Peace and grace to each of you in Jesus name!
This weeks article will have to do with 2 families that Brandy and I personally know that have overcome horrible circumstances in their lives. They had "ALL THE CARDS STACKED AGAINST THEM" but have become "overcomers" in Jesus Christ! Are you wondering what is happening to your world? Is your "nest egg" going away? Worried once again about the threat of nuclear war? Is your state or country beginning to fail financially? Stay tuned to read about folks that have passed through worse problems than most of us will ever know.
Before we begin, you may have noticed that my scheduled article for last Monday March 1, did not appear! Here is the scoop. My Dell laptop and I finally came to a parting of the ways. It was a great little computer but I realized that for every 3-4 steps I had to take on my PC, Brandy had only 1 step on her iMac to accomplish the very same thing. FRUSTRATION upon FRUSTRATION! Anyway, I bit the ole bullet last week and purchased another iMac for myself.
This decision of course necessitated another sharp learning curve for me but PRAISE THE LORD, the computer also comes with one year of classes available at any time I choose.
Did I neglect to mention that the classes are in San Diego? Ah, yes---well that means a two hour round trip for each three hour class not to mention increasingly difficult boarder crossings in two different directions. That is unless I cross at 3:30 a.m. which means that the only place open for business at that miserable hour of the day is Denny's restaurant. After my Grand Slam breakfast and numerous cups of coffee, I still have about 3 hours with nothing to do but exercise patient until my class begins. Sadly, I am not one known for patience in the first place. Of course I could say something totally holy like, "well after all I DO read my Bible for all of those three hours"! But honestly, have you ever tried to do that at 3 a.m.? All of that is my flimsy and lame excuse for not getting my article out in a timely way last Monday!
There is a SILVER LINING to my computer woes. We have a young female college friend in Mexico by the name of Yesinia . She really needs a new lap top. She has become the blessed recipient of my utter lack of patience, along with my nearly new PC. Giving away a computer that is no longer needed may not seem like a biggie but there is a story involved. I fully realize that by telling you this I will be giving up any kudos from "ON HIGH" that may be involved with an act of kindness. But in this case, it is worth it if someone out there in cyberspace becomes encouraged in the process!
Over 16 years ago, Brandy and I came to live in the Baja peninsula of Mexico to do the Lord's work. The organization that I founded was already several years old but we really wanted to be "in the field" rather than sitting behind some administrative desk while others did the work. We first landed in a small town about 200 miles South of the U.S. boarder and immediately began telling people about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We spoke little Spanish at the time but the Holy Spirit was with us and (long story--best left for another day) many people began receiving the Lord and were baptized. A great work began to develop and in time we were able to speak with these wonderful people in their own tongue.
One of the very first families we met lived in a tin shed with no windows, no floor, no lights, no hot water , no ventilation and only a worn blanket for a door and a filthy communal outhouse. I cannot begin to explain how poor these people were. They are Indigenous folks with a background in the MIXTECO culture. They had migrated from very deep in Southern Mexico to this little town because there was work available in the tomato fields. They earned the equivalent of about $5.00 U.S. dollars per day. When there were no crops in the field there were no jobs and many people simply did not eat much until there was more work.
This particular family IN THEIR ENTIRE GENERATIONAL HISTORY had never had a child attend high school. In most cases not even junior high school. They began walking with the Lord, worked very hard and eventually were able to afford a very small, meager lot and began to build a block house. This spanned several years of course but it is typical of many family stories that we were blessed to be a part of over the years. In the course of time they were able to get all three of their daughters through not only junior high but also high school---in each case with exemplary grades. These three young ladies , Yesinia, Yanet and Mariela, grew up watching most of their neighbors daughters become pregnant by 13-16 years old. One baby followed after another and by 25 these women were burned out on life with absolutely zero hope for the future. The only ones able to break out of this generational mold were the children of solid Christian believing parents.
These three young high school graduates took a vow of chastity and to this day have not even held a boys hand. They all decided that they wanted to attend college---WOW, can you believe how extremely proud their parents were in this decision? College here in Mexico is expensive like anywhere else and requires an ALL INCLUSIVE family commitment. The two eldest are now enrolled in college in Ensenada. Yesinia is studying to be a DOCTOR!!!!!!! Yanet wants to graduate as a PSYCHOLOGIST. The third daughter, Mariela is 18 years old and is sitting in my home as I write this article. She has submitted her initial application for a college nursing program in which only about 270 students will be enrolled. She is among 12,725 young people who are applying for one of these few and coveted spots in next years class.
Our future doctor, Yesinia lost her computer last month in a flood. Can anyone guess where my nearly new Dell lap top is going? Lest anyone out there think differently, all these girls are perfectly normal young ladies who desire not only an education, but in time a sanctified marriage to a Godly Christian man and to raise a family that can reach back and help others from their own family and culture. Speaking only for myself, "my hat is off to them!" This family CHOSE to BECOME "overcomers"! Against all odds at that.
Are you hurting and have no hope? Burned out by the trials and tribulations of life? No one to love you and no where to turn? Tired of being "second guessed" by everyone around you? Thinking of just calling it quits---giving up?
Please allow me to tell you a story about another friend of mine. He and his wife are well known in Liberia West Africa and their testimony is public knowledge. They are under my immediate spiritual oversight and so is their rather extensive work. Because of that I can speak with knowledge regarding a story that most people could never begin to understand without having walked through it themselves.

Pastor Jeremiah and Rose Nimely live just outside of the capital city of Monrovia. They are the directors of an NGO (our equivalent to a non profit organization). Also a Christian School, many of who's children are orphans. They pastor of a church called LIVING WATERS FELLOWSHIP. They were married about 20 years ago and at that time Liberia was a very well developed country with an excellent infrastructure. The main cities boasted sewer, clean water, side walks, pavement, communications, electricity and of course also lots and lots of jungle in other areas of the country. At about the time of their marriage, a very violent civil war broke out that continued in various forms for the next 15 years and literally completely destroyed the entire countries infrastructure.The picture you see below is Jeremiah's house as it looks today.

What does it take to "overcome" tragic circumstances? During all those years of war, Jeremiah and Rose hid for months at a time in the jungles. They ate grass that had to be boiled three times before it could be eaten. Every single member of Jeremiah's family died or were killed including his parents. He and Rose had several children with no actual home to raise them in. Their eldest daughter was being carried on Jeremiah's back when she passed away. All of their family has active malaria as do most of the remaining 6 million or so in Liberia who survived the various wars. When I was there, I witnessed people taking water out of the ground with hand pumps and the water was yellow in color. Yellow fever is rampant. There are currently about four thousand men in the capital city who lost limbs through very violent means and well over 50% of the nation is still unemployed.
Jeremiah shared with me that when he came out of hiding he had but one thought in mind. Find those responsible for his family tragedy and kill them or exact whatever terrible revenge upon them that he possibly could. BUT, the Lord spoke to his heart and he was commanded to forgive those that had killed, maimed, raped and brutalized. When I was there Jeremiah pointed out to me certain men that had been blood thirsty guerillas. Now they live side by side with the very people they had persecuted because the United Nations, in order to finally stop the war, granted everyone pardons. How is it possible to forgive those kinds of evils?
I walked down the city streets with this man of God and had Government ministers and other men of God walk up to me and say---You know pastor Jeremiah? He never quit preaching the Gospel and I am in the body of Christ because of him!
Do I respect this man of God? You betcha buddy!
Jeremiah and Rose will probably never have a book written about them. Never be known as great missionaries. Never be recognized as TALL MEN OF THE FAITH. Generations from now no one will even remember their names---or most probably yours or mine. But they made a decision that was written down in heaven. They CHOSE to forgive. They CHOSE to turn the other check. They CHOSE to continue to live in poverty and pour out their lives for mankind that as many as possible could enjoy eternal life with the King of Kings. They CHOSE to take in the widows and orphans, to share their food and what little they have in this life so others could smile for just a moment!
This photo was taken in front of the church and has many of those one legged men I spoke of earlier!

Are Jeremiah and Rose perfect people? I should say not. In fact , they are nearly as broken, flawed and rough around the edges as I am! But what they are is FORGIVEN and SANCTIFIED by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. What they have going for them is an indomitable hope that is born in grief, raised in blood, matured on hardship and depravity. And, in the end it is being refined by the Word of God!
Are you hurting and have no hope? Burned out by the trials and tribulations of life? No one to love you and no where to turn? Tired of being "second guessed" by everyone around you? Thinking of just calling it quits---giving up?
Brandy and I were there! We know for a fact that the family of "overcomers" with the three college girls, thought many times of giving up. I have walked the streets of a ravaged war torn African country with a man and woman who would never even attract your attention if you passed them on the street. But they CHOSE to BECOME "overcomers".
I was there when my friends Ray Sulway and Vlademir Demin were in Russia with me shortly after the Berlin wall came down. I ate lunch with pastors recently released from KGB prisons for the crime of preaching the gospel. You know what? They ALL thought of giving up! And believe me, from my travels I could tell this same story many times over.
So what is the defining difference between those that really do give up and those that "overcome" terrible circumstance? I would like to be able to say that ALL Christians are "overcomers" but after 25 years of ministry I know that is not always the case. What I do know for certain is that people become "overcomers" based upon their own decision to do so. Yes of course there are always bad things that sometimes happen to good people. Sometimes the very best of the very best perish. Often no matter how well intentioned we are, we simply cannot control the circumstances around us.
I have come to understand that in our own flesh, we do not have the strength to BECOME "over comers". No we absolutely do not! But what we do have is the ability to DECIDE. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit dwelling within us does most certainly have that strength. Oh yes, frequently we see really nasty, mean people that appear to be "overcomers". But there is far more to being an "overcomer" than is seen in this flawed world we live in. Being a true "overcomer" can certainly include "overcoming" worldly events but what DEFINES an "overcomer" is that persons relationship with their Creator. It is coming to terms with RELEASING faith in ourselves and instead placing the entirety of our faith in the Lord!
Not crazy about "BLIND FAITH"? Well you might just want to rethink that issue. It is only faith in the One that is first and foremost responsible for giving us life in the first place, that can give us that undefinable, allusive thing that carries us through in the worst of times.
So here is a question for you (and of course myself) to consider? How exactly are we choosing to spend the rest of our lives? Is it by faith in ourselves or faith in God? Is it in His service or in our own service? Is it trusting Him to have the answers---and being willing to slow down enough to HEAR those answers? Or is spending time with the Lord something we do as an after thought? Sometimes I am guilty of that just like anyone else but there is still hope for all of us to improve in that area as long as we breath.
Have hope, don't quit and never give up. Change the way you look at things and DECIDE to BECOME an "OVERCOMER"! That decision may not change the events of your life or the world around you. But this decision, coupled with your Faith in Christ WILL change the way you react to those events.
We can all tighten up on our spiritual walks and speaking only for myself, I believe there is no better time in all of world history to do so than right now. Look around at the world and you tell me what YOU think? Is everything great out there right now OR are all of mankind in VERY BIG TROUBLE?
Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not see". (2) "For by it the elders obtained a good testimony"!
To lighten the moment just before leaving you this week I thought I would throw in a photo of my dog banana. Does she look worried?

God bless you and keep the faith.
Deuteronomy 30:19 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; Therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live"!
Excellent message Rance, thank you for sharing it with us.
Bless you and the family.
Ron Huff
Just as seeing the wall pictures from Brandy and the message about the red heifer gave me a shot in the arm, so this message was very timely for me...thanks Rance
Hi Rance, just like the pictures from THE WALL from Brandy and the forward about the red heifer lifted me, so this article was just the shot in the heart i needed...thanks for being faithful
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