Sunday, September 16, 2012

War or no war, THAT is the question?

Dear friends and readers,

Peace and grace to you in Jesus name!

Since my last article, our family has suffered two deaths of loved ones, moved our household to an entirely new location, moved several staff members households, and traveled extensively. That does not include 5 funerals (two of them babies---the worst for any pastor), a wedding and other ministry responsibilities. And, the list goes on and on.

During my cyber space absence, I have been gratified to see that many new folks have logged on to my various articles and that our readership has grown to 83 countries on this site alone. Also we are thankful that there has been great interest in both and

Thank you one and all for your patience and loyalty.

LET THERE BE A DRUM ROLE PLEASE!!! I'm back! By the way, the drum role is not for your sake but for mine. I have lots and lots to say and now FINALLY perhaps I can resume getting it said.

What I want to touch on today is the pending great---perhaps immediate, possibility of war in the Middle East.

First however, For those of you who are new to my writing style, please allow me to fill you in; First, I never ever use any of my blogs to push my own political agenda. Second, I have studied the Bible and Biblical prophecy for a great portion of my adult life---and no I am not going to tell you how long that is but here is a hint! While not being personally privy to the Exodus of  Israel from Egypt under the leadership of Moses, I most certainly did witness the rebirth of Israel in May of 1948. And no, I was not a baby at the time.

So, the long and short of it is that I have been around for awhile. Seen it and heard it. Been there and done that.

All that to say that I think my read on what may happen in the near future is as good a guess as anyone's. "Whoa" you might be thinking, "did I read that correctly??? Did he actually just say he is GUESSING"?

Well, more correctly put, my vast storehouse of knowledge relevant to both Biblical prophecy in relation to current events---tempered with lots of study is, well yes---well informed guess work about what may or may not happen in the next few weeks.

The only difference between myself and many another writer is that I have the temerity and audacity to admit it! Ok, Ok, before anyone writes me a nasty gram and tells me that "temerity and audacity" mean virtually the same thing---I KNOW THAT! But, I just thought that putting them together in the same sentence had a nice ring to it. Call it literary license if you like, but it does represent a truth about EVERYONE who writes about Biblical prophecy.

The truth? No matter who we are! No matter how many letters of the alphabet we have after our last names, no matter how many years in the ministry, no matter how well read and studied we are. No matter how many articles we have published or awards earned-------NO ONE alive on this earth today can think with the mind of God!

The Word of God (which by the by, I take as being literal), explains to us that God tells His Holy Prophets before He does things. Also Jesus Christ who is the Son of God---and the ONLY MESSIAH of this world, clearly stated that we should be able to discern "THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES"!

So, can we have another drum role please? Who among you cannot clearly see that this old world is in big, big trouble right now---and getting worse? BY THE DAY! Come on now, a moment of honesty please. Is your wife worried for her children's tomorrow? Are you concerned about how you are going to feed your family? Do you wake up with the cold sweats worrying about your investments or whether you will have a job tomorrow or even lose your house? Is your country experiencing military dictatorship, drought, famine, natural disasters, crooked politicians?

If not, you are among the blessed few no matter where in the world you may be reading this article from.

So, before we talk about pending war, just one more tidbit of information about "yours truly".

Unlike some of my contemporaries, I do not search the local news daily, looking for something that I can conveniently fit into the puzzle of Biblical prophecy. Rather, I look at long range trends of world events with the occasional exception of some colossal event like the monumentally fulfilled prophecy of Israel.  This Nation crawled out of the ash heap of history to once again become a Nation on May 14, 1948, AFTER nearly 2000 years of non existence! Of course the Jewish people were always scattered around the world as a people group but one would have to be deaf, dumb and blind (or not reading his or her Bible) not to recognize that spectacular event as having been orchestrated by the hand of God!

Over the years, Israel's very existence has been challenged more times than I can count. She has been conquered, raped, pillaged and sent into captivity. Israel has been utterly destroyed. Jerusalem (the City of Peace), over its lifetime that exceeds 3000 years, has been attacked over 50 times, besieged at least 23 times, and destroyed twice.

It is the ONLY---did you hear that? THE ONLY Nation that has been utterly and completely destroyed---ever in the history of the world--- that once again became a Nation, including ALL of the following;

Israel has the same name as in Ancient times. Same people group as in ancient times, Same name for it's money as in ancient times, Same name for many of it's cities as in ancient times! SAME LANGUAGE as in ancient times. Well, ok so now they have new words in their vocabulary for helicopter, Uzi, nuclear weapons (which of course they do not have---heh,heh, heh!)

And once again they are being threatened with total and complete extinction. And that threat, by virtually every single country that touches their boarders (some exceptions but those are fewer by the day).

One would think that after resounding victories by Israel in the wars of 1948, 1967 and 1973---plus lot's of major skirmishes, that her surrounding enemy countries would get a clue! They are not going to beat Israel.

The reason for this is because the God of eternity, the God of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, calls Israel "THE APPLE OF HIS EYE". He has chosen the Jewish people as His own special people and no matter how much the fringe element of Christianity (the replacement theology folks) try to deny it, God loves Israel and always will.

Do you remember the old song that says, "don't spit in the wind or step on Superman's cape"? Pretty silly to do either, don't you think? You may as well add to that list, picking a fight, IN ANY FORM,  with Israel.

Well, my friends picking a fight with Israel is the same as sticking your finger up God's nose! It wasn't a good idea for King Nebuchadnezzar, it wasn't a good idea for the Roman Caesar, It wasn't a good idea for the ancient Philistines, it wasn't a good idea for Adolf Hitler, it wasn't a good idea for Evil Haman of the ancient Persian Empire and it is NOT A GOOD IDEA for modern day Iran (which is still ancient Persia).

I purchased a t-shirt on one of my treks to Israel that graphically tells the entire story; On the back of the shirt is a score sheet of sorts and here is what it says:

NATION                                                  STATUS

Ancient Egypt                                           GONE

Philistine Empire                                       GONE

Assyrian Empire                                        GONE

Babylonian Empire                                    GONE

Persian Empire                                           GONE

Greek Empire                                             GONE

Roman Empire                                           GONE

Byzantine Empire                                       GONE

Crusaders                                                    GONE

Spanish Empire                                           GONE

Nazi Germany                                             GONE

Soviet Union                                               GONE

Iran                                               ??? What do you think?

And what do every one of these old dynasties have in common? They either tried to annihilate Israel or the Jewish people.

And now, once again we have ancient Persia (in the form of modern day Iran) making the same humongous mistake. Trying in vane to do something that cannot be done. Why? based upon pure hatred and religious fervor!

I mean no offense to the millions upon millions of Iranian citizens who I am certain do not want another war. But as far as the leadership of Iran is concerned, a simple history lesson should tell them that to try and pick on Israel is to pick on God Himself.

That my friends is called being "stuck of stupid"!

I will tell you that the United States had better watch it's step where Israel is concerned! The current leadership is showing ever increasing signs of becoming an enemy of Israel even though a huge portion of the U.S. population clearly stands in support of Israel. The Bible tells us that in "the end times" the entire world will become Israel's enemy and will suffer accordingly at the hand of God Himself.

So, do I think that there is a very real and threatening possibility that war is on the immediate horizon in the Middle East? Is this prophesied by the Bible? Yes, I think it is. When exactly will this take place? I don't know but I do think that it may be very very close.

There is a war prophesied in Psalm 83. When we take a look at the nations mentioned, they can all be  traced forward through the centuries to current nations surrounding Israel or in the immediate geographical proximity today. Clearly these nations and organizations will once again come against God's people. And this is what is said of these nations:

 "---O my God, make them like the whirling dust, like the chaff before the wind! As the fire burns the woods, and as the flame sets the mountain on fire, so pursue them with your tempest, and frighten them with your storm. Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek your name O Lord, let them be confounded and dismayed forever; yes, let them be put to shame and perish---"!

So, this could be the fate of any attacking armies surrounding Israel today. But, that still leaves unanswered, the fate of Iran itself since there is considerable land mass between the two countries. In another area of scripture Iran (Persia) is specifically mentioned (in league with other nations) as attacking Israel and being wiped out to 1/5 of  their populations. (note---the 1/5 portion is listed in the original king James version of the Bible). This war which I believe is still yet future is listed in Ezekiel chapters 38-39. Good reading for those of you who are interested. But I do not think this is the war that we may be looking at very soon.

So what IS the real scoop? Well frankly, this is where educated guess work comes in. No one knows for certain until it happens---if it happens at all.

However, the facts cannot be denied. The United States has always "had Israel's back", but, todays political climate is very different and clearly the U.S. President and the Israeli Prime Minister are not friends.  There is great enmity between them.  Interestingly enough,  there may be only one modern nation today who's leadership stands solidly behind Israel and that nation is Canada, who unfortunately does not have the firepower to really back up Israel in a massive regional war.

With Iran DAILY threatening Israel with total extinction, coupled with a highly suspected drive to develop it's own nuclear weapons, Israel is feeling extremely isolated and in danger of another holocaust. As a result we hear on nearly every evening news program, speculation about whether Israel will launch a preemptive strike against Iran. If that happens, Iran would most certainly respond. BUT, several of the nations surrounding Israel today (many of those listed in Psalm 83) are proxy terrorist puppet nations for Iran. Iran arms them and trains their terrorist factions. So if such an attack becomes a reality and Israel "pulls the trigger" it could easily drag most of the Middle East countries into a very ugly confrontation.

Yes, I know, speculation at best. But is it, really? Right now, in my opinion, may be the first time in modern history that an Israeli Prime Minister actually has a sitting U.S. President over a very large barrel. The U.S. Presidential elections are mere weeks away. The current President has demonstrated time and again that he prefers the company of the Muslim nations over that of Israel. He is not a friend to Israel and they know it.

Historically, American Jews vote Democratic and will probably do so in support the current U.S. President in the upcoming elections;  unless of course, they feel that Israel is in danger!  The President also has some following in the Christian community and even among some Evangelical voters who by and large are great supporters of Israel.

Then of course there is a huge centrist voting block who are neither Democrats or Republicans. Many of these people also solidly support Israel and may not make up their minds about who to vote for in the next election until they walk into the voting booth.

The Prime Minister of Israel, whether you are a fan or not, is undeniably an extremely astute politician who understands exactly what is happening and what the chances are of success for a preemptive strike against Iran. He also understands the ramifications for Israel depending upon who the next U.S. President may be.

In that knowledge lies the "crux of the biscuit" so to speak.  That is the huge political barrel that the Prime Minister understands that his nemesis, the U.S. President is now firmly over.

If The Prime Minister launches a preemptive attack against Iran before---and anywhere close to the U.S. Presidential election, then the current President will be faced with an unenviable choice. If he leaves Israel to her own devices---in other words does not come in militarily and help Israel, he can kiss his chances for reelection good by. Why? Because he will immediately lose any (and probably all) Evangelical Christian voters, a huge portion of the American Jewish voters and (I believe) most of the centrist undecided voters as well.

This is a very close election and the current President cannot afford to cast aside ANY voters if he has any hope whatsoever of staying in office another 4 years.

On the other hand, IF the current President decides to back Israel militarily, he may lose a huge portion of the left wing vote of the Democratic party base.  Either way,  for him this is a lose--lose situation. Don't think for a moment that Israel's leadership team are not fully aware of this. Also don't forget that the Israeli political system is somewhat different. The Israeli Prime Minister can make the decision to launch an attack or even an all out war----ON HIS OWN! He may lose the next election for it but he has the ability to do so.

The only real question is, does he currently posses the political muscle in his own country to call the shot?

So, I have a question for you to think about?

If you were the Israeli Prime Minister and you were facing daily REGIONAL threats that your entire nation and all it's people could be wiped out by religious extremists who are working hard on developing nuclear capabilities; AND, you could clearly see that you have a once in a lifetime advantage in setting this threatening nation back several years through a preemptive strike; and, you knew you had the most powerful man in the world over a political barrel--------???

Or, it could all simply come and go as just another Middle East hiccup.

Well, you decide,

God bless you all,
Pastor Rance.
P.S. Don't you just hate the "doomer and gloomers"? I do. It is always bad news. But on the other hand, if this war should break out---no matter when that might be, what do you think will happen to the price of crude oil? Or the stock markets of the world? Or the worlds investment and banking houses? Or the immense cost to multiple nations for another war of this magnitude? Or to your sons and daughters who will be called upon to fight that war?

OR, perhaps it is simply best to just throw Israel to the wolves! ??? NOT ME!

1 comment:

Brandy Cook said...

Excellent article Rance. May this article stir hearts to seek the Lord while He may be found.