Friday, May 5, 2017

North Korea, is it part of an END TIMES scenario?

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to you all in Jesus name,

This is a two part series.

Are you among the throng who is wondering, "what in the world is going on here?".  Things are spinning out of control  for the first time since the Bay of Pigs in Cuba when  U.S. President John F. Kennedy faced down Nikita Khrushchev of Russia over a nuclear threat way back in the 1960's.   Now, once again people are worried about a nuclear holocaust. For good reason.

I am going to speak to you today about North Korea and why so many people are beginning to shake in fear.  After all, what's the big deal?  The Korean Peninsula is on the opposite side of the world.   Many younger folks today cannot even find it on a map.  But it is a big deal and unless you are at least 60 years of age, chances are you may not know or remember the volatile history of this region.   Old timers like some of you and I, will remember Korea in a historical context, but even most people of my generation may not understand why the news is full of threat today involving some ancient dispute.

This subject matter is so controversial and potentially fearful  that I am going to provide you with information, and you decide what it all means.  Literally I report, you decide.  I am a positive guy and I do not like to scare people.  You've all heard about the cup half empty or cup half full, right folks?  Well, I would describe myself as a cup completely full every time.  But unfortunately we do live in an increasingly negative, serious, dangerous world and my job is to write about things that may happen from a Biblical point of view.

This is the reason for a two party article;  The first part is to bring us all up to speed historically and provide a backdrop of information that can help us decide if North Korea today could act as a sort of springboard for future prophetic events.  Most people would never think of North Korea in those terms but is that justified?

Allow me to bring us all up to speed;  First, we all hear on the news about some kind of nuclear threat from North Korea and also a potential nuclear proliferation by the Iranians (Persians).   Today is dedicated to the Korean problem and I will deal with the Iranian issue in another article.  But the fact is that the Iranians may have received much help on their nascent nuclear plans from---North Korea.

First for the world's nuclear woes;  The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) lists nine countries who have nuclear weapons.  United States, Russia, China, France, United Kingdom, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and Israel. NOTE:  Israel's Nuclear arsenal has never once been admitted to by the Israelis but few experts doubt that it is there and is extremely dangerous and capable.

It is estimated that among what is not so affectionately called "the nuclear club" there are an estimated  20,000 nuclear weapons worldwide.  Who knows how many more might be hidden away from the eyes of the world?

How many nuclear weapons would it take to destroy the world?   That depends upon size.  It depends upon whether we are talking about small tactical battle field weapons or "ICBM's",  Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles...  big dudes with multiple warheads.  The current estimate is that both Russia and the United States maintain a minimum of 1,800 ICBM class weapons which are on constant high alert and both may have many more stored in a very large closet somewhere.  Want to venture a guess at who these two nuclear giants are primarily aiming there weapons at?  Each other.  Although there is little doubt that all nuclear nations have an entire plethora of alternative attractive targets.

India, a relatively stable nation maintains nuclear weapons to offset any potential threats from it's next door neighbor and dreaded mortal enemy, Pakistan.  Pakistan is also nuclear and can say the same about their terrible enemy India, but there is a difference.  According to Wikipedia, the Pakistani Government is actively fighting at least 9 large terrorist organizations within it's borders including Al Qaeda plus elements of the Taliban from it's other neighbor, Afghanistan.  Pakistan is so volatile  that it could well find itself in danger of hostile take over from terrorist groups who would then have access to untold nuclear devastation.

Afghanistan  shares a boarder with Iran.  Iran is actively seeking nuclear weapons capability and has publicly sworn to destroy the United States (the big satan) and Israel (the little satan).  Suddenly several Arab nations are snuggling up to the "dreaded Israelis",  because they are far more afraid of Iran than Israel.  And the dance goes on!

Both India and Pakistan share common boarders with China who has a very large nuclear arsenal including an estimated 50-60 ICBM's with multiple warheads.  Frankly, probably a great deal more than that.  Afghanistan is separated from China  by only two small countries of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.  Iran is separated from Russia only by the Caspian Sea.   Some of these countries have occasional working relationships but basically they hate one another.  The inter cultural divides among these people are vicious and go all the way back to settlements established by the sons and grandsons of Noah.

The United Kingdom (England) and France are very stable forms of Government but are both being absorbed  rapidly  by Muslim refugee populations, some of whom viciously attack and kill the Brits and French populations on an  increasing basis.  Based upon the latest projected birth rates in these countries it may be only a few generations before Muslim citizens will vastly out number the indigenous peoples and vote them out of existence.  Who will control those nuclear weapons when that happens?

That leaves the United States, the most stable nuclear power of all.  But, we must not forget that the U.S. was and still is the ONLY nation on earth who actually used a form of mass destruction by dropping two atomic bombs on Japan to end World War II.

No clean hands among "the nuclear club".

To answer a previous question, it is believed that a mere 100 nuclear ICBM class weapons dropped even in a regional war would completely destroy the entire worlds ozone layer, create floating radioactive clouds and dust, destroy all ocean life and basically render the entire planet uninhabitable.  That's great news because the world would still have a minimum stockpile of 19,900 nuclear weapons only there would be no human beings left to fire them.  

And then we have North Korea!  A tiny little berg with only 25 million inhabitants.  That pails in comparison to South Korea with 50 million, Japan with 127 million, the USA with 322 million and China with nearly 1 1/2 BILLION.  But unfortunately ALL of the above are intimately involved with the North Korean "problem".  Er, did I neglect to mention Russia with 145 million?

But, North Korea is an entirely different "kettle of fish".  After WW II, Russia occupied the Northern  half of the Korean Peninsula. North Korea later became it's own thoroughly communist republic with lots of Russian war materials and weaponry left over to begin it's reign of terror.  The first North Korean Premier (dictator) was Kim II Sung, a great granddaddy of the current dictator Kim Jong Un.  The Democratic Republic of Korea  (DPRK) was launched on September 9, 1948 and the South Korean NON COMMUNIST version was launched in May of 1948 by it's ruler Syngman Rhee.

North Korea crossed the 38th parallel in an unexpected invasion  and completely overran South Korea on June 25th 1950.  This invasion was backed by China and fears worldwide immediately developed.  The United States with the backing of the United Nations rushed into this war to assist South Korea resulting in one very bloody war that actively lasted until July 27, 1953.  However the war never ever really ended and what most people do not understand today is that a state of war still exists.  An armed truce with cease fire was finally achieved but there exists today a demilitarized zone between the North and South (known as the DMZ) located on exactly the same 38th parallel.  This existing war of over 65 years is still very much a threat to world peace and could reignite at any moment.   As an FYI, the hit television series MASH was set during this war in South Korea.

Prior to the invasion in 1950, the United States maintained a very small military force in South Korea of 510 troops who were basically a left over of a much more robust force after WW II to offset a Russian threat from the North.  By 1951, not long after the North Korean invasion, the United States military force grew to a whopping 326, 863 troops from the Army, Navy, Air Force and  Marine Corps.  Russia, impressed with China's commitment to assist North Korea also jumped in to assist in the North with two air divisions.

And a very nasty fight was on.  Fast forward to today.   The DMZ at the 38th parallel is still very much in place and a large South Korean army is bolstered with a remaining United States military force of roughly 30,000 troops.  That means the U.S. military has been actively engaged in Korea for nearly 67 years.  Why?  Because each and every successive North Korean Government during that entire time has threatened to reignite the shooting war.

The entire North Korean dynasty from great great grandpa down to the current dictator, Kim Jong Un has spent gazillions of dollars "WON" on building military might and weaponry during all those years.   This to the detriment of 25 million basically starving North Korean citizens.  The slightest remark made against the Government can mean immediate death to the speaker and possibly their entire family.  This is a dictatorship "par eksalans".  Basically you still have the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang, threatening to once again invade the capital of South Korea, Soul.  There are still the United Nations with the United States as front line troops protecting South Korea.   China and Russia publicly claiming they do not want war while vetoing any actions or resolutions by the U.N. Security Council against North Korean aggression and nuclear expansionism.

Yes, that's right.  North Korea is now a nuclear power and threatening nearly daily to use it.  North Korea is an enemy of Japan who is now in  their nuclear cross hairs.  Japanese citizens are purchasing bomb shelters and gas masks.   The United States has a treaty with Japan guaranteeing mutual protection.  Other nations are at risk including the Hawaiian Islands, The Philippines and parts of Indonesia.  North Korea is threatening to sink a U.S. air craft carrier.   Could they do it?  Who knows but the threat is out there.  They are also threatening to send ICBM's toward North America.  And Uncle Sam is taking these threats very seriously.

The current dictator of the DPRK, is a certifiable crazy man.  No kidding.  His jealousy for power has resulted in the assassinations of some of his own blood relatives.  But after all, gods are entitled to be crazy men.  At least that is the thinking in most of North Korea. The family "KIM" has been in power so long that many North Koreans believe their leader is in fact a god who can read their very thoughts.  Talk about a fear factor on steroids?

Think about the problem areas of the world today.  In countries  that practice religious totalitarianism, there is such zeal leading to some kind of Utopian afterlife  that the idea of death becomes a highly sought after goal.  You cannot reason with people who want to die.  By virtue of this, North Korea is far more dangerous and unstable than either Russia or China.  Although far larger to be sure, both China and Russia do not want to die.  They certainly may be seeking  world domination in one form or the other but they both  respect power in other nations.  Therefore arguments can be made and things worked out short of pushing nuclear buttons.  Not so for North Korea  who is verified to have nuclear weapons capability and is actively seeking rockets dependable enough to launch weapons of terrible mass destruction.

North Korea is also equipped with massive military infrastructure.  From tanks to planes, to artillery and manpower.  There is some doubt if all their military might is up to date, but no one, specifically the South Koreans want to find out because their capital city of Soul is the most heavily populated in the entire country and is within range of massive North Korean artillery.  Not to mention over 6 million active duty military personnel plus another 600,000 reserves.

When you see worldwide concern regarding missile tests by North Korea not to mention several recent under ground nuclear tests, it is not a kidding matter.  This could spark a war that could conceivably pull in both Russia and China to protect North Korea.  It could snag the United States, Japan, and conceivably the entire list of countries included in the NATO charter.  Will it happen?  Maybe, maybe not, but let's not forget that it did happen before.  King Solomon said that history ALWAYS repeats itself.

One last point;  For very many years, North Korea has engaged in what is called "saber rattling".  In other words, constant displays of military might coupled with threats that many world leaders have very good reason to believe.  Every time this has happened the world in general has taken a stance that has merely emboldened North Korea.  They have caved into these threats with rewards that have only "kicked the can down the road".  Now, with North Korea thumbing it's nose at everyone concerned, coupled with continuing missile tests there is no longer a can to kick.  IF North Korea ever actually develops an ICBM capable of carrying it's existing nuclear war heads, there will be a preemptive war.

In the next of my two part series I will concentrate on some extremely provocative questions;  1).  Is there any reason to believe North Korea could ignite a war that could spread worldwide?  2).  Could a war of this nature trigger Biblical end times events?  3).  Is there any mentioned in the Bible that would lead us to believe that North Korea could play a part in the wars of the last seven years of Revelation?

Answer?  Not specifically by name but yes, North Korea could play a part in the final battle of Armageddon.  I will give you scripture.

Stay tuned for part 2.

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.