Tuesday, January 10, 2017

God's wrath unleashed?

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to each of you in Jesus great name!

This article may be one of the most profound that I have ever written. I sincerely believe that mankind is racing toward a cataclysmic abyss of Biblical proportions. And of all the generations since Noah's flood, you and I are privileged to be witnesses to coming events that eclipse  all other events save the Salvation of our souls by the grace of almighty God.

Before we begin please allow me to remind my readers and explain to you first timers that as a writer of Biblical prophetic events, I do not believe in either setting dates or taking snippets out of the news and trying to make them fit into a prophetic scenario.

Rather, I look at long range trends to try and discover possible pathways linking the past to the future in a Biblical sense. An example of this would be demonstrated by the incredible fulfilled prophecies which lead up to the declaration of independence and Statehood of the modern day Nation of Israel on May 14, 1948. Very many ancient Biblical prophecies came together on that precise date in history, exactly as were foretold by God's holy prophets.

Since that time, for Biblical scholars and particularly those who write and study the ancient prophecies, there have been a virtual plethora of monumental occurrences pointing to end times events ranging from the future war of Gog from the land of Magog all the way through the terrible times of Jacob's trouble and the final war of Armageddon.

I began today stating that "WE" are privileged to witness these things but the fact is most of the people of this world are in great danger and have no idea what is about to happen. The"WE" I speak of are the believers and followers of the Messiah of Israel, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, also know in English as Jesus the Christ of God.

This week I want to zero in on recent events that from a Biblical perspective are terrible to behold.

First a scripture that should bring fear into the hearts on any persons or nations who have placed themselves in the position of being enemies of Israel.

The book of Zechariah was penned in the 6th century B.C. In chapter 12 verses 2-3 "Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; All who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though ALL NATIONS ARE GATHERED AGAINST IT"!

The United States of America has stood as the very best friend and protector of Israel for the past 69 years. But much to the surprise of Israel and many Jews and Christians worldwide, the United States sold Israel out on December 23rd, 2016.  On that day, there is much evidence to suggest that high level leaders within the United States Government helped orchestrate resolution number 2334 which was voted upon within the Security Council of the United Nations. This august body has but 5 permanent members, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom (England) and the United States. These five Nations are the only ones who can veto a resolution and it takes only one veto to stop action being taken. Beyond these five there are also 10 non permanent member States who rotate between nations but all current members have a vote for a total of 15.

Resolution 2334 passed unanimously with one abstention; The United States of America. With this abstention the United Nations effectively voted as follows: It states in part that all "occupied" territory within Israel since the war of 1967 belongs to the Palestinians.  Essentially this resolution calls Israel an illegal occupier of lands belonging to the Palestinian territories. What many do not realize is that this document is proclaiming that All of Judea, Samaria and West Jerusalem rightfully belong to the Palestinian people rather that Israel who was Biblically given each and every centimeter of this land by God Himself thousands of years ago. Please understand that EAST JERUSALEM includes the Temple Mount, the Western (sometimes referred to as Wailing) wall, the ancient City of King David, and Mount Zion.

In other words, the Nations of this world are taking it upon themselves to give away Gods land. Not even the Jewish people have a right to do that. It should be noted here that Israel was granted ownership of this land by God Himself over 3,000 years ago.

Now, another chapter is about to be wrought upon a world who will one day, perhaps very soon realize very unpleasant and unexpected consequences for their ungodly actions.

On January 15th, 2017 a large meeting of the Nations has been called in Paris France and 70 Nations have been invited to attend. The subject of this meeting is to resuscitate the Israeli, Palestinian peace process and to determine the parameters of the renewed talks.

Guess who were not invited to attend?  Israel and the Palestinians. It should also be noted that Israel has invited the Palestinians to begin new peace talks repeatedly for several years now but no one has been listening.

To break this down for you, the United Nations is trying to take away land from Israel to forge (by force) a new Nation State for the Palestinian people. In another article I will explain why there is no valid "PALESTINIAN PEOPLE" and never ever was in the entire history of this planet. There is a displaced people group who do need a State but taking away land from Israel is an act of National suicide for any and all Nations who participate in this farce.

Perhaps it is time for another scripture; If the verse quoted above from Zechariah did not get your attention this one certainly should.

Please remember as you read this that we are seeing (and have been for some time) a continuing fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter 37, the restoration of Israel and her peoples, as Jews from just about every nation on earth go up to the land of Israel to once again live their lives (to make Aliya).

Amos chapter 3 verses 1-2. "For behold, in those days (my emphasis added---the end times), and at that time, WHEN I BRING BACK THE CAPTIVES OF JUDA AND JERUSALEM, I will also gather ALL Nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat (also known as the Kidron Valley. This valley stretches from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea and is east of Jerusalem between the Temple Mount and the Mount of Olives), AND I WILL ENTER INTO JUDGEMENT with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; THEY HAVE ALSO DIVIDED UP MY LAND"!

The current actions by the United States and the United Nations is an all out effort to divide up God's land.

This is scary folks and we are getting close to things happening in this world that us older folks only heard about in Sunday school when we were young.

Depending upon which web site you look up there are between 189 and 193 countries in this world. All but two of those are members of the United Nations.

However it is interesting to note that only 70 Nations have been invited to the Paris France Middle East peace talks, so what is up with that?

Some of our Jewish brethren are quick to point out that many of the Rabbinical scholars have believed for a very long time that the number "70" Nations is representative of all the Nations of the world. In deference to them they believe this because there were 70 sons and grandsons of Noah who went out to occupy various lands which later became the early Nations of the world.

Of course there are many more Nations than that now but remember that the events of both World Wars 1 and 2 altered the landscape drastically and over the centuries prior to those wars very many countries, Kingdoms and National boundaries have changed on countless occasions.

Don't forget that right now the newly elected President of The United States has sworn to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The order for that to begin happening could come as early as the 20th of January, just 5 days after the Paris peace talks. Already several Arab and Middle Eastern Nations are threatening war if that happens and of course the Palestinians are leading the charge.

Why would there be war over moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem? Because by doing so the New President (with the backing of a considerable bipartisan congressional vote) would essentially be recognizing the entire unified City of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel.

This of course flies in the face of the United Nations and most Muslim Countries who consider the Temple Mount as their third Holiest religious site on this planet. Tiny Israel with a population of a bit more than 7 million people is surrounded by an Arab, Turkish and Persian (Iran) population of well over 600 million people most of whom hate Israel and who consider Jerusalem to be their property.

Many people think that Psalm 83 speaks of a war to completely wipe Israel off the face of the map.

Could this be a possibility in the near future?

Well, there is lot's of thought provoking material here for you to study so you decide for yourself.

In the mean while, if you are the slightest bit uncertain about your relationship with Jesus, now is definitely the time to get serious.

The question is? When will God's wrath against the Nations be unleashed?

I personally tremble at the thought.

God bless you all.
Pastor Rance.