Tuesday, May 24, 2022


Dear friends,

The  world has gone crazy--Flat out crazy.

Last week a woman with a college degree testified before the United States Congress than men can have babies.

There's not a doctor in a the world that would agree with that but that is what is being pushed in the latest doctrine of the far left-wing agenda of total insanity.

A report was published on May 16, 2022 by Israel 365 news, the author being Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz and the title is "The left thinks that men can get pregnant", and they say it was prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah.

Considering the fact that men produce sperm not eggs and the fact there is no uterus on a man, or Vagina and therefore no birth canal, it is amazing to me that anyone in the United States Congress would even listen to that kind of stupidity.

The scripture that is quoted from Jeremiah to justify this is Jeremiah chapter thirty verse 6 which is asking rhetorical question? It says "Ask and see: Surely males do not bear young"----!

The reason that they can get away with falsely quoting scripture is because so few people are reading their Bibles these days--to cross check them.

We would call that fake news!!!

The subtext of this article is recorded From Edinburgh Napier University in Scotland which reported that students are studying to become midwives to deliver babies From 'birthing persons' with a penis.

Okay folks remember that this is a university. This is just the latest case of lunacy promoted by the political left who are now claiming that men could get pregnant. This  trash has infected western culture and it has manifested itself in various aspects of technology in entertainment throughout America.

Earlier this year Apple released several knew emojis as part of the ios 15.5 series update. One of them being of a pregnant man. Netflix is streaming  a Japanese program called 'He is expecting' which stars a pregnant man.

More recently, Calvin Klein's Mother's Day ad campaign pandered to the politically correct by featuring a pregnant transgender man and referring to this person as a biological woman. That drew massive criticism on social media. AND IT SHOULD!

Now it is announced that there will be a new group of homosexual and transgender super heroes.

Unfortunately this is not just a cultural problem because it is also impacting Academia. The idea of male pregnancy found its way into a recent article in Medical News Today, that asked the question--Can men become pregnant? Went on to report that some transgender men and non-binary people can become pregnant. I want to remind you that I'm quoting a medical journal here. The article investigated the possibility of uterine transplants that would enable  biological men to give birth. It discussed the difference between sex and gender, describing it as a 'social construct'.

Unlike a person with pre-determined biological sex,  and individual reproductive organs and secondary sex characteristics defined, genetics alone do not determine a person's gender, the article claimed.

I don't normally quote Rabbinical sources but I found one by Rabbi Yosef  Berger to be very interesting stating that 'the transgender movement is the last stage of idolatry that precedes the coming of Messiah, King Jesus. To be honest he does not mention Jesus as he would not be expected to but Jesus is the Messiah as I point out.

Rabbi Berger makes the point that idolatry is man trying to replace God, and I cannot agree with him more. God determines a person's sex before he comes into the world and rejecting this aspect of 'yourself' is actually rejecting your relationship with God.

Just a few years ago something as stupid as this would never have been discussed. But now some people are trying to create a reality that does not exist. It is only a very twisted image but gullible people are buying into it in droves.

Surely the ancient people who originally overheard that prophecy first hand must have thought it was absurd, that there was no possibility that such a thing as a man giving birth could ever come to pass. But just like depravity and idolatry increased in ancient Egypt, so to is this happening again today. 

So let's talk about our President Joe Biden We will call this section 'Biden versus the Bible'.

The transgender issue in America affects less than .6% of US adults but it has become a platform of the Biden administration who is endorsing it strongly. While on the campaign trail and October 2020, Biden promised to legalise transition treatments for children from one sex to the other.

This is pure 100% evil. This is satan himself attempting to take over the rules established by a Holy God and in the long run he will note get away with it. But for now he has taken President Biden captive along with millions of people getting on his transexual bandwagon.

The idea that an eight-year-old child or a 10-year-old can decide for themselves, apart from their parents knowledge that they want to become transgender should never be allowed and yet there are some school districts and teachers who are introducing and teaching this idiocy to children. 

Pres. Biden made good on his promise by appointing a person by the name of Rachel Lavine, an openly transgender biological man to be the assistant secretary for Health. Lavine who is the father of two children is in an important position within the Federal government--- dresses like a woman and is advocating for transition treatments for minors. If you have read the news you will know that those  transition treatments include breast removal for girls, and penis and testicle removal for boys.

And our government is pushing, at least under this administration, to pay for this insanity and surgery which these children will grow to regret for the rest of their lives and will not be able to reverse.

Last month Biden made a speech for international transgender day, beginning with a statement that shows the depth of his faith and his belief in the Bible, or perhaps I should say disbelief, claiming that transgender's are made in the image of God. This of course is a gross misrepresentation of the Bible because, specifically---God created man in his image, God created man to be male and female, Genesis 1:27.

I say to whoever is reading this article, this is not only terminal insanity but it is the grossest form of sin and the planned instruction of our children by evil people who want to not only destroy our children but destroy our great American way.

You may not realise that there are our over 350 million people in United States, About 250 million of them claim to be Christians. So I ask? That is a huge voting block so why oh why is the church allowing this to happen?

Anybody looking at what is happening not only in America but around the world may now understand that homosexual is being celebrated as are transgender's competing in women's sports, not to mention the abortions of hundreds of millions of dead babies. Can anybody doubt that we are in the end times in this world?


Pastor Rance

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