Thursday, February 12, 2015

ISIS & who is not the anti-christ?

Today I want to address something that will also appear in an expanded form in one of my blogs: It seems there are a lot of people these days jumping on the band wagon of "THE ANTI CHRIST WILL BE A MUSLIM" and also, "ISIS IS A RUN UP TO THE END OF THE WORLD"! 

First in reverse order; Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of the writings of the Biblical prophets and the book of Revelation, will know that the end of the world as we know it does not happen until after the Lord Jesus Christ returns to this earth, rules the world from His thrown in Jerusalem and completes that rule for a literal period of 1000 years. Only then will the end of the world arrive and a new one will be created by God. Regarding the anti christ being a Muslim and ISIS being a major power coming into the very end times and the eventual battle of Armageddon---NO WAY! 

While I suppose that the anti christ may have some back ground in one or more of the major world religions, he most definitely will not be at the helm of a major Muslim force of any kind. In fact before his advent, the Muslim nations will have been severely downsized in over all population and will not be a major military force coming into the last 3 1/2 years of tribulation or the horrible war of Armageddon. Today is not the time to describe the antichrist himself but please see Daniel chapter 7 and 9 for a few more details about this subject. Why do I think that the terrorist factions within Islam will be destroyed? Because the Bible says so. 

This is also not the time or place to discuss which Bibles we should be reading but in order to obtain a clear picture of this particular subject we must go back to the ORIGINAL KING JAMES version and look up Ezekiel chapters 38-39. Chapter 38 describes the exact nations that will someday go to war against tiny Israel and history tells us exactly who these nations are. Some are clear as glass because they specifically mention PERSIA (todays Iran), Ethiopia and Libya. Libya is exactly the same as it was in millennia past. Ancient Ethiopia is not the same as modern Ethiopia but all the nations mentioned have one thing in common today. They are by and large Muslim Nations. According to Ezekiel chapter 38, these Nations will be led by someone called GOG, the land of MAGOG. 

I know that some scholars try and make Magog into modern day Turkey but not so. These scriptures tell us that Gog will lead a huge army against Israel and that they will come from the NORTH. Looking at a round globe one might think that is the case. First, several of the ancient names of the participants of this huge catastrophic war are people who currently live in Turkey or it's immediate proximity and scripture is clear that these people are LED by someone else. Although Turkey is North of Israel, the city that is in the extreme North and exactly in line with Israel, is MOSCOW and there are no other major cities in this world North of Moscow! Once again, history is pretty clear about the origins of the first inhabitants of Moscow; Me'sheck and Tubal who is the chief prince of Gog, the land of Magog. Ezekiel, chapters 38 and 39 describe very clearly the order of events: Gog will lead a massive army made up primarily of peoples from modern day Islamic countries. Purpose? To wipe out Israel! However the story ends much differently than Gog would wish. 

When this army---so large, it is a " cloud to cover the land", reaches the mountains of Israel, God Himself will cause near utter and complete destruction upon this huge army. In fact according to the King James version, Ezekiel chapter 39 verses 2 through 9, God will destroy ALL but 1/6 of this entire force plus in verse 6 it clearly says that God will send FIRE upon MAGOG. Remember that this army is led by GOG FROM MAGOG. That means to me that God will send fire upon Moscow itself. Also it says that God will also send fire upon "THEM THAT DWELL CARELESSLY IN THE ISLES". While I will not be dogmatic about what "the isles" mean, in my opinion, the coast land and perhaps even the boundaries of all the countries who have come up against Israel in this war are destroyed. This destruction is so severe that scripture tells us that "they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons" of this great army and that in order to burn and destroy them all, will take Israel 7 full years! So, how is it possible for the peoples who live in the "ISLES" to do so "CARELESSLY"? By not obeying and in fact coming up against the only true God, the Creator of the Universe and against His chosen people Israel. So, what do we see happening in the world today? 

Russia, ruled from Moscow, once again on a course for regional and perhaps someday world dominance. And at the same time, the radical Islamic forces are doing exactly the same thing. They will someday need a leader to accomplish their STATED ultimate goal of the destruction of Israel. It is Russia who will provide that leadership, finances and weaponry to begin the future war that is commonly referred to as the war of GOG FROM THE LAND OF MAGOG! An what timing do I attribute to this future bid to destroy Israel?

 Right after the anti christ signs a peace treaty with Israel and her neighbors (Daniel chapter 9 verse 27). At the time of this great war, scripture tells us that Israel must be living in peace and as a Nation of unwalled villages. That is certainly not the case today but will be after the advent of the anti christ and his peace treaty. Armageddon will be the great war just before the return of the true Christ and it will be between the forces of the West led by the anti christ who will be fighting the Kings of the east. NOT THE ISLAMIC NATIONS who by this time will have all but faded into oblivion! 

And as a P.S. What would Russia be after? Why would they do this? Have you noticed in the news lately that Israel is discovering huge amounts of natural gas and perhaps oil?

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