Peace and grace to each of you in Jesus name!
Last week I said that this article would introduce you to our next tour to Israel. We have yet to receive the final itinerary and pricing for our next trip which is tentatively scheduled for February 2012. Hopefully we will have that information soon. In the meantime we have a new reader(s) in the Island Nation of Saint Kits and Nevis. It is located in the Caribbean south east of Puerto Rico. Welcome to you new friends, may the peace of the Lord comfort you always!
I am beginning two new blogs. The one you are currently reading will still be published on a regular basis. The next one in line is called BACK TO LIFE BASICS and will include shorter and more frequent articles. My purpose is something that seems to be on many minds these days; Quite simply---well, quite SIMPLY! Stay tuned as we talk about ways of getting rid of the "rat race" stress that effects us all.
The third blog deals specifically with Israel and the title will be ISRAELS COVENANT. While that blog is still being designed, the first article for Back to life basics is now ready to read at
This weeks article is about Israel and it comes on the heels of much debated speeches by both U.S. President Barack Obama and the Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.For many Americans the subject of continuing support for Israel is a hot button topic with unlimited proponents and detractors on each side of this most volatile of all issues.
For many Israelis, the matter of continuing U.S. support is central to their very survival as a nation. For people of God, both Jew and gentile, regardless of national origin the subject has far greater significance.
For the entire world and every single country therein, the health of Israel as a nation is often misunderstood but none the less one of severe consequence depending upon which side of the issue one aligns themselves with.
If you are a person who does not believe there is a God then this article will make no sense to you. Along that same line, if you are a Christian who has been taught that the Bible should be studied allegorically, then what I am about to say will also make little sense.
If on the other hand, regardless of where in the world you may reside, you DO believe in God and you DO believe that God's Word is Holy-----then this article may clarify key issues for you.
The real issue IS Israel. The incredible importance of Israel and the Jewish people may be simplistic for some of you, but for others reading this article in a variety of Countries, the subject may still be one of mystery. After all what is the big deal about such a tiny patch of dirt and a few million Jews? Why is the entire world seemingly so utterly preoccupied with this tiny nation?

In order to answer these questions, I must take you on a journey so it will all make sense. During this journey a story will unfold that is at the very center of ALL debate over Israel but also the center of the very universe as we know it. Does that sound a trifle melodramatic to you? Well if so, then all I can say is---GOOD! Because it should.
I wound up last weeks article with the following question: "What is the churches responsibility toward Israel during this most dire time of world catastrophe?" "Have some professing, well meaning Christians been duped by pastors who have taught them denominational heresy regarding Israel and the end times, rather than what God says in His Holy Word?"
My statement, which poses the idea that some well meaning Christian people have been taught amiss regarding Israel, may seem to be somewhat "In your face"! Frankly it is intended to be exactly that and I have no regrets about being so blunt.
Many in todays's church have been taught that "THE CHURCH" is the replacement for Israel in the mind and heart of God. This theology is frequently based upon the supposition that Israel was responsible for the death of Christ. Also that modern day Israel is nothing more than an invention of man and in no way related to the will of God.
This idea is called "REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY" or "SUPERSESSIONISM". It is currently espoused by several seminaries and presupposes that God is somehow through with Israel and that the church is now His chosen vessel on this earth.
While I certainly agree that the church is the chosen vessel through which Christ works on the hearts of all mankind, there is absolutely zero evidence in Holy scripture that God has in any way shape or form rejected Israel as His chosen people.
The Apostle Paul, who was himself not only a Jewish man but also a highly trained and educated Pharisee (one religious sect of the ruling Jewish Sanhedrin headed by the High Priest). Paul is abundantly clear in Romans chapter 11 verses 1-2 "I say then, has God cast away His people (the Jews--my emphasis added)? Certainly not! For I am also an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew.--------"!
Well you say, that is New Testament. Ok, fair enough, let's take a look at what God has to say in the Old Testament! God made a covenant with Abraham who was the father of Isaac who in turn was the father of Jacob. Jacob's name was changed by God Himself to ISRAEL. Genesis is a very good read so I suggest that you take a moment and refresh yourself with this story.
Psalm 105:7-10 confirms God's covenant. "He is the Lord our God; His judgements are in all the earth. He remembers His covenant forever; The word which He commanded for a thousand generations, the covenant which He made with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac, and confirmed it to Jacob (ISRAEL---my emphasis added) for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant"!
God goes on here to tell us that part of His covenant to Israel is the gift of LAND! Then God says something about Israel that our Governments today would be well advised to heed as tremendously good advise. Psalm 105:15 is a Divine warning---warning, warning, warning!!!

Hmmmm? So much for Iran (ancient Persia), Syria, Hamas and Hezbola constantly threatening to destroy Israel.
Then we have the issue as stated by the supersessionists, that God is through with Israel because they killed Christ. Now I will admit that there were ranking members of the Sanhedrin who called for the death of Christ but that was politically motivated and not in the least way representative of the entire Jewish people. First of all we must remember that after the death and resurrection of Christ from the grave, the majority of the fledgling first century church were Jews. Many of the Pharisees themselves became followers of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.

You may think that is my opinion. Alright once again, fair enough. So how about if we ask Christ Himself? John 10:15 (and then 17-18).----REMEMBER---this is the Lord Himself speaking.
"As the Father knows me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep" (sheep is a Biblical term for the followers of Christ). Then in verse 17-18 Jesus continues by saying "Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself-------"! So much for the Jews killing Christ.
And, so much for supersessionism. But you know I can understand how the early church fathers came to the belief that the church was the replacement for Israel. In those early days, Israel had by and large been destroyed by the Romans. Only a remnant of Jews remained in the land. The early church fathers were looking at their Bibles and seeing all the future prophetic statements linked with the word ISRAEL. At the same time, they saw only ruins of what had been the once great and mighty Israelite kingdom. Well obviously since Israel as a kingdom had been destroyed, WE---THE CHURCH, must be what God is referring to as Israel in the future.
But when Israel became a nation once again on May 14, 1948, you would think that the great religious thinkers (many current Christian theologians) would take the mental leap. After all, Israel becoming a reality again after nearly two thousand years is the ONLY nation that has ever returned from the ash heap of history! Not to mention the undisputed fact that this event fulfilled several Biblical prophecies that had been uttered long before Israel was destroyed in the first place.
There are two predominant questions here: First, is Israel itself, which we have already answered. The second involves the identity of the Messiah of Israel. For that answer we must turn to an unalterable statement in John 14:6. Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me"! There is simply no other way to spend eternity with God than to have a relationship with His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. In Hebrew Jesus name is Yeshua Ha Mashiach and He is the long awaited Messiah of Israel. The spiritual and physical church that Jesus has been building throughout the past 2000 years is made up of both Jew and gentile believers.
There is an old adage that say's "a truth that is only 99% true---is all lie"! Supersessionism (replacement theology) is the 99% truth and is frankly apostate at it's very core. No Christian regardless of denominational affiliation, can possible read the Bible without an absolute awareness that Jesus Christ is the long awaited Messiah of Israel. To try and separate Jesus from Israel would be like trying to remove the earth as a foundation for the cities of New York, Moscow, Cairo or even Jerusalem. Without the earth nothing physical could exist in this space of the universe. Equally, without Jesus (John chapter 1:1-5) Israel could not exist nor could the very earth that it sits upon.
First of all, Jesus Christ is a Jew and always will be a Jew. He, by Biblical definition is the "Lion from the tribe of Judah"! He will one day sit upon the throne of a decidedly Jewish King David who is the progenitor in human form (several generations removed) of Christ Himself.

The Bible is ONE document spanning 66 books beginning with Genesis and ending with the infamous book of Revelation. It is known as "THE OLD TESTAMENT and the "NEW TESTAMENT" for two important reasons: First, because they are separated in time by an approximately span of 400 years. The portion labeled as the Old Testament ends with the writings of the Prophet Malachi and a period of time in which God chose a few men at various times to proclaim His satisfaction or lack thereof to both Kings and common folks alike. These "special" people were speaking for God with the anointing of His holy Spirit and were called prophets.
The New Testament begins with the book of Matthew, named for it's author, one of Christ's disciples. The central reason that this portion of scripture is termed "NEW", is because it was at this time in history that God the Father chose to step out of eternity in the form of God the Son. He did this because mankind was not capable of atoning for his sin nature. Part of God's overall plan for the redemption of mankind was to provide a blood sacrifice for our sins that we as mankind were not capable of providing for ourselves.
God loves us in ways that we are often not able to understand. Because of this overwhelming level of love, God chose to make this atonement in our behalf so He could enjoy our fellowship in heaven for all of eternity. He did this through the death and resurrection from the grave of Jesus Christ. That is why Jesus clearly stated that His purpose was to lay down His own life---for our benefit---to atone for our sins.
Our responsibility in this is simply to TRULY repent for our sins and accept Jesus Christ as our savior. I could go on a major "preach" here about what true repentance means but that is not the subject of this article.
I told you earlier about the Old Testament prophets were anointed by the Holy Spirit to speak into the lives of other people in behalf of God. However with Jesus now on the scene, ALL repentant believers are given the gift of the Holy Spirit who's job it is (among other things) to guide and teach us as we live out our lives. And that is one of the defining differences between the Old and New Testaments. Remember that having a relationship with Christ does not make us perfect on the moment. We still make mistakes but the atoning blood of Jesus, who once again is the Jewish Messiah, enables us to receive forgiveness for our sins.
Speaking of sins, and getting back to the subject of Israel and replacement theology, there is another absolute truth that we need to examine.
Most Christians today, regardless of denomination would be aghast at the thought that anyone would think them guilty of something called "ANTISEMITISM". For those not familiar with the term, Webster's Dictionary defines it thusly; "Having prejudice against the Jews. Discriminating against or persecuting Jews".
For those who have been taught that God is somehow through with the Jewish people and the church is the replacement for Israel, I recommend that you go back and see what the Word of God has to say about that. You can begin with a quick read through Romans chapter 11 which will set the record straight for you.

As Christians, we certainly need to respect spiritual authority. I am a pastor myself and thoroughly understand the pitfalls of spiritual rebellion. However, clearly the Bible also teaches us to read and understand the Word of God for ourselves. When we are taught something that is in conflict with what the Bible says, we have a choice! Do we go with the Bible or the false teaching? I sincerely hope your answer is a resounding, BIBLE!!!
For a Christian to side with those who are enemies of Israel is to be antisemitic. Quite simply it is to set yourself up as an enemy of God Himself. How terrifying is that?
Overstated? Don't agree that Israel is so incredibly important?
Well let's see what the Word says! Shall we? For starters, Zechariah 2:8 (God, speaking of ZION---a word used alternately for ISRAEL, The Jewish People and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem), For thus says, the Lord of Hosts: "He sent Me after glory to the nations which plunder you; For he who touches you touches the Apple of His eye"! So do you replacement theology folks REALLY want to continue poking your finger in God's eye?
Are you "Christians" also aware that the events of the first coming of Jesus Christ to this earth were ALL accomplished precisely on Biblical feast days? That the Jewish people were commanded by God to observe these specific days? That Christ, the Lamb of God died precisely on PASSOVER? That He was buried precisely on UNLEAVENED BREAD? That He rose from the grave precisely on FIRST FRUITS?
That the coming of the Holy Spirit to begin the church (Acts chapter 2) was accomplished precisely on the BIBLICAL day of PENTECOST?
Are you aware that God gave the Jewish people an irrevocable covenant in Genesis chapter 12 verse 3 in which He says to Abraham " I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you"? That this covenant was in turn reconfirmed to Abraham's son Isaac and then again to Isaac's son Jacob who's name was changed by God Himself to ISRAEL?
Are you aware that God also spoke to Abraham in Genesis 15:8 saying "Unto your seed (Israel--my emphasis added), have I given this land, from the river (Nile) in Egypt to the great River Euphrates"?
So who does really own the land currently in question in and surrounding Israel? Well let's see, on a current map of the Middle East that could mean that God gave Israel all of the following: A large portion of Egypt. Looking East from that point, the land all the way to the middle of Iraq including ALL of Jordan, part of Syria, a possible wedge of Turkey, all of Lebanon and part of Saudi Arabia.
And so some of you actually believe that it is wise to try and force Israel to give up land for peace? Did that work when they gave up Gaza?
Are you aware that the area called the West Bank is actually ancient Samaria? That this is the very place that contains 4 very important locations where God confirmed these covenants with Israel through the building of altars? Are you aware that these things happened thousands of years before the Muslim Prophet Muhammed walked the earth? There is no disrespect there for our Muslim neighbors. It is simply a statement of fact.
No? Well how about this? God's Word makes it abundantly clear that the time is rapidly approaching in which ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD will turn against Israel. And what will God's response be to that?

Joel chapter 3 verse 1-2 "For behold, in those days and at that time (the time of the end---my emphasis added), when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the valley of JEHOSHAPHAT; And I will enter into judgement with them there on account of My people ISRAEL, whom they have scattered among the nations; They have divided up my land"!
Folks there are at least 85 confirmed ancient Biblical prophecies being fulfilled at this very moment in time in which the Jewish people are being brought back by God into the land of Israel and Jerusalem. By the way, the VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT is also called the"KIDRON VALLEY" which is still located in Israel directly between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives, upon which the Lord Jesus Christ will (perhaps) soon return and set His foot at His second coming to this earth.
Frankly, people who are advocating that Israel should give up land for peace, are not only fooling themselves but also placing themselves directly in the path of Divine judgement!
In closing please allow me to weigh in on JERUSALEM, the Holy City of God. Right now, the United Nations and many Government leaders of the world are pressuring Israel to give up all of East Jerusalem as part of the "NEW NATIONAL HOMELAND OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE"! First of all, are you aware that the League of Nations (precursor to the United Nations) already created the two State solution prior to 1948? Israel was set aside for the Jewish people and the newly created land of TRANS JORDAN was created for the "PALESTINIAN PEOPLE"!
I am all for these folks having their own State but not within the boarders of Israel. TRANS JORDAN was created for them but that area was immediately denied to the Palestinian people and instead became the modern Kingdom of Jordan.
Israel has not denied these people their land. It is the ARAB PEOPLE themselves who have denied them a homeland. Because the Arab nations have refused to cooperate in this process that was decided by the League of Nations, Israel is now being forced to give up her land including one half of Israel's capitol city, Jerusalem.
Do you remember the very first INDIANA JONES movie in which the Arc of the Covenant was discovered in Egypt by the Nazi's? In the end of this film there was a famous scene depicting a French archeologist who dressed up like a Jewish High Priest and opened the Arc. Soon after doing so, this phony High Priest and all the solders with him literally melted while they stood upon their feet.
Did you know that the model for that horrible scene was taken directly from the Bible? It has to do with JERUSALEM, not the Holy Arc.
Remember that the world is now fighting against the united City of Jerusalem remaining the Jewish capitol.
Let's see what God thinks about that shall we. Zechariah 14:12 "And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike ALL THE PEOPLE who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand upon their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths"!
Does it sound to you like I am trying to use scare tactics? Well friends, that is not actually the case. There is an old Biblical saying that says "My people perish for a lack of knowledge". In "country speak" that translates to "A little bit of knowledge can be the most dangerous thing in the world!" So if you are one of those Christians who is coming against Israel, don't you think it a good idea to know how God feels about your actions and attitude?

You may think that these scary scriptures are for some future generation. But if that is NOT the case and YOU who, through public opinion and political pressure, are trying to force Israel into giving up half of Jerusalem, are you somehow immune because you claim the name of Christ?
I sure hope for your sake that you are right! For those of you Christians who have been taught that God is through with Israel and the Jewish people, YOU HAVE BEEN DECEIVED! Your teachers will not be answering for you on the day of judgement. You will be answering for yourself and the very first thing you will be asked by the Divine presence is "Why did you not read your Bible for yourself"?
It is time to call the church back to the pure Word of God.
God bless you all in the name of the Jewish Messiah, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, JESUS CHRIST.
Pastor Rance.
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Amen, Amen and Amen!
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