Sunday, September 15, 2019


Dear friends and readers,

Isn't it amazing that we see very little on the major broadcast news channels about pending war in the Middle East?

I know, I know---you have heard it all before and not much seems to happen???

Maybe not THIS time!

SOMEONE just attacked one of the largest oil refinery plants in the world, destroying fully one half of it---potentially downsizing production by 5.7 million barrels per day.

Where is located? SAUDI ARABIA who has been fighting proxy wars for over 10 years with IRAN (ancient PERSIA). Evidence is mounting that Iranian missiles may be the culprit launched from Iraq.

Houthi rebels operating in Yemen are claiming responsibility for this destruction using drones to strike this immense target---so logically it could not possibly be Iran. Right? Again not so simple! However the facts on the ground are that the Houthi's are a militant organization sponsored and paid for by the Government of IRAN. And have been for very many years. If they did it, Iran supplied the weapons and the marching orders!

So what's the big deal and why should we care? After all the United States is now a net energy exporter and so theoretically we no longer need crude oil produced in the Middle East.

Not so fast because this kind of issue ALWAYS creates a ripple effect and this single refinery disaster could well send the price of crude to over $100. per barrel for most of rest of the world. But why would Iran attack someone else's oil? SIMPLE--Iran is also---or at least I should say, WAS a huge oil exporter until the nuclear crisis began with Iran's desire to build a nuke. Then, as we know, the U.S. slapped so many sanctions on Iran that their own economy is now in free fall.

So, also logically, if Iran can cut the worlds oil supply (in this case by a provocation of war against another sovereign nation), then many governments of the world would conceivably put immense pressure on the United States to lift the sanctions on Iran so their oil can once again flow freely on the world market. And frankly in my opinion, the leadership of Iran may well think they are immune from retaliation on a military scale because of their radicalized terrorist ideology.

When you think you are butchering people because it is God's will---? Terrible things can happen.

Some people never learn. Remember Saddam Hussein? He thought that his country of Iraq was also immune. How did that work out for him???

If you want to start a war, just go after someone's wallet. The Iranian nuclear issue put the entire Middle East in conflict and potentially created a threat to the United States and Israel not to mention our closest allies which include Saudi Arabia. So why not simply cut Saudi Arabia loose from the U.S. altogether and back away from the entire issue? After all Iran's wallet has been severely reduced in size and now so has the Saudi's. Let them duke it out and settle the whole tamale all by themselves? Ah but once again not so easy to do!

No one likes U.S. involvement in foreign wars but truthfully if the U.S. were not a stabilizing factor in the Middle East the whole region would be aflame with war that may not be able to be extinguished. And many do not know that one of the United States largest forward military operating bases is located in Saudi Arabia. Recent redeployments and upgrades to the Prince Sultan Airbase includes an unspecified number of U.S. troops, fighter jets and Patriot missile air defense systems.  That plus bases in several other countries within the Middle East make it seriously necessary for the U.S. to object to Saudi Arabia being attacked by anyone. In fact right now at least one very powerful U.S. Senator---Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, is reportedly urging President Trump to launch a massive retaliatory strike on Iran's oil industry. Personally I think that Trump will resist this but you can count on many more outraged voices being raised from both sides if the political isle.

WHY? Because money is the issue here!

Let's contrast that to---Millions upon millions of helpless babies having been butchered through abortion worldwide and although multitudes of people are outraged---NOTHING GETS DONE! Anti Semitism is once more rampant throughout many countries of the world and although many people are outraged---NOTHING GETS DONE! Israel is surrounded and constantly attacked by both Hamas and Hezbollah---at the behest of Iran. Multitudes are incensed by this but NOTHING GETS DONE! Christians are being martyred in many countries at an unprecedented rate---but NOTHING GETS DONE! Christianity is under wholesale attack here in the good ole U.S. of A but NOTHING GETS DONE! And I could go on and on.

BUT attack the worldwide wallet by putting oil production at risk and I can guarantee that SOMETHING WILL GET DONE!!!

Who knows what at this time but stand by!!! Things could become very complicated very soon.

One mans opinion,
Pastor Rance.

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