Friday, September 20, 2019

DAYS OF LOT ARE UPON US--"Free the nipple" campaign?? Really?

Dear friends and readers.

I guess I should NOT be surprised!!! The days of LOT---Sodom and Gomorrah really are upon us.

I have been coming across some articles that frankly I doubted until doing some research. Did you know that it is now apparently legal in six States for women to walk around in  public completely topless? Yes indeed, and these States include, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah and Wyoming. Plus apparently in Colorado it is legal for girls to appear topless in public as young as 11 years old. And no, I did not come of with that name. It is really being advertised as "FREE THE NIPPLE"!

I would imagine that many men out there are applauding and sincerely hope that this becomes a national trend. I am not one of them!

I have ministered in a third world country for many years and among many of the indigenous folk, openly breast feeding in public is no big deal because for them, a woman's breast is merely a God given device with which to feed your children. But, as we all know, for much of the rest of the world, particularly in western nations, the female breast has long since been elevated (or should I say--relegated) to a symbol of ultimate sexuality.

Fortunately the majority of women still maintain and believe in a modicum of respectability and social grace that requires some modesty. I can imagine that more States will follow over a period of time but probably those women who choose to expose themselves will begin doing so at beaches and resorts although having seen some of the recent hollywood event gowns this year, it would seem that the title of this movement "FREE THE NIPPLE" is becoming more and more fashionable.

So whats the deal here?? Apparently this trend was and is being pushed by the LGBTQ+ community with an apparent goal by some to add the letter "P" for PEDOPHILE! That's right folks it is coming our way. The "LETS DO PEDOPHILE" perverts are going after our children with sex on their minds. And I have no doubts whatsoever that those days will eventually come as well. But after all we do have to be "POLITICALLY CORRECT" don't we? I remember well back in the day, when it was announced that garbage collectors would hence forth be known as "SANITARY ENGINEERS"! So don't be surprised when you begin to see the pedophile movement using terms like "MINOR ATTRACTED PERSONS"!

According to the NY POST, Forty Collins, Colorado has been fighting the female topless in public issue for some time in court. Reported also by NBC News, the city decided not to continue this challenge because of outrageous costs of litigation. The decision not to move the court case any further effectively legalizes the topless practice in all of the six States covered by the 10th District Court of Appeals. Which will conceivably empower more and more of a push for the topless phenomenon in many other States over the course of time.

The argument over this issue by proponents seems to be along these lines; Men have breasts also and can walk around virtually anywhere they want with their nipples exposed so why should we women be discriminated against based upon our gender? WOW---OK now, we have the crux of the issue!

EQUALITY OF THE SEXES. Well, even I am for that but being an old fashioned guy, I have always championed for women earning the same as men---equal opportunity in the work force etc. Anything else than that kind of equality is shameful in my opinion. But then---call me silly, there are limits to good old fashioned conservative values that demand modesty in public. Nor can I even imagine the average husband being wild about his wife parading around with her breasts exposed. I mean what do you tell little Johnny or Jane about why mom is letting it all hang out? But then, whoops, I forgot what my last trip to Disneyland was like. Lot's and lot's of eye candy with husbands and kiddies in tow!

I was in Law Enforcement back in the roaring 60's. Woodstock, sexual revolution, free sex, and the ban the bra movement--Under the guise of women's rights. In some of California's largest cities it was popular for a while to have large female rallies, the center of which was a bonfire. The whole idea was to demonstrate female equality by attendees ripping off their blouses and bras and throwing the bras into the fire. Of course the NEXT rally was attended by thousands of more people---evidence of this new and exciting social movements popularity? Frankly I was amazed that these "freedom, equality seeking women" seemed not to notice that the much larger crowds were made up primarily of men coming to "sneak a peak"! Officers like me were there---on duty of course--so I know it really happened---guys actually being bussed in for the event!

So, I guess this new "FREE THE NIPPLE" campaign is nothing new after all. BUT IT IS! Because now apparently whole States are giving in to this lunacy. Not to mention a push to try and force open restrooms for all sexes including in schools. Or allowing men who claim they suddenly like to think of themselves as women, being allowed to compete in  women's sporting everts. Society is breaking down before our very eyes!

I'm sorry but this is WRONG WRONG WRONG. Actually I am not sorry at all because it is just plain WRONG!

But then as stated earlier, I am apparently an official fossil from a much older and far different universe. So in the unlikely event that there are any ladies out there reading this article, who think I am being unfair to their gender by suggesting it is appropriate to keep "the girls" covered up, please know that I also take an extremely dim view of men who walk around with the "cracks" of their bottoms exposed and even more so, for guys who think they need to demonstrate their "MACHO" to prove they are real men. So lady's from a man who does fully appreciate the feminine gender, please know that for many us, we think that a woman is far more attractive while fully clothed than one who is walking around "butt naked"! After all---where is the mystery in that?

Lastly, all of this new sexual abandon---at least for me and coming from a Biblical perspective, only reenforces my belief that we really are living in the end times. What else can it be while witnessing a wholesale rush to embrace the very things that destroyed ancient Sodom and Gomorrah?


And what was the sin of Sodom? Free sex, often perverted, no doubt public nudity, and I am very certain drugs and drunkenness! Who knows what else was going on there but of one thing I am certain.


The times are evil and getting worse by the day.

Come quickly Lord Jesus,
For those of you---both men and women who still value modesty,

God bless,
Pastor Rance.

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