Dear friends and readers,
Earlier today I wrote an article on my Facebook feed that poked a bit of fun at myself entitled "Pastor BooBoo sticks his neck out---humbled by the hand of God and wife". Yes, unfortunately Pastor BooBoo is a name that I acquired many years ago. A story for another time.
Today I am going to stick my neck out again only this time POLITICALLY!
First some background. I dislike very much "no it alls" and particularly folks who say "I told you so". So, I cannot believe that I am actually about to do that very thing. Back before the last Presidential election, I told some friends and relatives that Donald Trump would win the election. That was not based upon any sort of political savvy on my part, it simply made sense. It made sense to me for two very important reasons; First I believed that out there in the heart of America there was a ground swell of everyday "Joe's and Josephine's" who are sick and tired of being lied to by politicians and really, really do want to see the swamp drained in Washington. Further that they were willing to take a chance on an outsider who had the "chupzpah" to say bodacious things publicly that everyday folks really do say in the privacy of their own living rooms.
Secondly, that many of these folks were not speaking up about their feelings because of the pressure exerted upon then by the false "POLITICALLY CORRECT" narative/garbage peddled by the last occupant of the White House. That on election day, these folks were going to turn out in droves to elect someone who admittedly was more than a bit braggadocios but at the core of things was also believable. And that was exactly what happened.
I still believe it today and predict right here and now that the GOP will not only carry both the House and the Senate but will do so with overwhelming results. I believe the day after the election we will see head lines that say "The GOP takes it in a landslide"!
This is not just a guess on my part. There are reasons. First, like him or love him or hate him, the Presidents numbers are going up and right now (as of yesterday) Rasmussen has him at 50% approval rating and it should be noted that this does not as yet reflect Judge Kavanaughs elevation to the Supreme Court. Nor does if reflect Trumps victory with pastor Andrew Brunsons release by the Turkish Government. Admittedly polls like CNN and other left wing organizations have Trumps numbers in the toilet but they also did hours before he won the Presidency and the fact is that Rasmussen was the ONLY one who had it right.
The situation with Judge Kavanaugh galvanized the right wing Conservative base like absolutely nothing else could have. People were hot and they are going to show up on election day and get even. Many of these same folks are tired of seeing their tax money used for the furtherance of what many people now agree really is a witch hunt by Robert Mueller and crew. AMERICA'S right wing wants to get on with getting on. It is as simple as that! And they are going to show it with votes!
Also the Kavanaugh issue galvanized many of the previous "NEVER TRUMPERS" and the Presidents coat tails are becoming broad enough that people running on the GOP ticket are actively seeking to identify with the President, who by the way will be stumping on an extremely high level until election day. A man who has proven that he can turn out mega crowds. Like him or hate him he is Mr. Charisma to his supporters who are growing in numbers and pouring millions into Republican Senate and House candidates coffers. Also of significant note is that the Senate Majority leader, Mitch McConnell seems to finally have a firm grasp on the Senate and is pushing through dozens of Federal Judges for confirmation. Another of Trumps campaign promises.
The mid term elections are on November 6th, Just 23 days from now. Unless something really horrible happens in the next 23 days, Trump who is now the undisputed master of the GOP will lead his party to over whelming victory. But then as before there are many who will sell the man short and under estimate his political savvy. That will prove once again to be a mistake.
Or not? But I personally think so! The writing is on the wall.
Have a great day in Jesus
Pastor Rance
Independent Conservative.