Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Dear friends and readers

I promised to write an article outlining a very possible scenario for future worldwide events that will effect all of mankind. THIS IS IT! Part 1. Part 2 coming in about two weeks.

But first, a disclaimer; I am NOT a prophet of God. Nor do I make even the slightest claim, that God has spoken to me about the contents of this article. I draw my conclusions from many years of Biblical study, majoring on the prophetic writings of the Lords prophets. There will be those who have read and studied just as long as I have who will reject my conclusions. I accept that and expect it.

This article will be frightening to some of you. If however you believe as I do that the Lord will come for His people (Rapture) before the events of the great tribulation years, then you will recognize that you have nothing to fear.

I do base my conclusions on my understanding of scripture. You are free to agree or disagree and I respect your own conclusions whether they agree with mine or not! I will begin with a overview of the order of events that seem likely to me and then explain more fully including scripture in part 2.

Also of note is my rejection for many years that the United States could in fact be MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Revelation chapter 17). My rejection was based on the fact that I could find no substantiating evidence to support that conclusion.

I was wrong! And now that is exactly what I believe---explained later in part 2.

NO ONE KNOWS THE TIMING OF THE RAPTURE as outlined in both first and second Thessalonians. My advice is to stay away from anyone trying to set dates for that event. But I will begin my scenario with that event;

RAPTURE. (Occurs in Revelation chapter 4).

World in complete and thorough chaos. Hundreds of millions have disappeared and the United States has been left decimated.

Massive nuclear attack on what is left of the United States, post rapture. By either Russia or China---most probably Russia. This is the destruction of Babylon the Great! The USA has huge military installations near both the Northern and Southern boarders. An attack of this magnitude would do incalculable harm to both Canada and Mexico.

Signing of peace pact by the anti-christ between Israel and her neighbors--to include agreements allowing Israel to build the third Temple.

Attack on Israel by Gog from the land of Magog and his hordes. Gog being Russia.

Complete annihilation of Gog's armies---down to 1/6th of it's strength. NOTE: GOGS ARMY COMPRISED MOSTLY OF MUSLIM NATIONS! The destruction will be wrought SUPERNATURALLY by God Himself. Israel will not have to fight this battle.

Concurrent destruction by God of the coastland areas of the nations who have assisted in this massive attempted attack. Basically rendering current Muslim nations incapable of being a major power player in the future war of Armageddon.

Israel begins to destroy the weapons of Gog's massive army---which will take Israel 7 years to accomplish.

Israel will take 7 full months to bury the dead of Gog's army.

During the first 3 1/2 years of the great tribulation period, Israel will build the third Temple and the anti-christ becomes very powerful but appears to be a man of peace.

At the 3 1/2 year mark of the tribulation years, satan will enter the anti-christ who will have been killed by a head wound and raised from the dead. The false prophet will emerge.

The anti-christ desecrates the third Temple and declares himself to be God.

During the seven years, millions who missed the rapture will come to Christ through the 144,000 of Revelation chapter 7 and the two witnesses of chapter 11.

After the 3 1/2 year mark the anti-christ and false prophet will persecute and kill both Jews and gentiles who have become followers of Christ. Many by be-heading. It is during this time that the mark if the beast becomes a requirement for all of mankind.

The anti-christ's goal will be worldwide subjugation. The nations of the East---Asia, Perhaps Japan, the Koreas, China for sure, will increasingly reject the anti-christs leadership and desire for world domination.

The anti-christs power base and weaponry will be whatever may be remaining of the United States stockpiles plus the European and Hispanic cultures and misc people groups, perhaps Southern Africa and so forth.

Near the end of the 7 years of tribulation, a massive 200 million man army will march out of the East to confront the forces of anti-christ in the valley of  Megiddo in Israel.


Return of true Christ from heaven, leading His army riding white horses. His army in reality is the BRIDE OF CHRIST (the Raptured church made up of both Jew and gentile followers of Christ), of Revelation chapter 19 who are returning to the earth after the WEDDING SUPER OF THE LAMB--which was completed in heaven--Revelation chapter 19:7-9.

Christ stops Armageddon and destroys His enemies. The BRIDE is only a witness and does not participate in this final destruction,

Then comes the Lord, taking captive satan and locking him in the bottomless pit for a thousand years. And throwing both the anti-christ and the false prophet into the everlasting lake of fire burning with brimstone.

The beginning of the thousand year reign of Christ on earth.

NOTE: Obviously there are very many other things interspersed with these main events.

In Part two--published in about two weeks, I will explain my rational for the timing I have ascribed to these events--accompanied by scripture.

Chew on this and we will get to the meat of things in the next article.

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. Do you doubt the destruction of the mighty United States? Every single world power in history has been destroyed or fallen into a second nation status if it survived at all. And we know that GOG from the land of Magog WILL happen. Israel could never be invaded like that as long as its foremost ally--the United States is still a capable world power.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Dear friends and readers,

If the famous Paul Revere were alive today, he would be riding a "chopper", wearing a MAGA cap and yelling "THE MARXIST SOCIALISTS ARE COMING, THE SOCIALISTS ARE COMING"! Paul's original warning "the British are coming" was intended to warn a fledgling American population that King George and His troops wanted to smash a rebellion from taking land and tax monies away from the King.

Todays warning would be very different. What became a massive bastion of the free world---the United States of America, is now besieged from within. No country on earth let alone a vastly diminished British Empire could even come close to defeating the United States military. No, today the country is ripping itself apart from within. Political parties have changed entirely, their basic platforms from a mere 50 years ago and both of the major parties (Democrat and Republican) are so fractured that they can barely function let alone agree on the slightest legislation. In the meanwhile a voter revolt of sorts is shaping up big time. And some might even argue, a second civil war.

I have served now as a pastor in a foreign country for most of my 34 years of ministry life. But, I love the Stars and Bars and my Constitution in the United States. I love the fact that when I am in the States I do not have to submit to military check points as I do frequently in the country I minister in. Americans have the greatest freedoms on planet earth. And they have the opportunity in a free enterprise system to become as wealthy as their own skills will allow. They can worship as they please (although that right is under increasing attack) and they can drive from coast to coast without ever one time producing a passport. The good ole US of A is still a great place in many ways but frankly in many others, it no longer resembles the country I grew up in.

Perhaps it is because I have been away for so long (with occasional visits back home) but the differences I now see and what I once saw are glaring. Not the landscape or freedoms for sure. But the lackadaisical attitudes on the part of so many people coupled with an obvious feelings of ENTITLEMENT! Having said that, there are millions of hard working Americans who delight in earning their own way. But somehow in quick order the nation has also developed millions who think they deserve a free ride. Welfare, food stamps, freebies galore all on the Government dole---paid for by other folks who work hard for their money. Somehow we as an American society have allowed a sort of "ROBIN HOOD" mentality to sneak up on us. Take from the rich and give to the poor.

In cases of very real hardship, health and so forth, I am not against helping people in need but many generations have now come and gone since "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage" was promised as part of the American dream. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that phrase accredited to President Frankly D. Roosevelt---a Democrate. Not so, in fact it was actually a campaign slogan of a Republican contender for the presidency, Herbert Hoover in 1928 coming into the Great Depression. Hoover served one term and was defeated by Roosevelt in 1933 and it was he who had to deal with the aftermath of the Great Depression plus WWII.

My point is that welfare and its attendant production of people feeling entitled to government dole is not knew. But since the Great Depression, welfare in many forms has all but bankrupted the greatest nation on the face of the earth which is now saddled with a national debt well over 21 TRILLION dollars and growing by the minute.

America and the American dream has always been an experiment which has also been the envy of the entire world. With a free enterprise system also comes great thinkers and thinking.

And now with a very controversial President and Covid 19, our economy has taken a tremendous dive. Businesses are going under, many states are still in lock down and on top of all that, civil unrest and violent destruction are sweeping the nation. Fear is creeping in to every single aspect of our society and "political correctness" is the name of the game. Into the breach steps groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The latter now labeled by our President as a domestic terror organization which I fully agree with. Can anyone tell me why those criminal thugs are not in jail? And while your at it please tell me why so few of our elected officials are not screaming to make that happen?

Have you ever looked up the website of Black Lives Matter? You owe it to yourself to do so because they are openly a Marxist anti American organization with completely and totally antithetical Biblical agendas including the promotion of the LGBTQ lifestyles. Check for yourself at blacklivesmatter.com.

These people have no purpose other than the destruction of the United States as we know it and could care less about the black community and in particular black members of the Christian faith. And in both cases of the 2 above stated, phony organizations, they are attempting to rewrite history by tearing down statues and ripping up books and old classic movies that in the slightest way "THEY SAY" is representative of white supremacy. The term used is "SYSTEMIC RACISM"! That term if true would mean that every single system, program or benefit, either government of private in the United Stated  is skewed toward racist views of depressing the black population or other minority groups.

HOGWASH! Pure and simple non sense. Now that does not mean that there are not still prejudiced people because there are. But that is the fault of a fallen world populated by fallen mankind and cannot be regulated or done away with by passing laws against it. And the ONLY sure cure for racism is a solid repentant relationship with Jesus Christ. But this article is not about the church.

So let me be clear on a number of key points---coming from the perspective of a man born in 1944 and having served in three careers: Law enforcement beginning way back in the 60's when riots were the name of the game coupled with extremely violent union strikes, the beginnings of a very real women's rights movement and the "free love" generation of Woodstock fame. Secondly, having served in the Marine Corps reserve for 24 years and now in my 34 th. year of full time Christian ministry. Strange that in none of the above did people of different colors have a hard time getting along. And in fact never once in my hearing was color mentioned or became an issue.

The fiction of SYSTEMIC racism is exactly that. FICTION! In all three of my careers I have noticed that blacks and whites and browns and all of the above get along in the most part just fine without government interference. Also without the unrelenting false pressure and agitations caused by some (certainly not all) civil rights leaders, many of whom have become filthy rich while the masses of the people they supposedly represent are living below the poverty level. And if they and organizations like Black Lives Matter are so sincerely concerned about young black folk then why are they not doing something to help fix it? Why are there not programs to help keep black fathers in the household? Why are they building abortion clinics in back neighborhoods? Why are they not  doing something to help in some of the major cities who's murder rate of young blacks is primarily at the hands of other young black men?

Why are the police to blame for all of Americas sins? When an actual very small percentage of death today is caused by police shootings? NOTE!!! If there is a dirty cop out there by all means prosecute but do not blame the men and women in uniform who honor the badge that they wear nation wide and risk their own lives daily to keep civilization up and running.

And leave off with the WHITE SUPREMACIST diatribe because you are not fooling anyone. Saying such things really is racist. Toward white folks most of who do not have a racist bone in their bodies.

And wake up folks!!! Mandatory closure if churches for ANY reason is a direct assault on the First Amendment. Not to mention that in the last year alone--not only the First but also the Fourth and Sixth Amendments have been trashed and so few people seem concerned about that. Really? If that trend continues, say good by to the Constitution and if that happens say good by to the Republic! And if that happens, say good by to a free America!

Do we still have a long way to go as a nation before there is racial and gender equality? Across the board? Yes, absolutely and I am so sad that slavery ever existed.  So sorry that all women are not earning the very same money as their male counterparts. So sorry that our schools in many parts of the USA are graduating students who cannot spell or add 3 plus 3. But you know what? I have never owned a slave and neither to my knowledge has any member of my family FOREVER! I have never treated women or minorities with anything less than total respect. I had to work my butt off to get passing grades in school and have never ever used excuses for my own failings!

While I will stand solidly and vocally against any kind of racism or lack of total equality,  I will not apologize to anyone simply because God chose to have me born to white parents.

If Paul Revere were riding today, he would be yelling at the top of his lungs, "THE MARXISTS ARE COMING AND SO IS ANOTHER CIVIL WAR"! If we are not VERY careful from this point onward!

May the Lord help us all if peace is not restored very soon to the United States of America!

Pastor Rance.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Dear friends and readers,

I am receiving requests for my take on scriptures like Romans 13 which begins with "LET EVERY SOUL BE SUBJECT TO THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES---"!

I am a law abiding citizen of any country I happen to be in at the time. In other words, I would not knowingly break any law of either civil or criminal intent---!


As a follower of Christ, I am also commanded by the Lord to follow Biblical doctrine and in more and more instances today, man's law and Biblical doctrine are absolutely opposed to one another.

Is it Biblically correct to "smuggle" bibles into China or other countries who have forbidden them?

Biblically correct to "find inventive ways" to get clothing or food or medicine to people in dire need even though man's government forbids it?

Hand out Bible tracts or evangelize where it is forbidden?

Refuse to close churches at the command of elected officials for health reasons even though those commands stand in stark contrast to the Bible and to a countries Constitution?

Those are the very real questions that many followers of Christ are facing today and asking questions about.

As I returned from a two day trip this week, I had planned on writing an article on this blog about that very thing; Much to my surprise and gratitude, I discovered that a colleague from another ministry in our area had just done so. In reading his comments I immediately knew that I could not have done a better job and received his permission to reprint his article here.

Please meet Todd Mike Fink, a fellow biblical scholar, church elder, author and supporter of all things Israel. I wholly support his comments on this subject. He has also published a very good book entitled "ISRAEL, BIBLICAL SITES TRAVEL GUIDE". He can be reached through HolyLandSite.com


Following is my understanding of the authority structure and what I believe are common misunderstandings about the role of government and the church. I know some will disagree and that is fine. May God richly bless you! Difference in opinions by God’s people is nothing new. My utmost respect for you if you see things differently. For brevity’s sake I have reduced the following content, I could say much more but will leave it at this for the moment.

Misunderstanding One: The Government Has Authority Over the Church. Therefore, the Church Should Submit to the Government
Many use Romans 13:1–7 and 1 Peter 2:13–14 as mandates that the church should obey the government. However, these verses do not speak of the church but of citizens. Moreover, the context of these verses clearly show that the government’s command from God is to punish evil, praise what is right, and be servants of goodness. It does not teach that the government has absolute authority over the church, or believers. The church and believers have a higher authority and that is Christ. Whenever the government hinders, forbids, or impedes the commands of Christ for His church, then we simply must obey God rather than man (Acts 5:29).
Christ said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:18–20). Christ, who is fully God, has maximum authority over the church and the church is to obey God as its highest authority. The church is unique and is not a business, social club, restaurant, sports event, etc. It is the bride of Christ and in whom Christ lives. Therefore, whenever we have a prohibition given by government that impedes us from fulfilling any command given by Christ to His church, then we must obey God rather than government.
Misunderstanding Two: The Church Is Not Being Prohibited from Preaching the Gospel, So It Should Submit to the Government and Stay Closed
Many use Acts 5:29 to claim that because the government is not forbidding the church to preach the gospel, that it’s biblical to obey the government and close its doors. To build a doctrine of whether or not we obey God based on one text is faulty hermeneutics (the science and art of interpretation). We need to look at all of the commands given by Christ to the church and not just one. We have many other commands that cannot be fully carried out when the church does not meet together, i.e., preach & teach, make disciples, evangelize, baptize, Lord's Supper, not forsake assembling together, laying on of hands, anointing with oil, exercising all the spiritual gifts, ministering to the weak, older teaching the younger, greeting one another, and many more. I would also argue that when the church doesn’t meet together that preaching and teaching is greatly hindered and the presence of the Lord that is uniquely manifested when the church gathers together is lost.
The book of Hebrews provides one of the most compelling reasons for the physical gathering of the church together. The theme of the book speaks of how Christ is better than and fulfills every aspect of the Old Covenant. Chapters 1–10 build case after case of why Christ is the absolute and perfect fulfillment of every aspect of the Old Covenant. Then, in Hebrews 10:19 there is a transition. This transition begins with the word, “therefore.” Based upon the truths of chapters 1–10, we now have these commands in Hebrews 10:19–25: “Therefore, brethren, since we have confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He inaugurated for us through the veil, that is, His flesh, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; 24 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”
The context of this passage sets the setting wherein the truths of the book of Hebrews is to mainly take place. And this place is within the setting of the gathered assembly of the church of Christ the living God in whom resides all power and authority in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18). We are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, period! Therefore, I believe that if a church chooses to do so for a short period for health reasons or catastrophes, it can choose to do so voluntarily but is not obligated by the government to do so.
It is within the gathering of the saints that the vast majority of the commands given to the church by Christ take place. Therefore, I believe that whenever we have a prohibition given by government that impedes us from fulfilling any command given by Christ to His church, then we must obey God rather than government.

I sincerely hope this has clarified for you any issues pertaining to our responsibilities relevant to obeying God's law as opposed to man's law.

God bless you all today,

Pastor Rance.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

STRANGE EVENTS IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH! Do they bode the end times?

Dear friends and readers,

How far into the "end times" are we? That is the question many are asking. Anytime new wars, plagues, increase in earthquake activity, or strange weathers patterns happen, I begin receiving requests  for information and articles on a variety of subjects. Most predominant are the Rapture and the Second Coming of Christ. AND the difference between the two.

But also some geo-political questions, why the USA is not featured in end times eschatology, who are the final armies of Armageddon and so forth! Don't you just hate it when pastors and or Biblical scholars start throwing around terms like "ESCHATOLOGY"? Half the congregation yawns and the other half scratches their head and pretends they have a clue what is being talked about. But in this case that word is very relevant.

Most people render the word ESCHATOLOGY as a catch all phrase for a study of the end times. But it is really very much more that that! Included, are of course physical and Biblical things expected to happen in the "END TIMES", but for mankind in general, ESCHATOLOGY is far more personal. The official definition of the term is "The science of last things", but that includes The death, judgement and final destination of mankind. Remember that of the earths current population of about 7 1/2 BILLION people, only 2 1/2 BILLION claim to be Christians. I have some doubts about that but--thats for another day to discuss!

However that means that roughly 5 1/2 BILLION people do not know why they are here or where they are going when it's "all over"! Sad but true. Would this be a good time for me to go on a major rant about why more confessing Christians seemingly care less about the Great Commission?


So lets talk about some very strange things that are happening worldwide today: NOTE--Nearly all, of these things happen and have happened before at one time or another in earths history. But when they all seem to be happening at once?? Perhaps we need to be paying attention.


This has been argued over time and time again but this is a RAPTURE SCRIPTURE---not a Second Coming scripture!  Notice the words and context! Coming in a cloud and redemption. Only those who have received Christ will be redeemed!!! Christ left in a cloud and will return in one. NOTE--That is VASTLY different than the scene we see in Revelation chapter 19:11-16 which explains in depth what the Second Coming of the Lord will look like. NO MENTION OF CLOUDS!

Acts 2:19 Rev. 12 and at least 11 other scriptures tell us that we are going to witness some very strange things at the end of the end times. And that will happen before both the Rapture and the Second Coming"!

Todays news is full of weird things happening all over the world and in the heavens; This week alone articles appeared about a phenomenon happening on our sun. Apparently the normal sunspots and huge explosions on the suns surface are dialing back dramatically. Something called a winter sun which is expected to materialize here on earth with GLOBAL COOLING! So much for the hullabaloo of global warming!

For over three years we have consistently seen red moons and most recently an event in which the moon appeared much larger than normal because the moon was much closer to earth than normal.

A May 26 article was posted regarding a huge black hole in space and the article was called THE GALAXYS BLACK HOLE IS MYSTERIOUSLY FLASHING STARLIGHT. This black hole is in the very center of the Milky Way of which Earth is also a part. Normally black holes cannot be seen with the naked eye because they are ---BLACK---devoid of light! 26,000 light years away from us is a supermassive black hole known as SAGITTARIUS A or SGR A. It is 4 million times lager than our sun. Light cannot escape a black hole. And yet---apparently, recently it is acting in an extremely unusual manner, making stars appear to dance around it and points of light are blinking in our direction.


On May 13, 2019 an astronomer in Hawaii--in the span of only two hours reported that the black hole became 75 times brighter than normal, observed through an infrared method!

Signs in the heavens? Obviously but are they a preclude to ominous end times events?

Now we have a worldwide plague---a PESTILENCE reminiscent of Jesus prophecies in Matthew 24. WORLDWIDE for the first time ever in recorded history. So far with no end in sight and the very real potential of millions of deaths and the destruction of the entire worlds economy. Covid 19, with scientists worldwide caught by surprise. BILLIONS OF PEOPLE locked away in their homes shaking with fear! And I mighty add, with the very real possibility of wide spread public insurrection, riots and civil disobedience which could easily turn into armed conflict.

Massiver swarms of locusts in several countries bring with them total and complete devastation of hundreds of square miles of crops and farmlands. These little beasts by the BILLIONS are moving, across Africa  and invading Iran.

Last week directly following huge thunderstorms and massive flooding with several people killed, Egypt was covered in darkness. Hail the size of iceballs falling in parts of Mexico, and south central USA. Golf ball sized hail for a few minutes in Texas. A huge cyclone system that engulfed Egypt and was seen moving across the entire Middle East.

There are some Biblical expositors now claiming that we are seeing in various forms, a repeat of the original 10 plagues seen in Egypt of Moses day. Without further proof, I for on cannot go that far. Nor am I prepared to say that GOD is somehow responsible for all this happening. But I can say for sure that this time in the worlds history has my attention.

I do not know where all this is going! But I do know that the United States is on the verge of a very real cold war again---only this time with China. I know the world is in far more debt that can possibly ever be paid off. I know that mens hearts are failing with fear. That all of the predicted signs by Jesus in Matthew 24 are here in plain sight. And I know that things are getting worse by the day all over the world!

I know that entire nations are being torn apart by political extremists. That once again racial and cultural hatred are separating humankind at an alarming rate. And I know that once again, Israel is under concentrated political fire, and anti-semitism is raising its ugly head.

Are all these things--and more--signs of the end of the end times? All I can say is keep looking up because our redemption draws nigh!

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Dear friends and readers,

As you know by now, this afternoon I went live on Facebook with a very short version of what you are about to read below. One of the most difficult problems I have run into during my 34 years as a pastor, is trying to help people who have been emotionally injured by others.

Frequently these injuries come by way of undeserved rumors, back stabbing, someone being a busybody in other peoples matters, marital infidelity, or in many cases being thrown--over, abandoned or let down by someone you considered to be a true friend. And sadly in many cases the inability to forgive yourself for some past sin or lifestyle. But forgiveness deserves it's own time of ministry so today we will concentrate on emotional injury.

Lets take it is reverse order; First however, lets be clear as uncomfortable as it may seem. We like to view anyone who uses the name of Christ as a true Christian. And usually that is the case. But we often forget that the Bible tells us there are "WOLVES" among the sheep. Also false prophets and false teachers. We are often surprised when they show up but we should not be. And in this case what that means---because the scripture refers to followers of the Lord  as being His sheep--that there are some among us who are RAVENOUS WOLVES---mean spirited people who would much rather tear down than build up those around them. And frankly I have found that the age old adage to be true; "There are two kinds of friends--FAIR WEATHER AND FOWL WEATHER!

Fair weather friends are those who are with you when the sailing is good and the weather is pleasant but let a storm approach and they will throw you overboard. A foul weather friend is there with you NO MATTER WHAT! Through thick and thin. Unfortunately when we meet new acquaintances, we never really know what kind of relationship will develop. The "trick"of life is being able to stand strong through a bad time with a fair weather friend without becoming calloused toward everyone else that you meet in the future.

Next on the hit list of biggies is marital infidelity. Thats a tough one for everyone and is probably at the head of the list for producing emotional injury. Many the person---both husband or wife who has been cheated upon carries unwelcome baggage and chains with them the rest of their lives. I would like to make a point here so please listen up. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard from women--THOSE LOUSY MEN--NONE OF THEM CAN BE TRUSTED! At times like that I am quick to gently point out that on the other side of a cheating husband, is ANOTHER WOMAN! And frankly the incidences if cheating wives is just as painful to the man who was cheated upon as it is for a wife who has been cheated upon.

A fact of life is that so much emotional baggage is carried around after a failed relationship that very many second marriages fail miserably because whomever it was in the first marriage that was cheated upon,  almost invariably casts suspicions upon a new marital partner---without cause. Now we are looking probably at TWO consecutive divorces. Who wants that? But healing has to come before normal human relationships can begin again.

Then we have the rumor mongers and busy bodies who leave behind them a trail of emotional wrecks who are scarred for life because they are afraid that those around them will believe the un-truths that have been spread. A short point--if there are grains of truth in what a mean spirited person has said, it is our responsibility to honestly face whatever it is we have done wrong and repent for it. Try not to do that again and get on with our lives.

Having said that, very many people---perhaps you are one of them, have been sincerely and innocently hurt by someone and are having a terrible time getting past it. I understand because I have been there and so has my wife. Lots of pastors teach their hearts out only to become the brunt of rumors. It's life!

I have discovered some things that help. Bearing in mind that I too am susceptible to hurt feelings just like anyone else. But age and experience do help you learn a thing or two.

First, over the years I have learned to be "TEFLON MAN"! If something is said about me that is untrue, I try and go to that person, politely and privately and talk it out. Sometimes that works and sometimes not. One of two things are going to happen; 1). Even if that person does not repent, they WILL THINK TWICE about shooting off their mouth about me again---because they now know that if they do so again, they can fully expect me to be standing on their doorstep asking for an explanation. And generally speaking, that solves the problem. 2). I FORGIVE and gain a friend.

If I am rejected, I merely allow false statements to slide off me like I was covered in teflon. And I have found that if I have friends who are willing to believe the worst about me, then they were never really my friends to begin with.

AND THEN I  WAGE WAR--Spiritual war!  You see, I have discovered a secret formula! 1). I never strike back. 2). I let the Lord fight my battles for me. He is very good at that. 3). I completely
change my view of the evil sparker. Particularly if that person is a professing Christian. Because, I realize it is not me in this instance who is in trouble. The person in trouble is the evil speaker, the busybody, the rumor monger, the mean spirited evil doer. Particularly if that person is one of those with a long track record of evil speak. Then, I able to place that person in a position of compassion. Silly you say? Not at all. Matthew 7:21-23 is a picture of people who considered themselves to be followers of Christ, but He says to them "I NEVER KNEW YOU, DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS"!

That scares me in their behalf. What better person to wage a prayer campaign in their behalf than someone they have tried to hurt with their mouth. ME! Now my feelings go from hurt to compassion for someone who might be lost for all of eternity.

Proverbs 25:21 "If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat. And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. ROMANS 12:20 " If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good"!

If we do it God's way we win. And potentially so does the evil doer who hurt you. In this case, HEAPING FIRE basically means YOU doing good for an enemy, that may bring conviction to the evil speaker. NOT BEING OVER COME BY EVIL is YOU deciding to shed the injury or insult and to continue on with your life, free of the chains of hurt feelings and the sin of un-forgiveness!

How does that play out for me personally? Well, frankly someone who has spoken evilly about me, or my wife, or my friends, is not going to find their feet under my coffee table. I don't trust evil speakers and will not fellowship with them until they repent and stop their evil ways. BUT, If I saw them broken down on the road I would stop and help. I would go and pray for them if they were ill. Feed their family if hungry. In other words, in order for me to AVOID having my feelings hurt, I have learned it is far better to do things God's way.

I don't have to accept bad mouth. I don't have to accept hurt feelings. I do not have to accept insult. ALL OF THOSE are MY decisions to make. And here is the reality friends; That person who has hurt you---no matter how it was done, will continue to do so if you react to it. But when they know they CANNOT GET TO YOU, they ALWAYS move on to pick on someone else. Turn your heart and your mind around. Don't allow yourself to be a victim. Begin praying for the true victim who is the one who is allowing satan to use them to hurt other people.

Can you do that overnight? Probably not. But if you PRACTICE GOOD, it will eventually become FIRST nature to you. Practicing good is to appropriate for yourself THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT--Galatians 5: 22-23 "LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONG-SUFFERING, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, SELF CONTROL. Against such there is no law.

Or you can continue to nurture and guard your hurt, which means that anyone who wants to hurt you, OWNS YOU! Which would you rather be? VELCRO man or woman that allows every single hurt or insult to stick to you? Or Teflon man or woman who can let it slide off like so much primordial ooze so you can go on to be the fullness of all that God intended you to be?

YOU CAN SHED THE CHAINS THAT BIND YOU!!! The Lord will help you--call upon Him and watch and see.

If you want to.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. You can write to me at pastorrance44@gmail.com
If you want to.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

EARTHQUAKES and NO FEAR! Matthew 24??

Dear readers,

Peace and grace to all of you in Jesus great name!

I have promised I would do an article on Matthew Chapter 24 verses 1-8. The specific emphasis would be current earthquake activity worldwide. Since Matthew 24 verse 7 specifically says "EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES" and these verses are speaking about the end times, can we draw any parallels between Biblical prophecy and current events?

CAUTION!!!!!!! It is so easy to take a leap into a very shaky theological area while speaking about these concerns! Jesus did say that we should be able to recognize "the signs of the times"! No problem with that these days---they seem to be all around us. However, it is dangerous to take snippets from the daily news, or even single large scale world events and try and fit them into Biblical prophecy. Right now we are in the middle of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic. Lots of folks are speculating that this plague is heavenly sent. Some kind of Divine retribution. While I suppose that COULD be true, personally I am not prepared to prove myself a false prophet and simply do not have sufficient evidence to make that claim.

My approach is to carefully examine extended periods of time and trends to discover any correlation between Biblical predictions and what is happening on the ground here in this day and age. While doing so, a very colorful, dramatic mosaic begins to emerge. In my opinion, with a careful and exacting examination of this mosaic, or "snap shot in time" we can definitely draw some logical conclusions that lead us to the definite suspicion that we are in fact living in the "end times". Obviously opinions will vary widely regarding what exactly constitutes "THE END TIMES". And in fact Paul's writings of the First Century seem to indicate that he thought the end times were beginning then.

Some will point out that the Apostle John, in the first century, said (1 John 2:18) "Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour"! (By the way, please don't anyone write to me and tell me that the word antichrist should be capitalized---grammatically correct or not, I will not give honor to that future creep)! On the other hand, we in this generation do have some verified prophetic fulfillment that we can point to that makes it clear as crystal that we are living in the most exciting time since the cross of Christ. I will address these fulfilled prophecies in other articles. How's that for a teaser? Does Israel's May 14, 1948 give you a hint?

Now regarding earth quakes; Oh, how many times have I been told "Pastor, you don't understand, earthquakes have always happened with rates of both more and less depending upon the century". So let's talk about that and then YOU decide!

I have before me PILES of research done by the USGS (United States Geological Service). So here is the bottom line for you folks that say "But come on now, isn't it true that there have ALWAYS been consistent and regular earthquakes"? No actually it is not true. In the category of Magnitude 6.0 and greater, as it turns out there were no reported quakes in any of the following years:

1961,1956,1936,1924,1921,1894,1893,1889,1888,1883,1881,1880,1878,1876,1874,1870,1869,1866,1858 through 1864 1844 through 1854, 1839 through 1842, 1837, 1824 through 1834, 1822, 1820, 1813 through 1818. Prior to that there were very many years in history that there were no recorded earthquakes all the way back to the year 856 A.D. Then again maybe some historians simply did not bother to record them.

The question is simple. Is there any kind of historical trend indicating that earthquakes have either become stronger or more frequent as time has gone by? Well, you be the judge!

From the year 856 A.D. until 2001 (1145 years), there were a total of 567 reported earthquakes Magnitude 6.0 or greater.

From the year 2002 until 2010 (8 years) there were 429 earthquakes Magnitude 6.0 or greater.

Ummm! Let's see now: 1145 years=total 567 world wide quakes!

8 years= 429 world wide quakes!!!

Would you say that represents a marked increase? Is that a trend that could possibly relate to the Biblical prophetic fulfillment of Matthew 24:7? from 2012 to 2019 in the 6 point category or above there have been 12,180 which is an average of 1502 per year worldwide. And so far in the first 4 months of  2020 there have been 425.

To be fair here, the USGS website claims no appreciable increase in earthquakes per year. Their math is obviously different than mine.

According to a report  from Breaking Israel news dated April 13 2020, the earth seems to be waking up as seismic activity is being increasingly reported around the globe. Last month a 6.5 shook Idaho generating multiple avalanches. The largest to hit the region since 1983. 238 total in Idaho in the last week although obviously smaller or after quakes. However according to the USGS five of those were rated 4.0 to 6.5. 2 weeks before, near Salt Lake City Utah, a 5.7 hit. Since then again centered around the Salt Lake area 886 quakes have been reported. Including Wyoming that is total of 980 since March 18.

Yellowstone Park which is extremely unstable registered the caldera experiencing 111 since March. The Yellowstone  Norris geyser the hottest and believed to be the oldest thermal area is constantly inflating and deflating---pulsating in erratic bursts. The entire basin rose 5.9 inches in 2013. Yellowstone is listed as the most dangerous supervolcano in existence and if it ever completely erupted estimates are that it could well devastate an area the size of five States.

The Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland has experienced about 8000 earthquakes and about 10 centimeters of land uplift since January 21. Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia recently exploded. Also recently a 3.6 quake hit southern Israel. And just days before that a 4.3 hit southern Israel epicentered in the Red Sea 60 miles south of Eilat. A region closely estimated as perhaps the place Moses crossed the Red Sea. And another of lesser magnitude, 3.8 near the port of Haifa. Israel sits atop the Syrian-African rift.

This may or may not be important because the events of Ezekiel 38-39 the future Gog and Magog invasion of Israel is prophesied to be accompanied by earth changing earthquakes.

Then there are many very bothering recent volcanic activities, some having been dormant for centuries or thousands of years. Iceland eruption for the first time in 800 years. Reykjavick with rising levels of magma and 10 centimeters of ground lift. This artery is actually fed by 5 ancient volcanic systems.  The 2010 eruption of Eyjafjnallajokull volcano. Indonesia's Krakatoa sending smoke 10 miles into the sky. Before that in 2018 it triggered a tsunami and before that in 1883 it killed 36,000 people. On the Kamchatka peninsula, Klyuchevskaya Sopka peak erupted with volcanic ash climbing 4 miles high. And others in the region.

Mexico, a volcanic ash plume reached an estimated 19,000 feet. Kericini in Sumatra erupted. In South America, Sangay and Reventador in Ecuador, Chile and Guatemala. Stromboli in Italy. Erebus in Antarctica. New fissure vents reported in Ethiopia. And then if course the ever present RING OF FIRE volcanoes! a 25,000 mile long horseshoe shaped region in the Pacific ocean. Including most of California, Washington State and Alaska. It includes 452 volcanoes, 75 percent of existing worldwide volcanoes and produces about 90% of the worldwide earthquakes today. 81% of the worlds largest.

And then there was one of the three worlds largest recorded earthquakes of 9.2 in northern Sumatra and a 9.0 in Japan in 2011.

Reported on April 14, 3 massive volcanoes erupted in Indonesia. Mt. Sinabung, Mount Kerinci and Mount Semeru. That same day, the Jakarta Post reported that the Anak Krakatau volcano erupted. And others like in Hawaii. Ertale with it's own lava lake in Ethiopia. Philippines, Taal volcano on the island of Luzon has become active. Japan, Mount Shintake erupted. Mexico, Mount Popocatepetl rumbled to life with glowing rocks thrown an estimated 20,000 feet into the air.

But we are told NOTHING UNUSUAL!!! How could we doubt our "EXPERTS" when it appears that nearly all the "FACTS" we have been spoon fed about Covid 19 are already being proven faulty.

So you decide??? But one last point; Reportedly the most dangerous earthquake fault in the world is the "HAWARD" which runs roughly parallel to the San Andreas in California. And between the two, experts have been saying for years that the BIG ONE could happen at anytime. Back in 1868 only 24,000 people lived along those fault lines.  How many multiple millions live above them today?

If you think that there is an increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happening today, do you think that there could be a correlation here with Matthew 24? And how about what we see happening around the world at the very same time? Nation will rise against nation. Kingdom against Kingdom, Famines, Pestilence (plagues), and earthquakes in various places??? And lawlessness will abound? And the love of many will grow cold?

Sounds to me like a perfect description of the Democrats versus the Republicans.

Food for thought,

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

GODLY WISDOM--Covid 19 (Maybe forbidden foods are not good for mankind)?

Dear friends and readers,

MORE ON COVID 19! How did it start? Did the world contract this because mankind was eating unclean animals?

OOOOHHH, I know I will get blasted for this one. But before any of you "put out a contract" on me for sliding back into the dark side of legalism---read the entire article---PLEASE!

I am, as are you, a born again believer saved by grace and as such the legalisms of the Old Testament---such things as prohibitions of certain types of food, no longer apply to us.

That's my "bullet proof" disclaimer:

 And absolutely YES, I do know exactly what Acts has to say in 10:15 "WHAT GOD HAS CLEANSED YOU MUST NOT CALL COMMON"! And although Jesus was actually referring to Gentiles becoming part of the church---still Peter was shown a vision of a sheet descending from heaven and in it were all kinds of four-footed animals, wild beasts, creeping things, and birds of the air. And yes Jesus did tell Peter "Rise Peter, kill and eat"!

And yes, I am fully aware of Colossians chapter 2:16 "Let no one judge you in food or drink" etc etc etc! AND YES, Jesus says in Matthew 15:10-11 "HEAR AND UNDERSTAND: Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man; but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man"!

WHEEEEW! Glad we got THAT out of the way.

But Seriously, did you know that many of the recent plagues that have descended on the earth have been tracked back to mankind eating Biblically forbidden foods? Well that's actually a misnomer because God never ever said that some 'FOODS' were forbidden. What He said was that certain animals were given to mankind FOR food. All the other beasts of the earth we're not considered food to begin with. That is an important distinction.

So I know at this point that some of you are desperately beginning to twitch and wonder if I am going to tell you to clean up your act---of eating that is. But no I am not. In fact I love sometimes to go downtown and snarf up copious numbers of shrimp tacos, go to our bay and munch down great, fresh from the sea oysters and occasionally love a good pork roast. So you can stop twitching now (-:

But lets have a review; In Genesis 1:29 God listed food for man originally as herbs and grains and fruits. In Leviticus 11 this list was expanded to creatures from the land that included animals that had BOTH divided hoofs and chewed the cud. And anything from the sea or lakes that had fins and scales. And some birds. The following were considered to be "CLEAN" for mankind to eat; Cattle, sheep, lambs, goats, wild sheep, wild goats, gazelles, antelopes, deer, fish, most birds, quail, doves, pigeons, locusts, crickets, grasshoppers, katydids.

Gosh I'm certain that God must have accidentally left out Twinkies!

Unclean for mankind to eat were; Camels, rock hyrax, rabbits, pigs, lizards, weasels, eels, shell fish, catfish, eagles, vultures, falcons, kites, ravens, ostriches, owls, sea gulls, hawks, pelicans, osprey, cormorants, storks, herons, hoopoes, bats, swarming insects and we could add to that dogs and cats.

So why do you think that God said that some animals were clean and some were not? Iv'e actually had someone try and tell me that it was because there was no refrigeration in those days. WOW!

Actually it is because the unclean animals are basically all scavengers. In other words God put them on the earth to clean up the mess. Eat dead animals, keep the seas clean and so forth. Ever seen a dog eat his own vomit or role in and eat dead birds?

A great friend of mine (another pastor by the way) once said to me when we ordered lobster and shrimp "You know there is nothing that tastes better than some fresh bottom dwelling scum sucker"! And how could we possibly survive without a great big BLT once in a while. YUM, bacon!

I was raised on a ranch and had pigs as a Future Farmer project. Did you know they eat their own poop? Well, hey this is a family article, so lets not go there shall we?

Yep it's great to be saved by grace. We can eat whatever we want.

But did you know that they are now pretty certain that the Coronavirus (Covid 19) may be traced back to the common everyday practice in China of people eating things like bats, dogs, eels and actually very many of the unclean animals on God's hit list? YUM!

SOOO, do you think God forbad the eating of bats because it would give Him ample reason to slap down offenders? Or maybe--JUST MAYBE, it was because our Creator knew a thing or two about what it takes to keep His created beings healthy?

Actually there is ample reason to believe that many of the pandemics in man's history were related to feasting on unclean animals and other beasts. The practice of which can pass on disease to the consumers and then to other people they come in contact with.

Consider this list of some past pandemics and some foods that were later discovered to be related to the outbreaks;

PIGS (Spanish flu, Asian flu, Swine flu).
BATS--and certain other flying creatures (SARS, MERS, Probably Covid 19).
PANGOLINS (again poss. Covid 19).
CIVET CATS--Mongoose like creatures (SARS).

Not to mention horrible outbreaks from flies, fleas and mosquitoes (Malaria).

Now once again, I for one, fully intend to covet and enjoy my next BLT.

But It does make me wonder if God may have been onto something there when He clearly said "these things are unclean for you---mankind!

So now we have Covid 19, hundreds of thousands dying around the globe and the potential for a worldwide financial disaster unlike anything the world has ever seen before.

Bat soup anyone?

Ah, sometimes we can be our own worst enemies.

No legalism here!

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

RAPTURE--- Is this Covid 19 a precursor?

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to you all in Jesus name!

Todays subject will be the imminent Rapture of the church. But first, thank you one and all for reading my articles.

Now for todays subject, and I might add, one that is probably most asked about to virtually any writer of Biblically prophetic events.  THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH.

You may be interested in reviewing another article I posted on  October 29, 2016 entitled "CAN WE PREDICT THE DATE OF THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST?"  The answer is that the generation alive during the mid point of the 7 years of tribulation most definitely will be able to know the exact date of Christ's return to earth.  What we cannot know is the date of the Rapture of the church.  Obviously two very separate and distinct events.

The event known as the Rapture is mentioned a number of times in scripture.  Three times very succinctly but there are other veiled references.  However the actual word RAPTURE cannot be found in any modern translation of the Bible.  It is a Biblical word and comes from the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible commissioned by Pope Damasus 1 in the 4th century A.D. Specifically the year 382 when St. Jerome, a prolific writer in his day was asked to translate the Bible into Latin for the Catholic Church.  Jerome actually performed this monumental feat in several stages.  The Old Testament being taken from the original Hebrew texts and the New Testament taken from the Greek texts.

This translation was used during the Middle Ages and was officially recognized and affirmed by the Council of Trent (1545-63 A.D.)

The Latin Vulgate translation for 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (specifically the words CAUGHT UP) in Latin was the word "RAPIO".  From that word came the English translation "RAPTURE".

The 3 most commonly referred to sections of scripture identifying the RAPTURE are;  1 Corinthians chapter 15 verses 51-53 (The Apostle Paul speaking), "Behold, I tell you a mystery:  We shall not all sleep (DIE---My emphasis added) but we shall all be changed-in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptiple and we shall be changed.  For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality".

NOTE:  Do not be fooled by those who try and deny the timing of the pre tribulation Rapture based upon the words LAST TRUMPET.  That is another article for another time and I will explain it then.

The second most commonly used area of scripture comes from 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13-18.  These scriptures actually identify the Rapture as a Biblical event.  I will leave it to you to review these scriptures as they are lengthy.

ANOTHER SPECIAL NOTE:  There are those who will try and convince you that there is either  no such thing as a Rapture or that it occurs at the very end of the years of Tribulation.  In other words they try and scare people into thinking that all of the church must also go through the years of tribulation.  This is normally justified by these people because they believe the church must become "purified".  REALLY---Was it not Jesus who purified His church on the cross with His own blood? Or, they say so the church will be on hand to preach the gospel to sinners during the tribulation.  Neither could be further from the truth.

First, we in the church are saved by grace based upon the atoning death of Christ on the cross of Calvary.  That does not mean we are perfect in any way or that we actually deserve eternal salvation.  But is does mean that someone else paid the price for our salvation that we could never pay ourselves.  Think this through friends;  If we must do ANYTHING to become purified or Holy, to earn our places in eternity, then we have just traded our salvation by grace for salvation by works.

Secondly, after chapter 4 in the book of Revelation the church is never one time referred to in any form.  The reason?  The church is no longer on earth because the Rapture has already happened.  There most certainly will be people evangelizing during the 7 years of Revelation (Rev chapter 7:1-17).  They are the 144,000 of Revelation chapter  7 and the Two Witnesses of Rev. chapter 11 verses 1-14.

For those who decry believers in a pre tribulation Rapture, allow me to quote 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 "For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ".  WRATH consistently refers to events during the 7 years of Tribulation (book of  Revelation).

The third area discussing the Rapture is Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1-12.  Again I will leave that review to you.  But please note that the Apostle Paul clearly gives us a time line or perhaps better stated a schedule of events in these scriptures.  A careful read will tell you that the church along with the Holy Spirit is clearly "taken out of the way"---Raptured, before the anti christ is revealed.

Some folks also believe the Rapture is referred to in the following scriptures but I recommend after review that you decide those issues for yourselves;  Titus 2:13,  John 14:3,  Matthew 24:30-31( better rendered as a second coming scripture),  Philippians 3:20-21,  John 14:3,  Mark 13:32,  Romans 8:18-19,  Daniel 12:1-2 (second coming scripture), Revelation 3:10 (the best of the lot in my opinion---DEFINITELY A PRE-TRIB SCRIPTURE!) These are a few things for your own study and then you decide for yourself.

Some writers refer to things like Noah's story as a Biblical example of a family chosen by God who "ROSE ABOVE" a world wide cataclysmic event.  In other words, Biblical types of a Rapture like event.  Or even Moses and his nearly 2 million followers who escaped destruction by the sword of  Pharaoh's army by walking through the waters of the Red Sea on dry ground.  Those events could be argued either way. AND OFTEN ARE!!!

There is a very interesting scripture in Song Of Solomon chapter 2 verses 10-13.  This is a love story and many theologians believe it is an example of God speaking to his Bride and also a type of  the Rapture.  Again this is something for you to decide but this area of scripture is powerful and full of excitement and fervor.  As you read this know that many believe that the mention of the "fig tree putting forth her green figs" is reminiscent of Jesus prophecy (Parable of fig tree) in Matthew chapter 24 verse 32-35 with the express meaning of Israel once again becoming a nation of May 14, 1948.

It is interesting that Hosea chapter 9 verse 10 speaks of Israel and the Israelite "FATHERS" as the first fruits on the fig tree.  Other references to Israel possibly being the "fig tree" can be found in Joel chapter 1 verse 7 and Revelation chapter 6 verse 13.

Then the reference to "Rising up---and coming away" if nothing else, is fascinating for the Rapture ready folks to contemplate.

SONG OF SOLOMON Chapter 2 verses 10-13 "My beloved spoke, and said to me, rise up my love, my fair one, and come away.  For lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;  The flowers appear on the earth;  The time of the singing of the birds is come, the voice of the turtledove is heard in the land;  The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes give a good smell.  Arise my beloved, my fair one and come away."

Interesting that this takes place in the Spring of the year.  Also interesting that the Spring of 2017 heralded the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the Nation of Israel who's Messiah is Yshua Ha Mashiac, Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world.  For those of you who enjoy the study of numerology, you will recognize 7 or any derivative of 7 as God's perfect number of completion. Does any of that signify we are close to the rapture? Only God knows for certain.

I said earlier that no mention is made of the church after chapter 4 in the book of Revelation.  However I believe that the church, made up of both Jew and Gentile believers is the Bride of Christ who clearly arrives back onto the scene (earth during the battle of Armageddon) in chapter 19 verses 7-9 in Revelation.  Then in chapter 21 verse 9 the reader is invited to see the Bride, the Lamb of God's Wife.

Are these events valid depictions of Biblical "types" of the Rapture and of the Bride of Christ?   What I know for certain is that the Rapture is very real.  It will happen in God's good and perfect timing.  It is an Imminent event, which means that nothing must take place prophetically before the Rapture comes upon believers and followers of the Son of God.

In closing I would like to introduce you to something that has been lost to much of the church.  Leviticus 23 lists several feasts and days of repentance that God instituted millennia ago.  I will do an in depth article about these most significant days at a later time but please know that both Old and New Testament scriptures refer to these particular days.

There are 4 in the Spring of the year and 3 in the fall.  None in the winter or summer although 2 were later  added by the Priesthood during the Winter months to commemorate  Hanukkah (Festival of Lights), and Purim (Miracles of Queen Esther's time).


It is fascinating that these all happened in the Spring of the year and that the final events of Jesus death and resurrection from the grave happened exactly on these days.

Jesus Died on PASSOVER

He was buried on UNLEAVENED BREAD

He was resurrected exactly on FIRST FRUITS

And 50 days later in Acts chapter 2, the Holy Spirit came to believers in the church exactly on the FEAST OF WEEKS (PENTECOST).  Incidentally there are serious indications that the Law of Moses  may have been  given by God (10 Commandments) on Mt Sinai also exactly on Pentecost.

That would mean that the LAW was changed to GRACE on exactly the same day well over two thousand years apart.

Coincidence?  I don't think so.

So what about the Fall feasts or perhaps we should call all of them God's Biblically appointed times?

Think of this;  If Jesus fulfilled all the Spring Feasts exactly at His first coming,  is it possible that sometime in the future He could also fulfill exactly the Fall feasts? Through the events of the rapture and His second coming? Two events separated by 7 years?

1). Could Rosh Hashanah (TRUMPETS) someday fulfill the Rapture of the church?  By the way TRUMPETS in Leviticus 23 signified the prophetic future regathering of Israel.  Could Trumpets be the  gathering (to Christ in the air) of the church?

2). Could YOM KIPPUR (THE DAY OF ATONEMENT) someday fulfill the Second Coming of Christ?

3). Could SUKKOT (TABERNACLES) someday fulfill the beginning of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ upon this earth? Remember that the angel told Joseph that Mary would bear a son and that HIS NAME would be IMMANUEL--translated "GOD WITH US"!

Interesting.  No predictions here but provocative to say the least.  Right now the entire world is embroiled in a catastrophic illness--a virus called Covid 19. No one so far really knows what it is or how to defeat it.

At the very same time, during this Passover season, ALL OF ISRAEL is locked up in their houses PRECISELY on Passover for the very first time in 3000 years since the original Passover of Moses time. God locked them away so HIS chosen people would be spared from the death angel which was about to take a terrible toll on the Israelites slave masters. Why is ISRAEL locked away in their houses again? To avoid and be protected from a death threat by an unseen virus killing hundreds and thousands throughout the earth.  Is this an indication that the rapture may soon be upon us? Once again, the answer is that ONLY GOD knows for certain.

Is Covid 19 sent by God as some kind of divine retribution on the nations of the earth because of??? Abortion? Crime? Drugs? Prostitution? Sexual deviancy? And the lost goes on and on.

That IS being speculated upon by many these days, but frankly I do not know. The bottom line is that NO ONE this side of heaven knows the date of the rapture. Since the rapture is an imminent event (likely to happen at anytime), I look for it every single day of my life and I am disappointed every single day that it is delayed. Doe's my antennae rise (quit a bit actually) every year coming into the High Holy days represented by 1). TRUMPETS 2). DAY OF ATONEMENT 3). TABERNACLES?

YUP it sure does but that is wishful thinking on my part. Does it make sense that Jesus would fulfill the fall feasts in exactly the same way that He did the Spring feasts? Sure. But then once again we cannot possibly think on the same level as GOD! And regardless of what makes sense to me, the Lord could come for His people before I print out the next letter of this article. Or He could tarry another hundred years. But I don't think so.

Folks, avoid date setters at all cost.  They have failed, one and all.  On the other hand look around you and tell me what you see happening throughout the world?  Is it good or bad?  Is is obviously getting worse across the board? Spanning increasing wars? Strange plagues? Changes in weather? Earth quakes? Terrorism and insane levels of violence and hatred? Droughts? Famines? Unexplained appearances of BILLIONS of locusts devouring vast swaths of the African and other continents? Vast increases in social (sin) issues that were not seen to this degree just 40 to 50 years ago?

Then remember Jesus words to Nicodemus and elsewhere in the book of Matthew.  Clearly we should be able to recognize the "signs of the times".  NO ONE can tell you when the Rapture will happen.  The question is;  Are we ready?

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

HELP TO AVOID COVID 19?? Maybe--maybe not--you decide!

Dear friends and readers,

Is there a possible way to help you avoid contracting covid 19? Maybe--maybe not but I want to share with you what I have discovered. I know before hand that some will say "that is simply false hope and not based upon any science"! Maybe so. But it is what my self and my family are doing.

I am NOT a doctor!
I am NOT a scientist!
I have absolutely zero right to give anyone medical advice!
I am NOT recommending that you do anything!

But as friends, I will tell you what I have discovered and then you do your own research, check with your own doctor and then you decide for yourself.

My study has revealed to me that Coronavirus (covid 19) has a PH factor ranging from 5.5 to around 8.5

So my question was? If I increase the alkalinity in my body to ABOVE those levels will it help me in any way to stave off the effects of covid 19? Or if contracted, at least lesson them? A brother sent me a chart that really got my attention and because I have about 40 years of experience with raising my alkaline levels, this made sense to me.

First, a short testimony; During all of my law enforcement years I had horrible and I do mean HORRIBLE acid reflux. I tried every single over the counter remedy known to man. NO WORKIE FOR ME!!! What did work was standard plain ole baking soda a couple of times per day. 1 Large teaspoon mixed in a full glass of water. DOWN THE HATCH! Baking soda has a roughly maximum alkaline PH factor of 9.0 And I used this for 40 years DAILY!

Doctors would tell me that using baking soda was not good for me. But when I asked them why---each and every time---the response was "well that's what they taught me in medical school". So I continued my twice daily and it worked.

After all those years, I somehow managed to develop a huge hernia in my diaphragm. During the surgery my doctor also repaired that little flapper which allowed stomach acid to work its way upward.  So after 40 long years, NO MORE ACID RELUX!!!

I am now 75 and next month 76 (that's a hint---cash birthday presents gladly received ---JUST KIDDING (-:). As is the case with most men my age, my prostate is enlarged but I do not have many of the same problems that other men do. I sleep through the night etc etc etc! Maybe that is just genetics at work.  But I believe it is because I was unknowingly creating a constant alkaline environment in my body for 40 years. Lower acid/higher alkaline. If you are about to write me and tell me I have no clue what I am talking about please don't. That's been tried. I SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT and also don't have some of the other little "nasties" that most men do in my age bracket. At least for now.

So I do believe in the benefits if drinking baking soda and after so many years, actually acquired a taste for it.

I did some homework and found that ALL of the following food products have a higher and in some cases MUCH higher PH factor than covid 19.

Lemon 9.9 PH
Lime 8.2
Avocado 15.6
Garlic 13.2
Mango 8.7
Tangerine 8.5
Pineapple 12.7
Dandelion 22.7
Orange 9.2

They say that some cancers do not thrive in a high alkaline environment. I have no idea about a virus but it does beg the question?  And it sure does not seem, at least so far that the authorities have a clue! Any guarantees in eating higher alkaline foods?  No, but it can't hurt and in my family we are stocking up. And what is the worst that can happen? We eat lots and lots of great fruit. I'm not too big on breakfast but I think I will start the day with a glass of great baking soda, a Mango fruit salad and a cup of dandelion tea!

I want to stress what I began with! I am not recommending any change of diet or medical advice to you. Nor promising you that if you up your alkaline intake, it will have any positive health effects. I am merely telling you what We are doing in our household---along with the hand washing, social distancing etc. GOOD CITIZENS AND GOOD NEIGHBORS!

Do your own homework and you decide for yourself.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.
Mango anyone?

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Dear friends and readers

What can I say? The news is not good worldwide. On the one hand we are told that if we just continue social distancing this could all go away soon, On the other hand the U.S. CDC just published a report this morning that says we might expect a second round of Clovid 19 in the fall of 2020. And the FEMA folks are frantically looking around for a minimum of 100,000 "body bags". FOR USE IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS!

Well, that's encouraging!

I want to make a statement here so no one misunderstands my intent! Under no circumstances am I down playing this horrible plague---BUT, at the same time many other things are happening in the world that are seldom reported on. I was reading a report this morning by one of the premier radio hosts and it really got my attention. It has to do with how many people are killed each year from various problems and in this case between January 1 and March 25, 2020---THIS YEAR! These are by the way worldwide numbers!

When is the last time you read this? Or heard this? Or it was reported on the news?

It is TERRIBLE that during that time the world has lost a minimum of 21,000 souls through death to Covid 19.

BUT during that same time---death to Many more than that due to the following causes worldwide;

Seasonal flu-113,000
Traffic fatalities--314,000
Alcohol related--581,000

We don't hear all that much about those things do we? Let alone deaths from human trafficking, diabetes, heart disease, gang activity, drug abuse, and the list goes on and on and on---ad infinitum!

Dare I even mention abortion in which in the U.S. alone as many as over 63,000 dead babies per day?

THE WORLD IS ON THE BRINK! And not from Clovid 19. Not even from staggering national debt. While terrible in the extreme, this plague will pass---only to give way to another plague and we know that because it has been a continual cycle throughout the history of the world. REALITY STRIKING is that mankind in general is finding new and innovative ways to kill itself off---at an alarming rate.

And I would also mention that roughly 4 1/2 BILLION people are perishing---or on the way to that end because they do not have a relationship with the one and only true GOD! Elohim, Lord, Jesus Christ and a dozen or more other names that He can be identified by, but still the one and ONLY GOD!

4 1/2 BILLION will perish to an unthinkable end. At the same time, it is reported that 2 1/2 BILLION people on the planet DO HAVE a relationship with the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings!

Many within the church do take the Great Commission of Matthew chapter 28:18-20 seriously and labor long and hard to accomplish the Lord's commands. BUT SADLY, the percentage of that 2 1/2 BILLION who really do take the Lords command seriously is extremely small.

So lets just pretend for a moment that ALL 2 1/2 BILLION followers of Christ were fully engaged in the Great Commission "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you"! If that was the case---AS COMMANDED BY THE LORD! What do you suppose would happen?

Well to begin with if everyone of those 2 1/2 Billion brought only ONE single person into the Kingdom of God during their entire lifetime, it would cut the unsaved by well over one half. And I suspect more than that.

Witnessing to another human being and being able to pray with them for salvation is an extremely addictive drug. The more you do that the more you want to do that. And soon it becomes a motivating factor in your life. Like breathing air!

Would all that evangelism stop things like Covid 19 from happening? NO! Stuff happens and unpleasant stuff often happens in heaping quantities. But one of the great side effects of a walk with Jesus---I SHOULD SAY, A SERIOUS WALK WITH JESUS is receiving the greatest gift of all.


No, plagues do happen, car accidents kill people, some will get the flu and perish. And some will always tragically disappear or stave to death.

The question for all Christians to think about is simple; HOW MANY LOST (for all of eternity) SOULS ARE ACCEPTABLE TO ME?

Pastor Rance.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

CORONA VIRIS (Covid 19). Are the end times upon us?

Dear friends and readers,

Would you agree that there is some very serious stuff happening in the world today? In fact I have been awed in recent weeks with things happening that could be right out of the book of Exodus and Pharaoh's rejection of God's authority.

But first, I want to make something abundantly clear. There are entire communities of conspiracy theorists including within both Judaism and Christianity. I am NOT one of those. I need to see some Biblical proof before I make exaggerated statements. For that reason, I do not believe that this virus is some kind of proclamation from on high.

Could God do something like this? Yes, after all He is God and He is all powerful. But I believe that this is really a repeat of many another plagues that have happened over millennia past. I do however suspect that China is complicit and that this thing would not have grown to the proportions we are seeing if the Government of China had acted responsibly. One man's opinion.

But as a writer of Biblical prophecy, I also cannot help but make connections with Matthew chapter 24.  In this area of scripture Jesus is speaking to His disciples and telling them what to expect in the end times. I am sure you know the drill--false christs manifesting, wars and rumors of wears, but then He says "See that you are not troubled; For ALL these things must come too pass, but the end is not yet".

"For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines, pestilence, and earthquakes in various places".


I see chapter 24 in two very different sections. As is the case with some other scriptures, Matthew 24 speaks of today and also tomorrow. 1). Verse 1 through 8 are clearly happening now. But at sometime in the possible foreseeable future, Christ will take His church out of this world (1 and 2 Thessalonians), and then AFTER WE ARE GONE---from this earth, Matthew chapter 24 verses 9-14 will begin. That is a time in which the anti-christ will be manifested and those left on earth (many of whom will see the gospel light and turn to the Lord) WILL be delivered up to tribulation and killed and all the remainder who are not killed, will be hated (by the nations) for the sake of the Name of Christ.  Many (people of the world) will be offended, will betray one another and hate, on a scale never seen before---. In fact verse 12 puts earth in perspective during that time; "AND BECAUSE  LAWLESSNESS WILL ABOUND, THE LOVE OF MANY WILL GROW COLD".

Right now, because of this virus, some people are hoarding, some fighting over food and toilet paper. Back in the 60's and early 70's while I was in law enforcement, I often saw mankind at it's worst. Rioting, looting, extreme violence, union strikes with unimaginable violence. Can you imagine what will begin to happen after the rapture when billions of people suddenly disappear including partial governments, military and police personnel. Ambulance and fire? Doctors and nurses. And because the Holy Spirit will longer be "restraining" all pretense of a civilized society will come crashing down. It will be wholesale rape, robbery, pillaging and violence and murder, never before seen or even imagined.

NOTE: Taking precautions and stocking up reasonable is not the same as hoarding.

But continuing in chapter 24, it gives a promise (13) "BUT HE WHO ENDURES TO THE END WILL BE SAVED".  The Lord gives some hope to those who worship Him who are still on earth and who have not been killed by the anti-christ and his minions. While we could argue the point, I do not believe that in this context, the Lord is speaking about eternal salvation. No, at this juncture in time, He will be preparing to lead His army (previously raptured saints), back to earth and put a stop to the battle of Armageddon. So when He says SHALL BE SAVED, He is referring to being saved alive so they can enter into the thousand year millennial reign of Christ upon this earth. These people will continue to marry, procreate the human species and live normal lives only with a physical King on the throne in Jerusalem. The raptured church will be there as well but other than worshipping our Lord, scripture gives little information about what else we may be doing during that thousand years.

But that is a story for another time.

Right now the entire world (in my opinion) is smack dab in the middle of verse 8 "ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE BEGINNINGS OF SORROWS"! This Covid 19 plague is one of those sorrows. Not to mention, many other things that I know you have heard of on the news; SWARMS of millions upon billions of locusts in several countries wiping entire agricultural areas off the map in a matter of hours. Earthquakes in places that have not previously seen them---I am going to write a very eye opening article about earthquakes in various places in a few days!

Weird weather patterns--cyclones, floods, massive forest fires, terrible hurricanes, twisters, rapidly developing huge sink holes that swallow entire houses.

And yes, the earth has seen these things before, in fact King Solomon states so specifically in Ecclesiastes chapter 1 "That which has been is what will be that which is done is what will be done, THERE IS NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN"!

But there are other things that point to rapidly approaching worldwide devastation. During WWII we discovered the horror of Nazi hate when the extermination camps were liberated and it was discovered that over 6 million Jews were gassed to death including 1 million children. Nothing had EVER compared to that.  But since that time an even greater Holocaust is being perpetrated as we speak. ABORTION! And a huge number of people in nearly every single country are hardened to this terrible evil and simply do not care.

Since Roe versus Wade in 1973, worldwide over 1 1/2 BILLION helpless human babies have been butchered in the womb. 63,000 babies have been killed worldwide just today as of 2 p.m.  Since 1973 in the United States, 61,839,812 as of today. And the numbers are growing at an exponential rate.  If that is not a Holocaust, I don't know what is.

Homosexuality and people claiming to alter their natural state of male/female to something else??? Is now being not only accepted but celebrated. Anyone remember Sodom and Gomorrah? Which is one of the reasons that I reject the notion that God has sent this plague of Covid 19 on the earth. Abraham was interceding for Sodom because his nephew LOT was living there. God would not destroy Sodom for the sake of 1 single righteous man living there. Lot was a bit slow on the uptake so the angels of God actually picked him up to get him out before utter and complete destruction hit.

Much of the reason for this complete destruction was the open practice of homosexuality among the populace. But it still remains true that for the sake of ONE RIGHTEOUS MAN, God stayed His hand. There are now a reported 2 1/2 BILLION Followers of Christ on earth. We could argue, I suppose about whether they are all serious believers but then again "JUDGE NOT LEST YOU BE JUDGED"? One way or another---even though none of us deserve the title,  2 Corinthians 5:21 labels followers of Christ as being "RIGHTEOUS"! "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (JESUS).

No, God is not going to destroy mankind through this plague because there are most certainly a lot more than one righteous person on this planet today.

But the fact remains that mankind today is seeing and feeling the effects of some very serious things happening on planet earth including every single one of the items and predictions that Christ made to His disciples in Matthew 24.

WE ARE IN MY OPINION SQUARELY IN VERSE 8---"ALL THESE THINGS ARE THE BEGINNINGS OF SORROW"! But lest we forget, we are told to NOT BE TROUBLED because the end is not yet! However we can expect that if this is the BEGINNING of sorrows, more are surely to follow.

And speaking of "the end is not yet"; Scripturally speaking, "THE END" will not happen until the end of the thousand years that Christ rules the earth. So much for climate change, global warming and the end of planet earth during our life times. Just not going to happen!

So how do we as believers make it through this terrible time of uncertainty? 1). The scriptures are clear---we are to honor our governments. We may not think they are GOOD governments but that is not the point. If the government tells us to avoid other human contact and stay home we should do so to the best of our ability. 2). Remember always who is really in charge---JESUS, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS! Nothing that is happening is a surprise to HIM! 3). Live our lives the best we can and be submissive and obedient to the Word of God---our Bibles. 4). Use this time to glorify the Lord by finding ways to accomplish the Great Commission, Matthew 28:18-20. Use your computer or cell phone to do so. Tell people about the Lord. NO FEAR OF REJECTION!!! Just do it.

YES, we are in the end times although we have no idea how long that will last or when our Lord is coming for us. In the meanwhile as far as this worldwide threat to life is concerned, as a follower of Christ---although we all get sick from time to time, Neither you nor I are leaving this planet until our time is up and the Lord rings our bell.

Have hope, be safe, love your family and friends and use common sense.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

PENTECOST? Just another day or fabulously important?

Dear friends and readers,

 Is Pentecost really understood for it's PHENOMENAL SIGNIFICANCE???

Ministerially, I answer scriptural questions as they come to me and have found that some Biblical topics--that many of us take for granted---are not always understood within context---OR IMPORTANCE--by many believers! Also in todays church, few pastors are teaching anything about GODS APPOINTED TIMES such as Passover, Unleavened Bread, First fruits and Pentecost. Let alone the fall feasts and High Holy Days of repentance. Unfortunately, over the centuries a belief (among many---not all), seems to have developed that the term "OLD TESTAMENT" somehow means that it is obsolete or of no importance to believers today. As a result, many believers worldwide have been flatly cheated out of tremendous richness and spiritual lessons that have nothing whatsoever to do with legalism.

Separation also occurred between Jews and Gentile followers of Christ that I do not believe was ever intended by the Lord. There are lots of historical issues that happened along the way that exacerbated the whole issue of separation but I will not go into that today. The net result however is that many Jews have also been ripped off where the richness of their Messiah is concerned. Also many in both camps seem to believe that the OLD and the NEW are completely separate books. While in reality it is ONE BIBLE that progresses over the centuries from a requirement to observe the written law, to a New Covenant in which free salvation by grace is available to any and all human beings who breath air.

Bottom line: You can no more remove the Old Testament from God's plan of salvation---and the New Testament, than you could remove the foundation of the tallest building on earth and expect it to remain standing.

The process that God provided for moving mankind from the requirements of the written law---and moving into the dispensation of salvation by and through grace are what PENTECOST is all about.

PENTECOST is Phenomenally important; Remember Acts chapter 2? "When the day of PENTECOST had fully come, they (the disciples of the Lord) were all with one accord in one place"?

Obviously we are speaking of a time in which the fledgeling church was tiny in comparison to roughly 2 1/2 BILLION believers spread across the globe today. So, for the sake of todays article, being in "one place" is long past reality and so is being "with one accord"! Jesus of course is our uniting factor but with literally hundreds of Christian denominations scattered all around the world, "UNITY or ONE ACCORD" takes on an entirely different perspective.

Be that as it may, the real issue here is PENTECOST and what it really means.

So lets have a short quiz; Answer in your mind, the correct answer. True or false.

1). Pentecost is a New Testament phenomena.

2). The purpose for Pentecost was for the Lord to impart the Holy Spirit onto and into the new church (believers).

3). Pentecost signaled the beginning of individual gifts of the Spirit to individual believers.

4). Pentecost signaled the beginning of the New Covenant of grace and had nothing whatsoever to do with the Old Testament.

5). All of the above.


What if I told you that Pentecost was NOT a New Testament phenomena, and it most certainly did have lots to do with both Old and New Testaments? What if I told you that God's perfect plan for mankind (in general) came to full circle fulfillment exactly on the day of Pentecost?

But lets work backwards from the New Testament day listed in Acts chapter 2. REMEMBER THE PHRASE "when the day of Pentecost had FULLY COME"! Those two words--FULLY COME are literally pregnant with (for many) long lost understanding of the transition from THE LAW to GRACE as a means to spend eternity with GOD! SALVATION!

Now of course, many will say "Salvation from what"? And the answer to that lies in the following scriptural truth; Romans 3:23 "FOR ALL HAVE SINNED AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD"! In other words, thanks to "original sin" which was perpetrated by mankind's ancient forefather's, Adam and Eve, NO ONE can measure up to God's standards. And without something happening that mankind cannot do for himself, we would ALL be lost.


We know that without Jesus Christ and His sacrificial death and atonement for sin in our behalf, that (BEING ETERNALLY LOST)  would still be true today. But God the Father had a two step process to bring mankind to the point of realizing that we needed some big time help!

We all know the story of God choosing the Jewish people as His own special people and He did that originally through Father Abraham. Who' son Isaac had a son named Jacob who became the progenitor of the 12 tribes of Israel. Time goes by and Israel as a people group find themselves as captives and slaves to Pharaoh, the King of Egypt. After 400 hundred years, God sent a man named Moses to free His chosen people from captivity. Not easy but with God's help, Moses pulls it off and leads well over 600,000 people from captivity (NOTE: Lots of argument over this number. Estimates run from 600,000 to well over one million). One way or another, After Moses led them to freedom, there were lots of folks who almost immediately began to snivel about EVERYTHING! Which led to the people sinning before God, which led to Moses being called up a mountain called Mount Sinai, by God Himself.

While on that mountain God gave Moses 10 Commandments for the people to obey and He did it by inscribing those commandments on stone with His finger. These commandments are known as "THE LAW" and in time were expanded to include the first 5 books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These 5 books are still referred to today as the "TORAH". Or "THE LAW". The Old Testament actually includes a total of 39 books which many scholars refer to as the Hebrew Bible  or the "Tenackh". Contrast that to the 27 books of the New Testament which in some circles is known as the "BRIT CHADASHAH".

So why all the history here? Because in order to fully understand PENTECOST, it is important to have a basic understanding of what God did and is still doing today.

First,  Pentecost is NOT a New Testament creation. It goes all the way back to a Biblical Festival decreed by God in Leviticus 23:15-22. Pentecost was the original agricultural festival of "SHAVUOT" (Feast of Weeks) which was one of three PILGRIM feasts decreed by God.  The other two are Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles. God instructed it to be observed also in Deuteronomy 16:16. And in terms of the exodus from Egypt, SHAVUOT occurs 50 days after "PESACH" (Passover).  The Pentecost of Acts chapter 2 occurred 50 days after the Resurrection of Christ from the grave. Coincidence?

So we find ourselves back on Mt. Sinai with God and Moses to continue our adventure! NOTE: There is nothing in the Bible that specifically says that the day Moses received "THE LAW" on Mt. Sinai was the exact day as Pentecost of Acts chapter 2. But there is some very compelling evidence to support that possibility.

So who cares and why is it even relevant? It is immensely relevant if God did in fact give Moses the Law on the original day of Pentecost because doing so again through Christ in the New Testament signaled the end of the requirement to obey the law and began the NEW COVENANT to receive salvation by grace. Let me unpack that. If Moses received the law on  Pentecost (by the way, throughout the Old Testament the LAW expanded to 613 laws that had to be obeyed--an impossible task for any human being), then it becomes overwhelmingly important if God chose exactly the same day thousands of years later to CHANGE the ability of mankind to approach His Throne---from the impossible task of obeying endless laws to simply accepting the FREE GIFT OF GRACE offered by HIMSELF--through blood atonement and death, in the Form of His Only begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth. WOW! What a plan.

So the question is simple? Is there any evidence that both the covenant of the LAW and the covenant of GRACE were given on exactly the same day? PENTECOST? You decide--but here are a few things for you to consider;

Early on, ancient Rabbis determined that SHAVUOT (Pentecost) coincided with God giving the TORAH to Moses on Mt. Sinai. How did they come to that conclusion? I have no idea. While I certainly do not agree with all that some Rabbis have to say, we also cannot throw out the old baby with the bath water. These guys are serious Biblical students and scholars. Plus the Bible was trusted to their care by God. Otherwise we would not have it today. Accordingly, without proof to the contrary, I have no reason to doubt their conclusions about the timing of SHAVUOT.

But there are at least 12 other very provocative reasons that this is a strong possibility;

1). Both events occurred on a mountain (Mt. Sinai and Mt. Zion), known as the "MOUNTAIN OF GOD" Exodus 24:13 and Isaiah 2:3.

2). Both events happened to a newly redeemed people. The Exodus marked the birth of the Israelite nation while the events of Pentecost, recorded in Acts chapter 2 marked the birth of Christianity---always remembering that "THE CHURCH" sprang from JUDAISM and Is made up of both Jew and gentile believers.

3). Both events involved God's people receiving a gift: TORAH on Sinai and later the SPIRIT of GOD on Zion!

4). In both events the gift given by God was done through fire. Mt. Sinai was on fire and divided tongues of fire sat upon each of those present at Pentecost.

5). According to many scholars, both events took place at the same time on the same month.

6). The Israelites left Egypt on Passover and 40 days later arrived at Sinai.  Then Moses went up on the mountain with God. 10 days later Moses came down with the Torah tablets and discovered that the people had sinned--broken covenant with God--and 3000 people died as a result.  That is a total of 50 days.

Jesus died on Passover and 40 days later went up on a mountain to see God (Mt. of Olives). 10 days after Jesus Ascended, the Holy Spirit came down and 3000 people were saved. That is 50 days between His resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts chapter 2.

7). More specifically---50 days after sacrificing the Passover lamb, the Israelites received a covenant from God--THE LAW. 50 days after Jesus self sacrifice, OUR PASSOVER LAMB---the true Lamb of God, believers received a new covenant of salvation by GRACE from GOD!

8). Both events had similar sounds and symbols; Wind, fire, smoke, voices! Reportedly the Hebrew word  "KOLOT" (Strong's H6963) is the same as voices or languages. Think about that in the light of the Acts chapter 2 events.

9). The fire on Mt. Sinai was visible to all. The fire at Pentecost was individual fires settling on every person. At Sinai the people were kept away from the fire. At Pentecost the fire came to the people.

10). At both events there was what is called a "THEOPHANY"! God showed up! Apparently God the Father on Mt. Sinai and God the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

11). At Sinai God wrote His law on tablets of stone. At Pentecost He wrote His New Covenant on the hearts of new believers!

12). In both events a mixed multitude of people were represented (Exodus 12:38)  and in Acts 2:5.

So friends, there is the evidence for you to think about! Were the events of God giving the LAW on Mt. Sinai and giving the New Covenant in Acts chapter 2---done on the very same day---centuries apart? On the day of SHAVUOT/PENTECOST?

Why is this so incredibly important? Remember at the beginning of this article, I said REMEMBER THE WORDING from Acts chapter 2. The specific words of importance here are, "When Pentecost had FULLY COME"!

In my opinion, at the very first Pentecost on Mt. Sinai, it was a PARTIAL fulfillment of what God long intended to bring the human race into fellowship with HIMSELF! That grand plan came full circle and "FULLY CAME" for all mankind who would accept salvation by grace through belief in Jesus Christ, the Messiah of Israel, and that full circle was complete in ACTS chapter 2.

 I hope you find this article interesting but as always---you are free to decide for yourselves.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.