Sunday, April 19, 2020

EARTHQUAKES and NO FEAR! Matthew 24??

Dear readers,

Peace and grace to all of you in Jesus great name!

I have promised I would do an article on Matthew Chapter 24 verses 1-8. The specific emphasis would be current earthquake activity worldwide. Since Matthew 24 verse 7 specifically says "EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES" and these verses are speaking about the end times, can we draw any parallels between Biblical prophecy and current events?

CAUTION!!!!!!! It is so easy to take a leap into a very shaky theological area while speaking about these concerns! Jesus did say that we should be able to recognize "the signs of the times"! No problem with that these days---they seem to be all around us. However, it is dangerous to take snippets from the daily news, or even single large scale world events and try and fit them into Biblical prophecy. Right now we are in the middle of the Coronavirus (Covid 19) pandemic. Lots of folks are speculating that this plague is heavenly sent. Some kind of Divine retribution. While I suppose that COULD be true, personally I am not prepared to prove myself a false prophet and simply do not have sufficient evidence to make that claim.

My approach is to carefully examine extended periods of time and trends to discover any correlation between Biblical predictions and what is happening on the ground here in this day and age. While doing so, a very colorful, dramatic mosaic begins to emerge. In my opinion, with a careful and exacting examination of this mosaic, or "snap shot in time" we can definitely draw some logical conclusions that lead us to the definite suspicion that we are in fact living in the "end times". Obviously opinions will vary widely regarding what exactly constitutes "THE END TIMES". And in fact Paul's writings of the First Century seem to indicate that he thought the end times were beginning then.

Some will point out that the Apostle John, in the first century, said (1 John 2:18) "Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour"! (By the way, please don't anyone write to me and tell me that the word antichrist should be capitalized---grammatically correct or not, I will not give honor to that future creep)! On the other hand, we in this generation do have some verified prophetic fulfillment that we can point to that makes it clear as crystal that we are living in the most exciting time since the cross of Christ. I will address these fulfilled prophecies in other articles. How's that for a teaser? Does Israel's May 14, 1948 give you a hint?

Now regarding earth quakes; Oh, how many times have I been told "Pastor, you don't understand, earthquakes have always happened with rates of both more and less depending upon the century". So let's talk about that and then YOU decide!

I have before me PILES of research done by the USGS (United States Geological Service). So here is the bottom line for you folks that say "But come on now, isn't it true that there have ALWAYS been consistent and regular earthquakes"? No actually it is not true. In the category of Magnitude 6.0 and greater, as it turns out there were no reported quakes in any of the following years:

1961,1956,1936,1924,1921,1894,1893,1889,1888,1883,1881,1880,1878,1876,1874,1870,1869,1866,1858 through 1864 1844 through 1854, 1839 through 1842, 1837, 1824 through 1834, 1822, 1820, 1813 through 1818. Prior to that there were very many years in history that there were no recorded earthquakes all the way back to the year 856 A.D. Then again maybe some historians simply did not bother to record them.

The question is simple. Is there any kind of historical trend indicating that earthquakes have either become stronger or more frequent as time has gone by? Well, you be the judge!

From the year 856 A.D. until 2001 (1145 years), there were a total of 567 reported earthquakes Magnitude 6.0 or greater.

From the year 2002 until 2010 (8 years) there were 429 earthquakes Magnitude 6.0 or greater.

Ummm! Let's see now: 1145 years=total 567 world wide quakes!

8 years= 429 world wide quakes!!!

Would you say that represents a marked increase? Is that a trend that could possibly relate to the Biblical prophetic fulfillment of Matthew 24:7? from 2012 to 2019 in the 6 point category or above there have been 12,180 which is an average of 1502 per year worldwide. And so far in the first 4 months of  2020 there have been 425.

To be fair here, the USGS website claims no appreciable increase in earthquakes per year. Their math is obviously different than mine.

According to a report  from Breaking Israel news dated April 13 2020, the earth seems to be waking up as seismic activity is being increasingly reported around the globe. Last month a 6.5 shook Idaho generating multiple avalanches. The largest to hit the region since 1983. 238 total in Idaho in the last week although obviously smaller or after quakes. However according to the USGS five of those were rated 4.0 to 6.5. 2 weeks before, near Salt Lake City Utah, a 5.7 hit. Since then again centered around the Salt Lake area 886 quakes have been reported. Including Wyoming that is total of 980 since March 18.

Yellowstone Park which is extremely unstable registered the caldera experiencing 111 since March. The Yellowstone  Norris geyser the hottest and believed to be the oldest thermal area is constantly inflating and deflating---pulsating in erratic bursts. The entire basin rose 5.9 inches in 2013. Yellowstone is listed as the most dangerous supervolcano in existence and if it ever completely erupted estimates are that it could well devastate an area the size of five States.

The Reykjanes peninsula in Iceland has experienced about 8000 earthquakes and about 10 centimeters of land uplift since January 21. Krakatoa volcano in Indonesia recently exploded. Also recently a 3.6 quake hit southern Israel. And just days before that a 4.3 hit southern Israel epicentered in the Red Sea 60 miles south of Eilat. A region closely estimated as perhaps the place Moses crossed the Red Sea. And another of lesser magnitude, 3.8 near the port of Haifa. Israel sits atop the Syrian-African rift.

This may or may not be important because the events of Ezekiel 38-39 the future Gog and Magog invasion of Israel is prophesied to be accompanied by earth changing earthquakes.

Then there are many very bothering recent volcanic activities, some having been dormant for centuries or thousands of years. Iceland eruption for the first time in 800 years. Reykjavick with rising levels of magma and 10 centimeters of ground lift. This artery is actually fed by 5 ancient volcanic systems.  The 2010 eruption of Eyjafjnallajokull volcano. Indonesia's Krakatoa sending smoke 10 miles into the sky. Before that in 2018 it triggered a tsunami and before that in 1883 it killed 36,000 people. On the Kamchatka peninsula, Klyuchevskaya Sopka peak erupted with volcanic ash climbing 4 miles high. And others in the region.

Mexico, a volcanic ash plume reached an estimated 19,000 feet. Kericini in Sumatra erupted. In South America, Sangay and Reventador in Ecuador, Chile and Guatemala. Stromboli in Italy. Erebus in Antarctica. New fissure vents reported in Ethiopia. And then if course the ever present RING OF FIRE volcanoes! a 25,000 mile long horseshoe shaped region in the Pacific ocean. Including most of California, Washington State and Alaska. It includes 452 volcanoes, 75 percent of existing worldwide volcanoes and produces about 90% of the worldwide earthquakes today. 81% of the worlds largest.

And then there was one of the three worlds largest recorded earthquakes of 9.2 in northern Sumatra and a 9.0 in Japan in 2011.

Reported on April 14, 3 massive volcanoes erupted in Indonesia. Mt. Sinabung, Mount Kerinci and Mount Semeru. That same day, the Jakarta Post reported that the Anak Krakatau volcano erupted. And others like in Hawaii. Ertale with it's own lava lake in Ethiopia. Philippines, Taal volcano on the island of Luzon has become active. Japan, Mount Shintake erupted. Mexico, Mount Popocatepetl rumbled to life with glowing rocks thrown an estimated 20,000 feet into the air.

But we are told NOTHING UNUSUAL!!! How could we doubt our "EXPERTS" when it appears that nearly all the "FACTS" we have been spoon fed about Covid 19 are already being proven faulty.

So you decide??? But one last point; Reportedly the most dangerous earthquake fault in the world is the "HAWARD" which runs roughly parallel to the San Andreas in California. And between the two, experts have been saying for years that the BIG ONE could happen at anytime. Back in 1868 only 24,000 people lived along those fault lines.  How many multiple millions live above them today?

If you think that there is an increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happening today, do you think that there could be a correlation here with Matthew 24? And how about what we see happening around the world at the very same time? Nation will rise against nation. Kingdom against Kingdom, Famines, Pestilence (plagues), and earthquakes in various places??? And lawlessness will abound? And the love of many will grow cold?

Sounds to me like a perfect description of the Democrats versus the Republicans.

Food for thought,

God bless,
Pastor Rance.


Kevin said...

All I can say, Pastor Rance, is thank you for this outstanding post!

Kyle said...

Hi Rance,

I would also take into account some of the factors discussed by the USGS here and here when considering the possibility that earthquakes are increasing in number and magnitude. When comparing the present day to 856 A.D., I believe population density may be the most significant factor.

Anonymous said...

Rance, thanks for the teaching, reminding, encouraging, and peace-filled instruction!

Bless you guys!

Pastor Rance said...

Thank you Kyle. I was actually surprised when the USGS quoted facts that far back in history. Your points are well taken. Thanks for reading and for your input!