Sunday, April 5, 2020

HELP TO AVOID COVID 19?? Maybe--maybe not--you decide!

Dear friends and readers,

Is there a possible way to help you avoid contracting covid 19? Maybe--maybe not but I want to share with you what I have discovered. I know before hand that some will say "that is simply false hope and not based upon any science"! Maybe so. But it is what my self and my family are doing.

I am NOT a doctor!
I am NOT a scientist!
I have absolutely zero right to give anyone medical advice!
I am NOT recommending that you do anything!

But as friends, I will tell you what I have discovered and then you do your own research, check with your own doctor and then you decide for yourself.

My study has revealed to me that Coronavirus (covid 19) has a PH factor ranging from 5.5 to around 8.5

So my question was? If I increase the alkalinity in my body to ABOVE those levels will it help me in any way to stave off the effects of covid 19? Or if contracted, at least lesson them? A brother sent me a chart that really got my attention and because I have about 40 years of experience with raising my alkaline levels, this made sense to me.

First, a short testimony; During all of my law enforcement years I had horrible and I do mean HORRIBLE acid reflux. I tried every single over the counter remedy known to man. NO WORKIE FOR ME!!! What did work was standard plain ole baking soda a couple of times per day. 1 Large teaspoon mixed in a full glass of water. DOWN THE HATCH! Baking soda has a roughly maximum alkaline PH factor of 9.0 And I used this for 40 years DAILY!

Doctors would tell me that using baking soda was not good for me. But when I asked them why---each and every time---the response was "well that's what they taught me in medical school". So I continued my twice daily and it worked.

After all those years, I somehow managed to develop a huge hernia in my diaphragm. During the surgery my doctor also repaired that little flapper which allowed stomach acid to work its way upward.  So after 40 long years, NO MORE ACID RELUX!!!

I am now 75 and next month 76 (that's a hint---cash birthday presents gladly received ---JUST KIDDING (-:). As is the case with most men my age, my prostate is enlarged but I do not have many of the same problems that other men do. I sleep through the night etc etc etc! Maybe that is just genetics at work.  But I believe it is because I was unknowingly creating a constant alkaline environment in my body for 40 years. Lower acid/higher alkaline. If you are about to write me and tell me I have no clue what I am talking about please don't. That's been tried. I SLEEP THROUGH THE NIGHT and also don't have some of the other little "nasties" that most men do in my age bracket. At least for now.

So I do believe in the benefits if drinking baking soda and after so many years, actually acquired a taste for it.

I did some homework and found that ALL of the following food products have a higher and in some cases MUCH higher PH factor than covid 19.

Lemon 9.9 PH
Lime 8.2
Avocado 15.6
Garlic 13.2
Mango 8.7
Tangerine 8.5
Pineapple 12.7
Dandelion 22.7
Orange 9.2

They say that some cancers do not thrive in a high alkaline environment. I have no idea about a virus but it does beg the question?  And it sure does not seem, at least so far that the authorities have a clue! Any guarantees in eating higher alkaline foods?  No, but it can't hurt and in my family we are stocking up. And what is the worst that can happen? We eat lots and lots of great fruit. I'm not too big on breakfast but I think I will start the day with a glass of great baking soda, a Mango fruit salad and a cup of dandelion tea!

I want to stress what I began with! I am not recommending any change of diet or medical advice to you. Nor promising you that if you up your alkaline intake, it will have any positive health effects. I am merely telling you what We are doing in our household---along with the hand washing, social distancing etc. GOOD CITIZENS AND GOOD NEIGHBORS!

Do your own homework and you decide for yourself.

God bless,
Pastor Rance.
Mango anyone?

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