Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Israel in Prophecy!

Dear friends and readers

Peace and grace to all of you in the Great Name of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ)!

Israel is a "HOT BUTTON" topic nearly everywhere in the world. You either love Israel or hate Her. Of course there are those that also know little of Israel and then only what they have occasionally heard on the evening news. Today I will discuss with you, literally the most hotly contested piece of real estate on the planet. Also, why supporting Israel is not only wise and Holy but a matter of literal self preservation!

First however, please allow me to sincerely welcome new readers in the countries of Belgium and Sri Lanka. I am most gratified that you would honor me in this fashion. Since my computer is geared toward production of this blog, it is equipped with software enabling me to know just how many people read each article, the country and often State that it is being read within AND-------------Can you believe this? I can zero down on my "LIVE TRAFFIC MAP" and see in most cases the exact block in your city that you are reading from.

Why is this important? Well, for starters, if "little ole me" can do that from my private office on my iMAC, can you imagine just how much information can be obtained instantly by the HUGE Corporations and Federal Governmental agencies of the world? Even this is Biblically prophetic in nature. Before you say, "come on now Rance, you can stretch this prophecy thing too far"! Consider the following scripture that was written within the context of the END TIMES, just prior to the second Coming of Jesus Christ!

Daniel (One of the foremost Biblical Prophets)---speaking at about the time of 500 B.C. which is over 600 years before Christ first advent, outlined somethings that would happen in the future. For Us today, looking backwards, Daniel was speaking about 2500 years ago about things that are now taking place in our generations. Also he spoke about things that are yet to come including the future seven years of tribulation, the antichrist and various battles leading up to the huge battle of Armageddon.

Specifically in Chapter 12, Daniel is repenting for his own sins and those of Israel, and the Angel Gabriel is sent to speak with him about the future tribulation period of 7 years. Within that context he states the following: Verse 4," But you Daniel (having received a vision from God---Cook's comment), shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end: MANY WILL RUN TO AND FRO, AND KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE" .

Three days from now (October 26), Brandy and I fly non stop to Israel to lead a tour of the Holy Land and this will be our 7th trip. Our flight to the other side of the world is just 14 hours, at somewhere over 35,000 feet in altitude at about 600 miles per hour. In my ministry life I have traveled to Russia, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, India, Malaysia, Africa, Mexico, Canada, Israel and Jordan plus lots of the United States and many countries along the way for airline lay overs. While that may not qualify me as a world traveler, it is something that no man could do just 100 years ago, at least at those speeds while watching movies and eating peanuts along the way.

As we grow and mature in our lives, we seldom consider the (for us) unknown past because we have never lived it. The fact is that from the dawn of time, mankind has basically traveled on foot or by horse and camel back for thousands of years. We are not the slightest bit more intelligent than multiple hundreds of millions of people that went before us and who never knew the pleasures of a hot shower or a toaster! When compared to the entire course of human history, until very recently only birds could fly. There were no cell phones during most of my life and I am only 66 years old. Now, my wife, sitting only 25 feet from me in our office, forwards an email which (in Mexico) is sent over telephone lines, then somewhere into cyberspace and blinks itself alive on my computer in under 30 seconds. We talk on Facebook or email to people on the exact other side of the planet and receive an answer back in milliseconds!

A very large portion of this technology is only 20 to 30 years old and ALL of it within 150 years. We are literally witnessing the fulfillment of this prophecy in Daniel chapter 12 verse 4. "---Many will run to and fro and knowledge will increase"! A well known Biblical prophetic writer, GRANT JEFFREY speculated in a recent book that the total sum of human knowledge is now doubling at the possible rate of about every two years. By the way, I recommend his books and you can find him at

I have received questions regarding my last article that dealt with the 10 commandments and specifically the 4th which has to do with a Sabbath days rest. Since we as Christina are SAVED BY GRACE---NOT BY WORKS, the question of how we walk out the God given requirement of observing the Sabbath, is something that followers of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ, have grappled with for the past two thousand years. I will answer these questions in a full length article when we return from Israel in December. Right now however, I want to talk to you about Israel which is described by God as "THE APPLE OF HIS EYE"!

Now, ISRAEL! Oh wretched man that I am, where to begin! How can I possibly explain to you just how important this tiny strip of land is for ALL of mankind! I suppose that it is summed up by Zechariah chapter 2 verse 8. The prophet was being spoken to by an Angel much the same as Daniel was spoken to by the Angel Gabriel. Zechariah is told exactly the position of importance that Israel (Zion) occupies in the Mind and Heart of God! "For thus says the Lord of Hosts: He sent me after glory, to the NATIONS THAT PLUNDER YOU; For he who touches you touches the APPLE OF HIS EYE"!

QUESTION??? How many of you reading this would knowingly and intentionally shove your finger into God's eye? Well the tragic truth is that knowingly or not, most of the countries of the world are doing exactly that at this very moment. Shockingly, very many people claiming to be Christians are also doing the same thing! HOW SO? There is a doctrine within several Christian denominations today that is called "REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY"! There are also other names for it but for now we will settle for the most popular.

I am aghast by the fact that there are several seminaries teaching this frankly apostate doctrine. Basically it says that God no longer honors His Covenant promises to Israel and therefore the Church is now the replacement for Israel. This article is not specifically about that but for those of you reading this, please consider the following: According to His own Words, God cannot lie. He also never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His Covenants are forever and cannot pass away. So, if God changed His mind about His promises to Israel, then He is NOT the same always, He lied to his chosen people (the Jews) and his Covenants cannot be relied upon! If that is the case then what makes us who are followers of Messiah Yeshua, think that same God would not also someday cancel His NEW COVENANT which was written with the blood of His only begotten Son? You cannot have it both ways. God either keeps His word or He does not keep His word? Which is it for you? You decide but I sincerely urge you to do so based upon what the Bible has to say on this subject rather than some form of disinformation you may have received from the lips of mankind!

My time with you regarding the importance of Israel will certainly take more than one article. So I think it best to begin with a personal story and set the stage for why I feel as passionately as I do about Israel. By the way, when I speak of ISRAEL, I am speaking of far more than fascinating archeological digs, ancient cities, first century churches, synagogues and musty old crusader castles. Israel is something and somewhere that simply defies logic. At the risk of seeming hyper spiritual, there is a palpable, unexplainable feeling in Israel that permeates the atmosphere.

Israel is far more than just another patch of dirt in the Middle East. The Jewish people themselves are a fantastically rich culmination of centuries old culture combined with? Well, someday perhaps I will figure that out! For me of course the real story lies within the Jews who have discovered that Jesus Christ is the true Messiah. These people are the real living stones of Israel. And it is for them that my heart of hearts yearns daily. BUT EVEN MORE SO for my many Jewish friends who have yet to recognize Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus the Messiah) as the Son of God!

When Israel became a Nation once again (in fulfillment of several ancient Biblical prophecies) on May 14, 1948, I was just 4 years old. How many of us have memories of that tender age? One of the things I remember fairly vividly is visiting my Grandparents home. They had one of the first tiny little round screen black and white televisions. My Grandmother was a solid believer but My Grandfather was not. He had been a type setter at the Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper for most of his career including all through WW II. I remember that whenever the subject of Israel or the Jewish people were spoken of on TV, my Grandfather would just simply "RAIL" against them. Of course I had no idea why he would do that but I do remember being fascinated by any mention of Israel. That fascination has never left me. I am certainly no prophet of God but I can identify with Jeremiah. In chapter 20:9 he is describing how it felt to have the Word of God in his heart like a burning fire shut up in his bones! Well that is the way I feel about both the Word of God and Israel and what is happening to her and the Jewish people to this very day.

For those that say the modern day Israel is not perfect nor are the Jewish people, you are right. Just as right as saying that the church is not yet perfect and neither are her people. They make mistakes just like we do. They are sometimes almost as ugly spiritually as some Christians that I have met. Not me of course (just kidding Lord)! What we are witnessing right now is God bringing the Jews back to their land so they will BECOME perfected through their Messiah. At the same time He is building the Church which is made up of both Jew and gentile alike who have placed their faith in Yeshua (Jesus Christ). When that happens, according to (Ephesians 2:14) the middle wall of separation is broken down between Jew and Gentile. The word GENTILE refers to ANY non Jewish person on the face of this earth. It is literally through (and only through) the Messiah of Israel that salvation can be obtained.

I began by saying that Israel is the APPLE OF GOD'S EYE! It was Israel that God chose to be His people first through Abraham, then confirmed through his son Isaac and then again through Isaac's son Jacob who's name was changed by God to "ISRAEL"! For some Christians today, it seems to be an insult to say that the Jews are the CHOSEN PEOPLE OF GOD! If they are the Chosen ones then where does that leave the Church? There is no mystery here. Romans Chapter 11 clearly explains it all.

A careful read of this chapter of scripture reveals a startling plan was Divinely inspired before the foundation of the world. Paul begins in verse one by saying this "I say then, has God cast away His people? Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. (2) God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew-------"!

There is a very great deal of spiritual meat in chapter 11 but the point is that Paul describes Israel as "THE OLIVE TREE". He tells us that the Jews are the natural branches of that OLIVE TREE and that Gentile believers in Yeshua are wild olive branches that God grafts into the tree which is Israel. Now for some Christians, this has created some confusion, not by Paul but by our lack of understanding. When we accept Yeshua as our Lord, we DO NOT BECOME JEWS! When Jews come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ (the very same YESHUA) as their long awaited Messiah, THEY DO NOT STOP BEING JEWS! There is no requirement for them to leave their culture or even their synagogues.

These Jews who have received Yeshua as their Messiah have a very long history going all the way back to the first century church which began predominantly as Jewish in nature. Many of the sect of the Pharisees became followers of Yeshua immediately after His resurrection from the grave. The Pharisees religious doctrine allowed for resurrection from the grave and so when they personally witnessed Yeshua walking the streets AFTER they knew for certain that He had died on the cross---WELL??? What else could they believe?

Other sects of the Sanhedrin (ruling religious body of Jews) such as the Sadducees, did not accept the doctrine of resurrection from the dead and therefore rejected Yeshua as the Messiah even though they had also witnessed this miraculous event. There has never been one single moment in history since the cross that there has not been a remnant of Jewish believers in Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel. Today, many people refer to these folks as MESSIANIC Jews. Some have pastors and attend churches and some have believing Rabbi's and attend Synagogues. Their numbers are increasing worldwide which is yet another indication that we are in the end times (more on that later).

I will expand on the subject of the importance of Israel in later articles. But for now, my friends if the seed of replacement theology has been planted in your heart, please please go back to your Bible and find out for yourself what it says. Begin by reading Romans chapter 11.

Three days from now (October 26), Brandy, Santiago and I are flying to Israel to lead a tour group for the next 15 days. After that we have two additional weeks in the Holy Land to work on ministry projects and take the last few days off at a bed and breakfast overlooking the Sea of Galilee.

During that time I will not be posting full articles but we will post Facebook entries and short paragraphs frequently on this blog. They will let you know our progress, where we are in Israel, and what we are experiencing. We would like to take you all with us but reading our blog and Facebook entries will most likely whet your appetite for a trip at sometime in your own immediate future. If you have any emergencies that we need to know about or prayer requests, you can contact our administrative assistant, Renee Cody at

Please see our itinerary below so you can follow along with us on our trip. REMEMBER, we will not be sending out email notifications regarding our blog and Facebook posts so check in frequently while we are away. For Facebook look for me under "RANCE COOK" and for Brandy under "BRANDY COOK ( KELLER)".


WED Oct 27 – Cook family arrives to Israel. Transfer to the Dan Panorama hotel in Tel Aviv. Study and prepare to receive tour group. Dinner and overnight in Tel Aviv.

THU Oct 28 – Explore Tel Aviv and ancient City of Jaffa.

FRI Oct 29 – Tour group arrives to Israel. Transfer to the hotel in Tel Aviv. Tour briefing by Pastor Rance. Dinner and overnight in Tel Aviv.

SAT Oct 30 -Walking tour on ancient City of Jaffa (ancient Joppa) by Pastor Rance and Brandy. Lunch in cafe along the seaside. Tour guide, Allan Rabinowitz arrives and briefs group . Overnight in TLV.

SUN Oct 31 - Independence Hall. Travel to Caesarea for extended teaching time and praise and worship with Brandy in the ancient Roman amphitheater. Dinner and overnight in Haifa at the Dan Carmel hotel.

MON Nov 01 - Vist ICEJ's Home for Holocaust Survivors in Haifa, Megiddo overlooking the Jezreel valley (the site of future battle of Armageddon), Muhraka, (lunch at Druze falafel cafe). Drive through Cana & Nazareth, tour Nazareth Village. Overnight in the Galilee at Maagan Kibbutz .

TUE NOV 02 - 1st thing in a.m. - Fishing boat ride and stop in the center of the Sea of Galilee for prayer and praise and worship with Brandy. Extended teaching time with pastor Rance. View ancient "JESUS" boat display, Prayer and teaching on the Mt. of Beatitudes, St. Peter's fish restaurant for lunch, Capernaum, Tabgha, in p.m. time to walk around Tiberias at night. Dinner and overnight in the Galilee.

WED Nov 03 - Tour the Galilee Experience, Prayer and teaching time atop Mt. Arbel overlooking the entire Galilee area. Tiberias for lunch at falafel stand. Pastor Rance performs Jordan River baptisms. Dinner and overnight in the Galilee

THU Nov 04 - Entire day of exploration of huge ancient Roman City of Beit Shean. Praise and worship in Roman coliseum with Brandy and extended teaching time with pastor Rance. Arrive @ Dead Sea by 3:00 p.m. Dinner and overnight at the Dead Sea resort of Daniel Dead Sea hotel.

FRI Nov 05 - Masada for extended teaching time, Dead Sea exploration, Ein Gedi (Praise and worship where king David hid from King Saul and wrote many of the Psalms). Tour Qumran where the Dead Sea scrolls were found, drive to Mt. Scopus for first view of Jerusalem overlooking the Temple Mount.

SAT Nov 06 – Day at leisure and individual exploration of Jerusalem.

SUN Nov 07 – Mount of Olives, Walk the Palm Sunday path to Dominus Flevit Chapel (Brandy sings Via Delarosa--the acoustics are tremendous) and visit the Garden of Gethsemane. Continue to Mount Scopus, and then Mount Zion, the site of the Upper Room, and the Kidron Valley, walk the Via Dolorosa, If possible, ascend the Temple Mount, pool of Bethesda.

MON Nov 08 - Old City of Jerusalem. Jewish Quarter, Temple Institute. Southern Wall archaeological park and tour the Rabbinic Tunnels under the Wall, also the Western (Wailing) Wall for prayer and extended teaching time, Burnt House of Kathros, Shop in Old City "shuk".

TUE Nov 09 - New City of Jerusalem. Yad Vashem Holocaust museum, Israel Museum, Shrine of the Book, model of 1st Century Jerusalem.

WED Nov 10 - Walk the walls, (Old City Ramparts) of the Old City, walk the Jewish Cardo w/ opportunity for shops, City of David excavations, explore Hezekiah's tunnel, pool of Siloam. Visit the garden tomb of Jesus--pastor Rance ministers communion just outside Garden Tomb. Praise and worship with Brandy.

THU Nov 11 Jerusalem exploration.

FRI Nov 12 Jerusalem exploration. Teaching time plus Guest speaker in the evening.

SAT Nov 13 Jerusalem exploration.

SUN Nov 14 Jerusalem exploration. Teaching time plus Guest speaker in the evening.

MON Nov 15 Jerusalem leisure. Tour group checks out of the hotel at 12:00 noon. Only the Cook family stays overnight with dinner In the early evening, Tour group transfers to Ben Gurion Airport for flight home.

TUE Nov 16 - Very early morning departure flight for the tour group. Cook family checks out of the hotel at 12:00 noon, Family and ministry visits begin.

Cooks stay in Israel for 2 weeks more and departs November 30th for U.S.A.

Well folks, that is our upcoming tour and extended visit to Israel. We will keep you posted. Brandy and I are not in the tour business but we have led tours on several occasions. We specialize in planning tours for churches and groups who perhaps have never been to Israel before. Also, for those who choose to do so, we guide our groups to the Ancient City of Petra in the Nation of Jordan.

Our goal is to take Christians to Israel, where they will someday spend all of eternity worshiping the king of Kings. Would you like to see and experience your future home NOW??? You can and we will gladly help you do so. Talk to your pastor and tell him you know some experienced tour hosts. We would love to take you to the most incredible place on the face of this planet. Let's talk! As soon as we arrive home we will begin planning two more tours. One in English and one in Spanish!

In the meantime, may the Lord continue to bless you in all ways,

Pastor Rance.

1 comment:

Christi said...

praying for you guys, Rance! Blessings and blessings!