Peace and grace to each of you in the great name of Jesus Christ!
Last week my article entitled "FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE ARE APPROACHING"seemed to strike a cord with people and I thank you one and all for your comments. I promised that this week I would give you a brief outline of what I believe may be a snapshot of our relatively immediate future. As is always the case, I am giving my own opinion based upon many years of Biblical study but that is not a credential for perfection. Anyone, no matter how learned they may be that tells you they are an "expert", particularly where Biblical prophecy is concerned, is filled with pride and self deception.
We are commanded to "study to show yourself approved unto God" (KJV). The New King James sweetens the pot somewhat with this wording; "BE DILIGENT (my emphasis added) to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." And so, study we shall!!! You may also recall that last week I quoted the Apostle Peter as he tells us just how important Biblical prophecy is.
Now before we launch ourselves into the future, I would like to humbly thank new readers in the nations of Guyana and Barbados. Please do continue your studies---hopefully with me and it would do me great honor for you to send the link to my blogs to your friends and relatives.

While certainly not being the only one to write internet articles regarding Biblical prophecy, you have all none the less blessed me with readers in 76 countries. I am frankly in awe that we live in a generation in which yet another prophecy is clearly being fulfilled; JESUS SPEAKING: "And the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)
What I will do today is lay out for you some (but not all) of the major prophecies and the order that I "SPECULATE" they may occur in the future. Once again no attempt here to set dates and even the order may be in question. I say that because we all have a great disadvantage while we study the Prophetic scriptures. Being only tiny specs of humanity who's mind cannot possible approach the level of God's, I am certain that fitting the pieces together from a human perspective will always be flawed.
Still, Jesus was very specific in His displeasure with the religious leaders of His day (on this earth), because they failed to recognize the signs of the times. I do not want to repeat that error. How about you?
I don't care where you look today, it is impossible to fail to see the world in general and mankind specifically------IN DIRE STRAITS! Natural disasters on an unprecedented scale. Famine and war in several countries. Kingdoms and dictatorships overthrown in less that 2 months total time. Financial ruin in stock markets around the globe. Gas and oil prices skyrocketing. False doctrine running into some of our churches and denominations like a speeding freight train. Abortion on demand, marital break down at unprecedented rates. The decline of traditional family values and--- and and and! I could go on and on.

People around the world are scratching their heads with no answers in sight. Fear is increasing, crime is on the rise, drugs are trashing entire countries and mental and emotional stress even among Christians is now volcanic. Just recently I had a counseling session with a very spiritually mature individual who's stress levels are so elevated that it is resulting in physical illness. As a pastor I can tell you that for many people this is becoming the norm.
So, now it is my turn to elevate your stress. How ironic is that? But as I have stated for many years, no matter what we as individuals may want for the world, Biblical prophecy cannot be changed. That which was spoken by God's chosen, WILL happen!
So for today I am going to very briefly outline for you the possibilities that I see for the future, bearing in mind that the order of these events is far less important than the accomplished fact. In next weeks article I will expound on these and give you my reasoning for the position that I have assigned to them as possibilities.

1). First (and I list this first only because there are absolutely no prophetic events that must take place prior to this happening---IT IS IMMINENT---the only question is when?) That event is called the Rapture of the Church. It will include all human beings who have repented for their sins and placed their faith in the only Son of God, Jesus Christ. I believe this event will happen sometime in the (possible) near future and most certainly before the beginning of the 7 years of tribulation which is also the 70th week prophesied in the book of Daniel.
Scriptural descriptions of this event can be found in 1 Corinthians chapter 15:51-58. 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verses 13-18. 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2:1-12.
2). I believe that there is a future war that is prophesied in Psalm 83. There are some who believe that this a past event rather than a future one but I simply disagree. Clearly this war is waged against the nation of Israel. Of the nations listed as being Israel's enemies, many teachers believe that tracing the listed nations forward you end up with the exact nations surrounding Israel today or in the immediate vicinity of today's Middle east. Every single day the current news of that region indicates to me that the prophetic stage may well be in the process of being set for the accomplishment of this Biblical prophetic event.
I am not a prophetic teacher who takes snippets out of the daily news and tries to make them into prophecy. But in the case of the Middle East, there is lot's of history and relationships, both good and bad between people groups who now comprise modern nations. It is based upon the long range curve of historical events that I place the war of Psalm 83 as the most likely candidate for the next major future prophetic event (not including the Rapture because scripture is very specific that no one will know in advance the timing of that event).

3). Along that same line I am certain it is no surprise to you that the nation of Syria is in the middle of extreme turmoil. Isaiah chapter 17 clearly and graphically describes the total annihilation of the City of Damascus which is the capitol of Syria. Damascus was first mentioned in the book of Genesis. It has never, EVER been destroyed to any where near the extent that we see described in Isaiah 17. This destruction is also mentioned in Jeremiah 49:23-27.
There is a great deal to explain in my reasoning here but that will take an article all by itself. For now, just think about the fact that Syria, in league with Iran, who supports both Hezbolah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza, have declared the destruction of Israel. At least 40,000 rockets are now pointed at Israel from these two last sources alone. Damascus plays host to several terror organizations, all of whom are working toward the destruction of Israel.
It is my opinion that one day very soon you may turn on your TV and witness this prophesied destruction of Damascus with your own eyes! This could be a part of the war of Psalm 83 or a stand alone event. The jury is out.
4). It is worth mentioning here, the recent governmental overthrow in Egypt. For that we must look to Isaiah chapter 19. Very briefly Isaiah tells us a story about Egypt which unlike many another nation of the region is basically exactly the same ground as it has been for several past centuries. Verses 1-3 pretty well describe what has just happened in the recent overthrow of Egypt's President (dictator) Hosni Mubarak. But in verse 4 we see a dire prediction that should have the worlds attention. God speaking through Isaiah, "AND THE EGYPTIANS I WILL GIVE INTO THE HAND OF A CRUEL MASTER, AND A FIERCE KING WILL RULE OVER THEM."
I know there is a rush by many people in Europe and even more in the traditional Western Nations to think that overthrowing these Middle Eastern dictators, is a great thing that will usher into the region, many forms of new freedom for its people along with democracy.
A nice sentiment but unrealistic in the extreme!
Or as my grandma would say "BALDERDASH"!
For those who have that opinion we only have to look at Iran. After the overthrow of the Shah, the country that was in ancient days PERSIA, ended up with a fanatical theocratic form of dictatorial Government that now threatens to wipe out Israel, several other Middle East countries and even the United States.

The same fate may well be in the process of happening for Egyptians. The Muslim Brotherhood IS a fanatical, violent, corrupt, hater of all things democratic and it is precisely that regeme that may end up in charge of Egypt. And that folks is exactly what is predicted in Isaiah chapter 19 verse 4.
We could also talk about the recent overthrow of the long time dictator of Libya, the infamous Colonel Moammar Gadhafi. He was a terminal bad guy no question about it. He deserved to be ousted from power and the world clapped and shouted with joy when that happened. However, the power vacuum that was created is rapidly being filled with religious extremists, many of whom advocate wearing explosive suicide belts and keeping their citizens under a constant state of terror.
I look for countries like Egypt and Libya to end up with far far greater evil forms of Government than they had before. However that is not a blanket assessment of the people who live in those countries. In fact when God is speaking about Egypt in Isaiah chapter 19, He explains beginning in verse 16 that someday Egypt will be restored and makes it very clear that He loves Egypt.
Now before anyone writes to me and complains that this must be a PAST event because the scriptures speak of the King of Egypt as "Pharaoh", remember that many of the Biblical prophecies cover extended periods of time. Also, if you were a Biblical prophet writing over 3000 years ago and were trying to describe a future King of that land, would you call that person a "PRESIDENT" or a "PRIME MINISTER"? I sincerely doubt that because by and large those are modern terms for leaders of modern countries. No, you would use the terminology of the day. And in those days, no one could possibly imagine that the great nation of Egypt would EVER be under the authority of anyone but PHARAOH!
It is also worth mentioning here that the book of Isaiah also contains prophecies regarding Israel, Babylon, the nefarious Lucifer himself, Assyria, Philistia, Moab, and Ethiopia. If you are confused about the wording of these scriptures, specifically regarding timing within the scope of history, then I encourage you to continue your studies. It is frankly not possible to understand the complexities of the future and the book of Revelation without also reading the Biblical prophets. They are the key.
Now there are a great many other future topics that I could mention here but I will end today's article by speaking briefly about the prophecies of Ezekiel.
The entire book is fascinating for all who desire a better understanding of the events that are in the future for mankind. However I will direct your Attention to specific scriptures beginning in chapter 34. beginning at that point and continuing through the end of Ezekiel in chapter 48, we discover VERY many predictions of future events DURING THE END OF THE AGE! In other words, NOW and perhaps in the foreseeable future.
I will be writing about all these in the course of time but offer the following outline today as a way to whet your appetite. It is commonly agreed by most scholars that Ezekiel's writing and prophecies are in chronological order.

1). Israel back in her own land.
a. Restoration of God's flock--Israel.
b. Prophecy against Edom.
c. Restoration of Israel to the land.
d. Vision of Valley of Dry Bones; Israel's restoration.
e. Prophecy against Gog; Future invasion of Israel by a northern confederacy.
2). The millennial Temple and its worship.
3). The division of the land during the millennial age.
Next weeks article with zero in on Psalm 83 and I will lay out for you why I think that this war may be right around the corner and who the key players will be. Then we will work our way through the next few years right up to and including the war of Gog of the land of Magog listed in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39. I will explain why I believe that this war against Israel will not take place until AFTER a signing of a 7 year peace pact with Israel and her neighbors, orchestrated by the antichrist (Daniel chapter 9:27).
By the way, at some near future point I will also explain an extremely detailed mathematical chart indicating why we know exactly when Daniels prophecy of the 70 weeks of years was partially realized and how much of that is still to be realized in the future.
So for now, here is a little glimpse of history and when it happened and something for you to think about: When studying the Biblical prophets it helps to keep history in mind.
NOTE: Not everyone agrees in the area of ancient dates and timelines. If you are speaking to a secular archeologist they may refer to the world being "millions and millions" of years old. Or dinosaur bones that are "thousands and thousands" of years old.
If you are speaking to a great many Biblical literalists, they will tell you that Adam was created by God in the year 3760 B.C. (BCE). On the Jewish religious calendar that is 1 B.C. If that argument is correct and we are now obviously in the Gregorian calendar year of 2012 A.D. (CE) then we are now also in the Jewish year of 5772 (since the creation of man).
This is something I find exceedingly fascinating. However, as interesting as it may be, I personally was not there when either Adam was created or the dinosaurs roamed the earth. For me, that makes this particular argument "recondite"! In other words, it is "profoundly beyond ordinary understanding"! Having said that, even though I certainly recognize that there were dinosaurs at one time, I am and forever will be a Biblical literalist even though one cannot ignore archeological evidence that has been discovered. So I offer the following chart which I am certain SOMEONE is going to disagree with!!!
6000 B.C. Assyria (providing carbon dating & archeological techniques are correct).
3000 B.C. Macedonia.
2704 B.C. (Jewish calendar), Noah is born.
2102 B.C. Noah's flood.
2000 B.C. The Hittites.
1813 B.C. Abram (Abraham) is born. (interesting note here---that is the Jewish year of 1948 B.C. Israel was reborn as a nation in 1948 A.D.). Coincidence? I think not!
ANOTHER NOTE: More political correctness dictates that "B.C." (BEFORE CHRIST) is now "BCE" (BEFORE THE COMMON ERA). "A.D." is now "CE" (COMMON ERA).
1743 B.C. ABRAHAMIC COVENANTS GIVEN BY GOD! Including covenants for ownership of the land of Israel (references can be found in Genesis 12 through 26).
1532 B.C. Joseph becomes Viceroy under Pharaoh of Egypt.
1393 B.C. Moses born.
1250 B.C. Moses outside of Egypt.
1244 B.C. Death of Joshua.
1227 B.C. Begins the period the "JUDGES" leading Israel.
879 B.C. Saul appointed King over Israel.
877 B.C. David appointed King over Israel.
836 B.C. Soloman appointed King over Israel.
832 B.C. First Jewish Temple construction begins.
796 B.C. After Soloman, the Kingdom divided into two nations 1). Judah (King Rechavam) 2). Israel (King Yeravam). NOTE: The spelling of ancient names for many Kings will differ according to tradition, culture, archeological evidence or Biblical translation!
605 B.C. Babylonian Empire under King Nebuchadnezzar.
549 B.C. Persian Empire under King Cyrus.
492 B.C. First Jewish Temple destroyed after it was used for 410 years.
426 B.C. The events of Queen Esther (A Jewish Queen) in Persia.
356 B.C. Greek Empire under Alexander The Great.
272 B.C. Roman Empire---NOTE: the very beginnings of this huge Empire can be traced back as far as 753 B.C. and continues in various forms until about 500 A.D.
33 A.D. JESUS CHRIST defeats death.
70 A.D. Destruction of Herod's Temple and Jerusalem by Roman Legions.
286 A.D. Rome divided---begins Byzantine Empire.
570 A.D. Prophet of Islam born---Muhammad.
1096-1254 A.D. a total of 9 Christian Crusades. King Richard the Lion Hearted of England led the 3rd crusade of 1187 A.D.
1200-1400 A.D. Mongol Empire.
1299 A.D. Turkish Ottoman Empire.
1920-May 14, 1948 British Mandate of Holy Land.
May 14, 1948 Israel becomes a nation once again.
Current day: Israel under threat once more of complete annihilation by Iran, Syria, Lebanon and several terrorist groups.
And by the way; There are many attempts today to rewrite hisory. Sadly large portions of today's church is buying into this sort of utter falsehood. For example, there are claims today that Islam predates the Jewish Nation and that the HOLY LAND has ALWAYS belonged to the people of Islam. The problem with that is obvious. The Abrahamic covenant was given to
Abraham (Biblically the grandfather of the Jewish Nation) in 1743 B.C.
Muhammad, the father of Islam was not born until 570 A.D.
God bless,
Until next week,
Pastor Rance.

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