Friday, October 11, 2019


Dear friends and readers,

Now a days I am almost constantly amazed at the MANY sources of absolute false doctrine that are deceiving so many people.

Normally I do not "call out" individuals but in this case I really have no choice but to discuss unpleasant possibilities. I realize that for many Christians the church of Rome is headed rapidly toward becoming the headquarters of a "one word religion" and every single word emanating from the Vatican is automatically suspect.

Personally I don't have time for all that stuff because my job Biblically is to build up the house of Christ--NOT to tear someone else's house down. So while I have grave issues with what the church of Rome is doing---I am not what you would call a Catholic basher because I have several wonderful Catholic friends who I know for sure, love my Lord Jesus Christ every bit as much as I do. And by the way just so you know, I also have very grave issues with several Christian denominations and in particularly those who are not only approving of--but making a mockery of the Bible by ordaining people who are living and practicing lifestyles forbidden by scripture!

Having said that, YES, there are some strange things happening right now and some of the spoken words emanating from Rome are difficult to explain away coming from a Biblical view point---FROM THE POPE himself.

In fact this is one of those times in life that "I WISH DESPERATELY THAT IT AIN'T SO"! But it is!

First the church of Rome seems to be courting every non Christian religion in the name of world peace. Sit around the ole camp fire and sing "Kumbaya"!  Terms like "CHRISLAM" are floating around (Christianity/Islam) like it is a real brotherhood of fellow worshippers. Really the thing to do! Ah but that's not all because it appears that several well known Christian leaders are also signing onto the  "IT'S ALL ONE GOD---ONE WORLD RELIGION" fiasco.

While I firmly believe that every single human being does have a right to choose which god they will serve---the fact remains there is ONLY ONE TRUE GOD and his name is not Allah. Nor is it Buddha, Vishnu, Krishna, Odin or Zeus! The ONE TRUE GOD of the Bible has many Biblical names such as---"YHWH" (Genesis 22). But for all intent and purposes, it really is JESUS CHRIST, as verified by Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1 and Revelation 1:8.

And please know that while Islam and several other religions do have a form of JESUS, when you peel away the layers those jesus figures are NOT the Jesus of the Bible.

Secondly, There is a very important man by the name of Dr. EUGENIO SCALFARI. He is reportedly an atheist and long time friend of Pope Francis who does interviews and is connected with the publication LA REPUBLICA. He claims that the Pope said to him "that once Jesus became incarnate, he was a man, a man of exceptional virtues, but not at all a god"!

??? One would hope that Mr. Scalfari misquoted the Pope because if indeed he uttered the above statement, it flies in the face of established scripture;

1 Timothy 3:16---speaking of JESUS-- "God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Sprit, seen by angels, preached among the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory".

Also John 1:1---Speaking of the deity of Christ--"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word ---WAS GOD---"!

In fact in the basic Catechism of the Catholic church it states in part that "He (JESUS) became truly man while remaining truly GOD"!

The Pope on other occasions has been heard saying "Hell is not real". So much for several specific Biblical references to hell. So what in the world is going on here?

Or maybe it is all a scam? fake news?

But then there seems to be some discrepancy because on October 9, Vatican representatives of the Holy Father indicate that Dr. Scalfari's interview with the pope represents his OPINION of what was said but may not be exactly what was said in reference to the Divinity of Jesus Christ.

One way or another it is without doubt that this Pope has an agenda veiled in world peace that seems to indicate that he is the prime mover towards a "ONE WORLD RELIGION"!

So some advice for my Catholic friends: The very same advice that I frequently give to my own congregation. "NO MATTER WHAT YOU HEAR ME SAY ABOUT SCRIPTURE---IT IS YOUR DUTY TO CONFIRM MY WORDS WITHIN SCRIPTURE"! So my friends, for your own protection whether you claim the title Catholic or Christian, let the actual words of the Bible be your guide and you will not go wrong.


God bless,
Pastor Rance.