Peace and grace to each of you in Jesus name!
To begin this article I would like to thank new readers in Iceland. It never ceases to amaze me the way the Lord is moving the writings of this blog around various countries of the world. Thank you so much for your interest, one and all. Also for referring my blog to your friends and relatives.

Each week I think that I have a handle on exactly what I will write about---until I turn on the TV or receive literally dozens of intelligence reports from other ministries and sources throughout the planet. Things are moving at such lightening fast speed now that it is impossible NOT to recognize dire but also exciting biblically prophetic correlations to world events.
The title I have chosen for this article is both scary and provocative at the same time. EVERYONE is interested and awed by the term "ARMAGEDDON"! At the same time folks everywhere are trying to figure out what the future of Egypt will be and of course there is always the question of Israel isn't there?
Is there a connection here that we should be paying attention to? As is reported so far and wide these days, is the world really going to end on December 21, 2012? Or, is it all a bunch of hyperbole created by Hollywood to sell books and movies?
What in the world is a person to think?
Then of course you have the case of multiple voices from the Christian world weighing in on these issues. Each and everyone claims to have the latest scoop DIRECTLY from the Holy Spirit, so gee whiz, how come they all seem to disagree with each other? Wow and how about all those ancient cultures and people groups that have predicted the end of the world? Let's see now depending upon who you are reading these days, you can see these dire predictions from the Mayan, long count calendar, Pacal Votan, the Q'ero Inca Shamans, the Aztec's, Toltec's, Itza-Maya, Hopi Indians, Cherokees, the I Ching (book of changes), Merlin the Magician, Mother Shipton, Nostradamus, Edgar Casey and the Zoroastrians.
These are all in addition to predictions made by certain Roman Catholics regarding "The last Pope theory", the Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims (The Mahdi and end times prophecies of Islam). Then of course is the more scientific (but terribly flawed) "pole shift" theory, "Global warming", "winter solstice of 2012", "the judgement day", "The time of great purification","The end of this creation", "The quickening", "The end of time as we know it" and "The shift of ages". WHEW!!!~
You know I could give you another two paragraphs and still not touch all those "THEORIES" out there that are boggling peoples minds today regarding what is coming up prophetically on the worlds calendar of events.
So here is the real deal folks: Don't buy into any of that stuff! If you want to know anything about future events go back to the oldest and most reliable book in the world. "THE BIBLE"! The ancient biblical prophets have a reliable percentage of success that is nothing less than 100%. So why do we bother ourselves with all this other "flack" that only serves to bring worry and anxiety into what should be our otherwise peaceful hearts.

If we are serving the Risen Christ then He has given us a great gift: John 14:27 (Jesus speaking), "Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid".
If you are truly serving the Risen Christ (only you and He know that for certain), then your future is secured. That does not mean that things will be easy in this world because there is no biblical promise of that. In fact following the Messiah of Israel (Yeshua--Jesus Christ) may well bring difficulties and even persecution. Many saints over the Millennia have paid for their faith with their lives. Others have scooted through life with no more problems than any other human being encounters under normal life circumstances. But don't confuse the martyrs of today with the fact that there is a future time coming that defies the very limits of our imagination and will dwarf EVERYTHING horrible that has happened to people of the past generations.
The world is hurtling at break neck speed toward events that are beginning to unfold that will culminate in the second coming of Christ. Unfortunately in the process there is also coming an antichrist who will subject all humanity on the earth at that time to horrors and death beyond belief. Soooooo, everyone still have their peace in tack after that? Good!
Now, how about that part where I said "Only you and the Lord knows for certain" (about your relationship with Him)? Did you have to read that twice? Catch in your throat? Momentary loss of peace? A small "gulp" maybe?
You know the Salvation that Jesus speaks of really is free for those who will reach out and receive it. He already paid the price.
It reminds me of a story about a child who has never received a Christmas gift in his life. One year this child is given the absolutely most beautiful gift ever created. The box is gorgeous, the ribbon is artfully done, it is heavy beyond belief so the child knows for sure that something really cool is inside. He can't wait to be alone to lift the lid and peek inside. But the more he thinks about it the more he realizes that actually opening the box must be done at exactly the right moment. So he puts the box on his dresser where he can see it at all times and waits for just the right time. The more he thinks about it the more he realizes that he really isn't worthy to have this gift at all. It is not so much the gift itself that makes him feel unworthy but rather the name of the person who gave it to him. The child remembers this person all the time because he is so special. He knows the mans name and speaks it frequently but can't figure why the gift was given in the first place because he can't imagine that this famous person would really care about someone so insignificant as this child believes himself to be.
The child waits and waits until he feels worthy. Until he is all cleaned up and well groomed. Until he accomplishes something in his life that will make him worthy to open the gift. Time passes and unfortunately the now grown, aging man never feels worthy and never gets around to opening the gift. Even at the end of his life, the beautiful unopened gift remains on his dresser.
If you experienced that little "gulp" or a tug at your heart when you read "Only you and He know for certain", perhaps, just perhaps it is time for you to open the gift on your dresser that was given to you so very long ago! Perhaps it will help to read Romans 10:9 and 10.
Now how about Egypt? It sure seems to be falling apart. Lot's of talk on the news of the radical group of Islam called the "Muslim Brotherhood" taking over and immediately canceling Egypt's peace pact with Israel. I even see Christian commentators expostulating about how easy it would be at that point for Egypt to wipe tiny Israel off the face of the map. Oh, woe is me! We must be at the part right now when all is lost. Israel cannot survive and cruel Egypt will become 100% apostate.

You know folks there are literally hundreds of scenarios that could play out during these kinds of dire circumstances. I am personally one to admit that I do not have the foggiest clue how it will all work out. BUT, I do know the end of the story. You see, I have read the end of the BOOK. The BIBLE BOOK that is. And I can tell you that even though prophetically there are some very difficult times ahead for Israel, in the end, they win! We sometimes have a tendency to forget that Egypt tried to wipe Israel off the face of the map before. They tried it in 1973 and they lost big time to tiny Israel. Several Middle East Muslim countries also tried to wipe tiny Israel off the face of the map in 1948 and again in 1967. ALL of these armies massed together against tiny Israel LOST!!! And no matter what happens the Bible tells us that Israel survives.
There is another point to consider; Do you think there is also a possibility that the people of Egypt could also be very important to the Lord? Perhaps He has a plan for them as well. Israel is the only country in the world that God describes as belonging to Him (including the land---something we should all be aware of), but we must remember that God's desire is that not one single human being should be lost. Of course we all have a choice to make but God's desire is that every human being experience the Salvation that can only come through a personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. God's desire is equally for the people of Egypt. In fact there is a veritable of explosion of Christianity right now not only in Egypt but all the other Arab and Muslim countries, not to mention the rest of the world which includes ancient Persia (Iran of today which is not an Arab country)!
Don't believe the rhetoric we are hearing on the news that Islam is the fastest growing religion. That is all a carefully engineered mis-information campaign!!! Just last week the Muslims essentially lost Southern Sudan when it became the newest Internationally recognized country populated primarily by Christians. I could tell you much more about that but another time.
So let's see what God's word has to say about Egypt of the future. First of all Exodus 11:7 (admittedly speaking about events of a very long time ago), does draw a Godly distinction between Israel and Egypt. This is speaking about a time in which Israel was captive in Egypt for a period of about 400 years. Moses sprang onto the scene and God used him to free Israel from captivity. It was in this context that God shows His heart for Israel as He says, "But against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue, against man or beast, that you may know that the Lord does make a difference between the Egyptians and Israel".
However in Isaiah chapter 19 (very lengthy so I recommend that you read it for yourself), the prophet speaks of not only a tough time coming up for Egypt but also for His divine love for Egypt. I will quote a remark made just today in the Epicenter newsletter by Joel Rosenberg; "Isaiah chapter 19, which describes a very difficult, violent and economically disastrous future for Egypt in the last days, and even worse leadership than it has had in the past. But there is also hope for Egypt's future. The God of the Bible loves the people of Egypt. He is determined to get their attention and draw them into a personal relationship with Him through faith in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Hebrew Prophet Isaiah speaks of this divine love for Egypt".

Let's not write off Egypt just yet! Having said that however, IF this is the time for the realization of Isaiah 19 in terms of the future of Egypt, then we can expect to see a transition government at some point in the future that the world may regret. Interesting!
I also mentioned earlier the event known worldwide as "ARMAGEDDON". This is not a figment of over zealous imagination. Their really will be a humongous battle at the very end of the 7 years of tribulation and this battle has become known as the "BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON". You can read up on this in the book of Revelation chapter 16:16 and surrounding scriptures. It will be a decisive battle to determine the final fate of mankind. Many Biblical scholars and pastors believe that the current political, geographical and financial events of the entire world are drawing us ever closer to the time frame in which this battle will be fought. Frankly I am one of those that believe this. When you ask? Well the truth is that no matter who tells you other wise, we will only know that when it happens. That we are getting close however does not seem disputed by many who read their Bibles.

ARMAGEDDON is a Hebrew word commonly thought to be derived from the word MEGHIDDO (also spelled Megiddo), which is a place located within the boarders in Israel. Very many Kingdoms of the past used this tiny hill to build small cities or outposts to help protect their kingdoms and monitor local trade routes. King Solomon is one who used Megiddo as a chariot city during his reign over Israel. I have stood on the top of the Tel (hill with many layers of past civilization) of Megiddo during several journeys to the Holy land. I was overlooking a monstrous valley that is absolutely beautiful with cultivated crops. The real name of this valley is "JEZREEL" but essentially it is the valley we think of as Armageddon.

An unspeakably violent struggle to the death will take place at some point in what may well be the near future in this precise place. This battle begins just prior to the return of Jesus Christ to the earth to establish His 1000 year reign. If you are still wondering whether the world will end on December 21, 2012 according to the Mayan long count calendar, the answer is resoundingly NO! The Bible tells us that the world as we know it will not come to an end until God Himself destroys it AFTER this 1000 year reign on earth of His Son Jesus Christ. Even then, God creates a brand new heaven and earth with a brand new city of Jerusalem that is huge and beautiful beyond belief.

In the meanwhile, no matter what the immediate future may hold for all of us, as Christians, we have a job to do. That job is to work along with God and be obedient to Him in accomplishing the Great Commission of Matthew chapter 28:18-20.
All of Biblical prophecy should point us back to the Great Commission. Bringing as many other human beings into the Kingdom of Christ that we possibly can. When we are focused on the things that are important to God, we really do experience the peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7) and it will become a gift for you that nothing can destroy.

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.
Dear Pastor Rance:
Your writings are Scriptural and therefore factual concerning nation Egypt as per Isa. 19. Further, from this same prophecy of Isaiah, nation Israel and nation Syria will one day worship the God of Israel in peace and in commerce. This prophecy looks to the Millennium for its time of fulfillment. There exists many interesting existing circumstances of today on the world scene that are parallel to those identified in Isaiah Chapter 19. It is well for the true Christian to keep his eye on nation Israel, however, the greater focus for the Christian must be the active participation in the evangelism out-reach to a lost world as per Matt. 28:18-20. We appreciate your Biblical insight and the sincerity of your heart for the Ways of Jesus Christ and rightly dividing the Word.
Thank you! Love & Shalom
Wil & Peggy Keyser - Oregon, USA
Thank You Pastor Rance for this wonderful and truth filled blog. It is indeed a blessing to it's readers.
In His Love
Allan and Marisela
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