so many dead from this army that it takes "the house of Israel" seven months to bury them all.  Also in verses 9-10 it takes the people who dwell in the cities of Israel seven full years to set on fire and burn all the weapons from this massive army.

So, to recap;   1).  The anti-christ causes a peace pact to be signed.  2).  Gog and Magog with a massive army attacks and is destroyed by God  (NOTE:  Not destroyed by Israel.  Gog is destroyed supernaturally by God).  3).  Then during the next 7 years (the 7 years of tribulation in the book of Revelation) the weapons of Gog are destroyed by Israel.

There are two extremely interesting Biblical facts that many people do not realize;  1).  Most modern editions of the Bible leave an important fact out of Ezekiel chapter 39 verse 2.  The original King James authorized edition (KJV) clarifies the massive extent of the destruction of this great army at the hands of God.   Verse two tells us that God destroys this army down to 1/6 of its original size.  In other words of all the troops arrayed against Israel, over 85% are destroyed.  Then in verse 6 of the KJV God further clarifies that He will send  "fire on MAGOG and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles;  And they shall know that I  Am God"!  While I cannot know exactly what God means by the word "ISLES",  I can make an assumption that the folks remaining  behind from the countries who produced the armies of Gog, will also pay an extremely heavy price.

The armies of Gog and Magog,  still in their infancy today are  beginning to form before our eyes  as Russia, Iran (Persia) and Turkey.  Seemingly, they are on the northern boarders of Israel as we speak. Not a massive army yet but that will come in time.

2) .  Finally one last incredibly important fact revealed in scripture;  Ezekiel states in chapter 38 verse 13 something that I believe relates indirectly to the future Rapture of the church.

(13) "Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, AND ALL THEIR YOUNG LIONS will say to you (Gog), Have you come to take plunder"?  That's it?  Just a question and no one turns a pinkie to help defend Israel from this great invading force?

Historically it is believed by many that Tarshish in Ezekiel's day was the farthest Western reaches of the known world.  In his day that would most likely be England, Spain, perhaps part of what is Western Europe today.  These nations were predominantly Christian and sent out most of the early missionary forces worldwide.   Particularly England who's national symbol was and still is to this day the LION.  It is believed by many that the YOUNG LIONS are the Nations begun by early settlers forming colonies which sprang from England and perhaps these other Christian regions.

If that is the case  then the YOUNG LIONS would be the current nations that came out of THE LION.  To a great extent that would include the United States, Canada,  Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.  Interesting that all these nations have maintained a Pro Israel stance.  So why do they simply stand back and ask Gog if his invasion of Israel is to"take plunder"?  Interesting that right now Israel is discovering vast pockets of oil and natural gas not to mention having one of the most robust technological infra structures on the planet.

What else could the Russian Bear be after? Israel has three international sea ports. Ashdod and Haifa offer unlimited access to the Mediterranean Sea. Eilot at Israel's southern tip enjoys access to the Gulf of Aqaba which shares a boarder with 4 countries. Israel, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  The Gulf of Aqaba dumps directly into the Red Sea. Currently Mother Russia has lot's of natural resources but deep water international sea ports for them are in shorty supply. Plumbs for the picking, one and all.

Which brings us once again to the subject of the Rapture of the church. I believe this great event happens in the first paragraphs of Revelation chapter 4.  Prior to the signing the the 7 year peace pact between the anti-christ, Israel and her neighbors.  Also obviously prior to Gog's invasion of Israel.

The Christian populations of The United States, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa make up a huge portion of the estimated 2.18 Billion believers on planet earth today.  Not to mention several other countries who could conceivable question Gog's intended invasion of Israel.

Think of the United States alone when it comes to the Rapture.  This event happens quickly.  In the "twinkling of an eye",  (1 Corinthians 15:52), described as an "instant in time".  Suddenly gone are hundreds of thousands of pastors and church congregations.  Perhaps a President and or Vice President, maybe all the joint Chiefs of staff for the military.  One half or more of the Congress and Senate, a few Supreme Court Justices, bankers, school teachers, cab drivers, pilots and the list goes on and on. A huge percentage of the leadership and entire population of the most powerful nation on earth---GONE! And that is only for the U.S.

In the twinkling of an eye, none of these great nations would be able to lift a finger to stop an invasion of Israel.  And in my humble opinion, we are seeing the beginnings right now of an alliance that will eventually do just that.  Russia, Turkey and Iran, aided by Libya and Ethiopia which in ancient days was in the area of the Sudan.

The church and all true Christians WORLD WIDE are gone.  Although Russia and some of these other countries do indeed have some robust Christians populations, I believe this army led by Gog is basically made up of Muslim nations who by this time are looking to Russia (Gog) for leadership.    After Gog is destroyed many Muslims nations will be rendered as  mere shadows of their former selves with populations of only 1/6 of what they were before this great invasion.

That leaves the anti-christ ruling Western apostate nations eventually going to battle against the Kings of the east in the valley of Armageddon.  Only God knows the exact timing of all this but it is not difficult to recognize "the signs of the times".  It is downhill from this point forward.  In the meanwhile?

Oh yes indeed, the fox has definitely been placed in charge of the chicken coop.

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.