Dear friends and readers,
Peace and grace to all of you in Jesus Name!
Today is day #1 of what may become an extremely important year in terms of Bible prophecy.
I would like to begin 2017 by explaining what you may expect from me this year and the three blogs that I author.
First a little back ground; About 7 years ago I retired from public ministry to begin another kind of work that would allow me to reach out to literally the entire world with interesting articles. I did so for the next three and on half years and the Lord rewarded me with readers in over 100 countries. All praise honor and glory to Him not this humble writer.
I cannot claim thousands of readers but there were hundreds and growing. As things sometimes happen in life it eventually became necessary for me to return to the missions organization the Lord used me to begin now about 33 years ago. Also to begin a new church called SIMCHA FELLOWSHIP. "Simcha" in the Hebrew language meaning JOY.
During the past 4 years I have been obedient to the Lords calling but have recently felt released by Him to return to writing. I am over joyed that this transition has now been completed and both the missions organization and the church are now in the very capable hands of new (and much younger) leadership.
I do believe in God's perfect timing and it was not lost on me that these transitions became complete on the very day that 2016 wound to an end and on the last day of Hanukkah. By the way I had no part in planning it that way but did realize the joy of what was happening.
As I sit in my office today on the first of January, I feel an inner excitement and thank God that He is allowing a (slightly older man than I once was (-:) to begin something new again and in the process have the opportunity to glorify my Lord and Savior and to touch some souls with the word of God along the way.
Many within the church who are not exposed to Biblically prophetic study may not know that we (who do study the prophetic writings) are dealing with two calendars not one. While this article is not about that specific subject I will tell you that today is obviously January 1 in the Gregorian calendar year of 2017. But it is also the 3rd day of the Biblical month of "TEVET" in the year 5777 since the creation of mankind.
Fully realizing that many folks do not subcribe to the belief in a "young earth" view of creation, the fact is that I am among those who do. Since my belief or any opposing view cannot really be verified (after all none of us were there at the time) I choose not to debate that issue. And I will tell you that much of the "scientific" knowledge that is being foisted upon us today is frankly full of beans to put it politely. Anyone reading this is welcome to their own opinion and I honor that even though I may disagree.
Did you know that within Christianity it is perfectly OK to agree that it is OK to disagree? Really if all we agree on is that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, and that through His own sacrifice on the cross we have been given the gift of everlasting salvation as a free gift of grace, and that He was risen from the grave--- is it really necessary to argue about the jot and tittle?
That does not mean that I do not argue my own fine points of scriptural view vehemently because I most certainly do and will continue to do so in the future. However my object is not to bring division or argument but to inspire my readers to study the scriptures for themselves and form their own opinions. If that opinion is different than mine, I do not look upon that as a threat but rather have accomplished my purpose.
So, as we head into the new year, whether you are enthralled by 2017 or by 5777, I will begin writing full time again and hope that you will tune in and enjoy!
You can look forward to articles published on three separate and distinct blogs which are listed below plus we plan on doing some Vlogs of two to three minute duration.
1). Last Day Review.This blog is for students of Biblical prophecy who enjoy connecting the dots between past and current world events and either already fulfilled Biblical prophecy or the possibilities of future fulfillment that may be on the horizon.
2). Israels Covenant.This blog will concentrate on the impact that Biblical prophecy has upon the World as seen through the prism of Israel in the mind and heart of God!
AND A SIDE NOTE: I am writing from the perspective of being 100% in support of Israel and the covenant promises made to Abraham Isaac and Jacob who's name was changed to "ISRAEL" by God Himself. I view the rebirth if the Nation of Israel on May 14, 1948 as being the beginning of the ticking of a prophetic time clock that will one day end in the battle of Armageddon and the return of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) to establish His millennial reign upon this earth.
I want my readers to understand that although I stand staunchly in support of Israel, that does not mean that I am against any other people groups dwelling in the Middle East or any other place on this earth. And I pray for their Salvation no matter the nationality, color of skin, ethnic background or current religious belief.
3). Back To Life Basics.This blog is primarily geared toward the church or anyone else on this planet who is searching for spiritual truth, bearing in mind that truth only comes through Messiah Jesus. This blog speaks about taking a giant step back from the things of this world that can snare any human being. Going back to Biblical standards of a Holy walk with the Lord and doing our best to take His commands seriously.
For example, did you know that being "politically correct" according to todays popular belief is often at odds with what the Bible actually says? Do you long for what you remember in your youth? Mom, apple pie, support of your country and taking church seriously? For fellowship that does not include hatred, foul mouth, keeping up with the Jone's and constant worry about physical things?
Did you know that you do not have to accept hurt feelings, insult, back stabbing, guilt or self condemnation? Did you know that the stress that is slowly killing you is a choice? A choice that you can reject?
So, stay tuned folks because I am excited about writing again and this time around, I have retired from all other public ministry and actually have time for study and cranking out some good stuff.
Have a very happy New Year!
God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. All three of these blogs already have articles posted for your reading enjoyment.
Peace and grace to all of you in Jesus Name!
Today is day #1 of what may become an extremely important year in terms of Bible prophecy.
I would like to begin 2017 by explaining what you may expect from me this year and the three blogs that I author.
First a little back ground; About 7 years ago I retired from public ministry to begin another kind of work that would allow me to reach out to literally the entire world with interesting articles. I did so for the next three and on half years and the Lord rewarded me with readers in over 100 countries. All praise honor and glory to Him not this humble writer.
I cannot claim thousands of readers but there were hundreds and growing. As things sometimes happen in life it eventually became necessary for me to return to the missions organization the Lord used me to begin now about 33 years ago. Also to begin a new church called SIMCHA FELLOWSHIP. "Simcha" in the Hebrew language meaning JOY.
During the past 4 years I have been obedient to the Lords calling but have recently felt released by Him to return to writing. I am over joyed that this transition has now been completed and both the missions organization and the church are now in the very capable hands of new (and much younger) leadership.
I do believe in God's perfect timing and it was not lost on me that these transitions became complete on the very day that 2016 wound to an end and on the last day of Hanukkah. By the way I had no part in planning it that way but did realize the joy of what was happening.
As I sit in my office today on the first of January, I feel an inner excitement and thank God that He is allowing a (slightly older man than I once was (-:) to begin something new again and in the process have the opportunity to glorify my Lord and Savior and to touch some souls with the word of God along the way.
Many within the church who are not exposed to Biblically prophetic study may not know that we (who do study the prophetic writings) are dealing with two calendars not one. While this article is not about that specific subject I will tell you that today is obviously January 1 in the Gregorian calendar year of 2017. But it is also the 3rd day of the Biblical month of "TEVET" in the year 5777 since the creation of mankind.
Fully realizing that many folks do not subcribe to the belief in a "young earth" view of creation, the fact is that I am among those who do. Since my belief or any opposing view cannot really be verified (after all none of us were there at the time) I choose not to debate that issue. And I will tell you that much of the "scientific" knowledge that is being foisted upon us today is frankly full of beans to put it politely. Anyone reading this is welcome to their own opinion and I honor that even though I may disagree.
Did you know that within Christianity it is perfectly OK to agree that it is OK to disagree? Really if all we agree on is that Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, and that through His own sacrifice on the cross we have been given the gift of everlasting salvation as a free gift of grace, and that He was risen from the grave--- is it really necessary to argue about the jot and tittle?
That does not mean that I do not argue my own fine points of scriptural view vehemently because I most certainly do and will continue to do so in the future. However my object is not to bring division or argument but to inspire my readers to study the scriptures for themselves and form their own opinions. If that opinion is different than mine, I do not look upon that as a threat but rather have accomplished my purpose.
So, as we head into the new year, whether you are enthralled by 2017 or by 5777, I will begin writing full time again and hope that you will tune in and enjoy!
You can look forward to articles published on three separate and distinct blogs which are listed below plus we plan on doing some Vlogs of two to three minute duration.
1). Last Day Review.
2). Israels Covenant.
AND A SIDE NOTE: I am writing from the perspective of being 100% in support of Israel and the covenant promises made to Abraham Isaac and Jacob who's name was changed to "ISRAEL" by God Himself. I view the rebirth if the Nation of Israel on May 14, 1948 as being the beginning of the ticking of a prophetic time clock that will one day end in the battle of Armageddon and the return of Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) to establish His millennial reign upon this earth.
I want my readers to understand that although I stand staunchly in support of Israel, that does not mean that I am against any other people groups dwelling in the Middle East or any other place on this earth. And I pray for their Salvation no matter the nationality, color of skin, ethnic background or current religious belief.
3). Back To Life Basics.
For example, did you know that being "politically correct" according to todays popular belief is often at odds with what the Bible actually says? Do you long for what you remember in your youth? Mom, apple pie, support of your country and taking church seriously? For fellowship that does not include hatred, foul mouth, keeping up with the Jone's and constant worry about physical things?
Did you know that you do not have to accept hurt feelings, insult, back stabbing, guilt or self condemnation? Did you know that the stress that is slowly killing you is a choice? A choice that you can reject?
So, stay tuned folks because I am excited about writing again and this time around, I have retired from all other public ministry and actually have time for study and cranking out some good stuff.
Have a very happy New Year!
God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. All three of these blogs already have articles posted for your reading enjoyment.
Exciting stuff! Can't wait to read your updates, brother! Love to you and your wonderful family!
Exciting stuff! Can't wait for your updates, brother! Love to you and your wonderful family!
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